Organisation and structure of the university

The University of Innsbruck is governed by the Rectorate, the University Council and the Senate and is organised into 16 faculties and 86 institutes and interfaculty research foci and research platforms . In addition, there are further 22 organisational units, which are responsible for administration.

The Rectorate manages the university and represents it externally. The precise responsibilities within the Rectorate are set out in the Rectorate's rules of procedure. In the term of office 2023 - 2027, the Rectorate consists of

University Professor Dr Veronika Sexl

Vice rectors:
Prof. Dr Gregor Weihs, Vice-Rector for Research
Prof. Dr Bernhard Fügenschuh, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Students
Dr Irene Häntschl-Erhart, Vice-Rector for Digitalisation and Sustainability
Christian Mathes, Vice-Rector for Finance and Infrastructure

The University Councilis responsible for electing the Rectorate as well as for supervisory, control and management functions. It consists of seven members who hold or have held positions of responsibility in higher education, politics and business.

The Chairman of the University Council is KommR Dr Reinhard Schretter.

The Senate is the university management body in which traditional co-determination is concentrated. The most important decision-making competences relate to study and examination matters - in particular the enactment and amendment of curricula - as well as the enactment and amendment of the statutes.

The Chairman of the Senate is Professor Dr Walter Obwexer.

At each of the universities named in § 6 Z 1 to 21, a works council shall be elected for the academic and artistic staff as well as for the generaluniversity staff in accordance with the provisions of §§ 50 ff ArbVG. The staff representative bodies at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck are the works council for general university staff, with the exception of university lecturers, and the works council for academic staff.

The chairman of Works Council for the general staffis ADir. Erwin Vones.
Chairwoman of Works Council for the scientific staff is Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr Ulrike Hugl.

As elected employee representatives, the Disability Representatives are appointed to represent the economic, social, health and cultural interests of employees with disabilities in the company in consultation with the Works Council.

The Disability Representative for general staff is HR Ing Dr Klaus Miller
Disability representative for the scientific staff is Dr Adolf Sandbichler

Further representation and advice centres

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