Physics Colloquium
Tuesday, 16:30
Students, Academic Staff
We invite you to our colloquium, which provides insights into various fields of physics and presents current research trends. The colloquium offers not only a platform for professional exchange but also opportunities for networking within the Innsbruck Physics Research Center.
Occasionally, the colloquium is preceded by a pre-talk from the doctoral program Atoms, Light, and Molecules (DK ALM).
Organizers: Katrin Erath-Dulitz, Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, Tim Schrabback
4.3.25 - Thorsten Schumm, TU Wien
Title: Laser Excitation and Spectroscopy of the Thorium-229 Nucleus
11.3.25 - Augusto Smerzi, CNR-INO, QSTAR & LENS
Title: Entanglement for Quantum Technologies