
Quan­tum sim­u­la­tors: When nature reveals its nat­u­ral laws

Quantum simulators are a completely new tool for research: quantum physics is studied by other kinds of quantum physics. Research teams from Innsbruck and Vienna are developing a new method that will allow this new technology to be reliably verified.

How AI helps pro­gram­ming a quan­tum com­puter

Researchers from the University of Innsbruck have unveiled a novel method to prepare quantum operations on a given quantum computer, using a machine learning generative model to find the appropriate sequence of quantum gates to execute a quantum operation. The study, recently published in Nature Machine Intelligence, marks a significant step forward in unleashing the full extent of quantum computing.

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Current Guests

Mar.24 - Mar.30: Kritika Jain, OIST, Japan
Contact: Arpita Pal|Topic: Scientific collaboration, seminar talk

Mar.23 - Apr.12: Sankalp Sharma, Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń , Poland
Contact: Farokh Mivehvar|Topic: Scientific collaboration

Feb. 1 -Mar. 31: Jessica Illiano, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Contact: Wolfgang Dür |Topic: AURORA Cooperation

Feb. 1 - Jun.1: Francesco Mazza, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Contact: Wolfgang Dür |Topic: AURORA cooperation

Talks & Seminars

Workshops & Conferences

About us

The Institute for Theoretical Physics is part of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics at the University of Innsbruck. With over 80 employees our institute is one of the largest ones of the University of Innsbruck.

The doctoral college „Atoms, Light and Molecules“ installed in the year 2016 and funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF serves as a training center for highly qualified and motivated academic talents from the national and international scientific community and we are glad to be part of it. This further intensifies the cooperation among scientists within the Special Research Program BeyondC (SFB F71), which connects theoretical and experimental research groups from Innsbruck and Vienna. The consortium aims to develop and exploit new methods and tools to describe, characterize, validate, and manipulate quantum systems in order to achieve the experimental regime of quantum systems for quantum superiority, the ability of quantum computing devices to solve problems that their classical counterparts cannot. The Institute of Theoretical Physics is also part of the Quantum Science Austria (quantA) cluster of excellence, which is further advancing fundamental research in the quantum sciences.

Additionally the technological capabilities have been improved recently by jointly used state-of-the-art facilities.

Information about the history of our institute


Institut für Theoretische Physik
Technikerstraße 21A
A-6020 Innsbruck

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Dür
Birgit Laimer

Tel. +43 512 507 52203
Fax +43 512 507 52299

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