Ringvorlesung Klimaschutz

Lec­ture Series Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion

In the winter semester 2024/2025, numerous exciting lectures will once again take place as part of the Climate Protection Lecture Series.

Internal and external scientists will report on their fields of research and present their relevance for our climate. The lecture series is open to the public, i.e. all interested parties - whether members of the University of Innsbruck or not - are cordially invited.

The lecture will be recorded and published on the YouTube channel of the Climate Protection Lecture Series. There are already a number of exciting lectures to listen to here!

Go to the Youtube channel

Students can receive ECTS credits in "Interdisciplinary Competences" if they successfully participate.

The lecture series will take place every Wednesday from 15:30 to 17:00 in the Audimax of the Agnes-Heller-Haus (Innrain 52a). The updated programme for this semester is expected to be published at the beginning of September and can then be viewed on the following page:

Lecture series on climate protection

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