We organize a wide range of events and also participate in other university and public events. Here, you can find an overview of our English events.
Events in German
4.3.25 - Thorsten Schumm, TU Wien
Title: Laser Excitation and Spectroscopy of the Thorium-229 Nucleus
04.03.2025 | colloquium | event -
11.3.25 - Augusto Smerzi, CNR-INO, QSTAR & LENS
Title: Entanglement for Quantum Technologies
11.03.2025 | colloquium | event -
1.4.25 - Esra Bulbul, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
Title: TBA
01.04.2025 | colloquium | event -
29.4.25 - Giacomo Roati, LENS Quantum Gases, University of Florence
Title: TBA
29.04.2025 | colloquium | event -
6.5.25 - Ioan Pop, KIT Karlsruhe & Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Title: TBA
06.05.2025 | colloquium | event -
20.5.25 - Andreas Schäfer, Universität Regensburg, Germany
Title: TBA
20.05.2025 | colloquium | event -
27.5.25 - Thomas Müller, Universität Konstanz, Germany
Title: TBA
20.05.2025 | colloquium | event -
3.6.25 - Hannes Pichler and Hannes Bernien, University of Innsbruck
Title: TBA
03.06.2025 | colloquium | event -
Innsbruck Physics Lecture
We invite everyone to this special edition IYQ25 of the Innsbruck Physics Lecture with Prof. David Clary.
11.11.2025 | outreach | event