Inelastic Electron Scattering
Exploring radiation damage on the molecular level
Prof. Stephan Denifl’s research group investigates the fundamental reactions of low-energy electrons with molecules. This research is embedded within the interdisciplinary field of chemical physics in which the physics of the collision as well as the chemical reactions induced by the collision are studied. High resolution electron beam sources combined with mass spectrometry allow to gain insight into the processes of low-energy electrons.
Our research focuses on:
- Anion formation from molecules: We are investigating resonance formation upon electron attachment and the subsequent decay of these resonances.
- Electron ionization of molecules: Employing electron beams with high resolution we can precisely determine the ionization energies of molecules as well as the appearance energy of fragment ions.
- Clustering effects in electron collision processes: We are working on the development of beam sources to micro-solvate molecules. The aim is to study the effect of molecular environment on electron induced processes.

Stefan Denifl
Assoc. Professor (Ion Physics and Applied Physics)
Dr. rer. nat., 2004, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Group page
Department of Ion Physics and Applied Physics, University of Innsbruck

In recent years, Stephan Denifl has set the focus of his research on electron interaction with biologically relevant molecules. For example, jointly with colleagues from the University of Gdansk and the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague he tackled the question if certain radiosensitizer molecules may be applicable in radiation therapy due to their favorable electron attachment properties.