A complete list of publications of Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch can be found on Google Scholar. Publication lists of group members can be found on their individual webpages.
- W. Schirmacher, T. Franosch, M. Leonetti, G. Ruocco, Three-dimensional Anderson localization of light in materials with fluctuating electric and magnetic properties, Optics Express 32, 41776-41789 (2024) see also for open access
- Y. Baouche, T. Franosch, M. Meiners, Ch. Kurzthaler, Active Brownian particle under stochastic orientational resetting, New Journal of Physics 26, 073041 (2024) see also for open access
- T. Franosch, R. Schilling, Thermodynamic properties of quasi-one-dimensional fluids, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 224504 (2024)
- M. Caraglio, C. Micheletti, and E. Orlandini, Unraveling the Influence of Topology and Spatial Confinement on Equilibrium and Relaxation Properties of Interlocked Ring Polymers, Macromolecules 57, 3223 (2024)
- M. Caraglio, H. Kaur, L.J. Fiderer, A. López-Incera, H.J. Briegel, T. Franosch, and G. Muñoz-Gil, Learning how to find targets in the micro-world: the case of intermittent active Brownian particles, Soft Matter 20, 2008 (2024) see also for open access
- Y. Zhao, Ch. Kurzthaler, N. Zhou, J. Schwarz-Linek, C. Devailly, J. Arlt, J.-D. Huang, W. Poon, T. Franosch, V. Martinez and J. Tailleur, Quantitative characterization of run-and-tumble statistics in bulk bacterial suspensions, Physical Review E 109, 014612 (2024) see also for open access
- R. Rusch, T. Franosch and G. Jung, Noise-cancellation algorithm for simulations of Brownian particles, Physical Review E 109, 015303 (2024) see also for open access
- Ch. Kurzthaler, Y. Zhao, N. Zhou, J. Schwarz-Linek, C. Devailly, J. Arlt, J.-D. Huang, W. Poon, T. Franosch, J. Tailleur and V. Martinez, Characterization and Control of the Run-and-Tumble Dynamics of Escherichia Coli, Physical Review Letters 132, 038302 (2024) see also for open access
- H. Kaur, T. Franosch and M. Caraglio, Adaptive active Brownian particles searching for targets of unknown positions, Machine Learning: Science and Technology 4, 035008 (2023) see also for open access
- W. Dong, T. Franosch, R. Schilling, Thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and the vanishing pore width limit of confined fluids, Communications Physics 6, 121 (2023)
- F. Di Trapani, T. Franosch and M. Caraglio, Active Brownian Particles in a circular disk with an absorbing boundary, Physical Review E 107, 064123 (2023) see also for open access
- G. Jung, T. Franosch, Computer simulations and mode-coupling theory of glass-forming confined hard-sphere fluids, Phys. Rev. E 107, 054101 (2023) see also for open access
- A. Squarcini, J. M. Romero-Enrique, A. O. Parry, Derivation of the Casimir contribution to the binding potential for 3D wetting, Mol. Phys. (Thermodynamics 2022, Special Issue) (2023).
- D. B. Mayer, D. Braun, T. Franosch, Thermophoretic motion of a charged single colloidal particle, Phys. Rev. E 107, 044602 (2023) see also for open access.
- D. B. Mayer, T. Franosch, Ch. Mast, D. Braun, Thermophoresis beyond Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Physical Review Letters 130, 168202 (2023).
- L. Zanovello, R.J.G. Löffler, M. Caraglio, T. Franosch, M.M. Hanczyc, and P. Faccioli, Survival Strategies of artificial active agents, Scientific Reports 13, 5616 (2023).
- A. Squarcini, A. Tinti, Droplet-mediated long-range interfacial correlations. Exact field theory for entropic repulsion effects, Journal for High Energy Physics, 123 (2023) see also for open access
- A. Squarcini, A. Tinti, Shape and interfacial structure of droplets. Exact results and simulations, J. Stat. Mech. 013206 (2023)
- A. Squarcini, A. Solon, P. Viot, G. Oshanin, Fractional Brownian Gyrator, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 485001 (2022) see also for open access
- O. Chepizhko, T. Franosch, Resonant Diffusion of a Gravitactic Circle Swimmer, Phys.Rev.Lett. 129, 228003 (2022) see also for open access
- A. Squarcini, E. Marinari, G. Oshanin, L. Peliti, L. Rondoni, Frequency-frequency correlations of single-trajectory spectral densities of Gaussian processes, New J. Phys. 24, 093031 (2022) see also for open access
- M. Caraglio and T. Franosch, Analytic Solution of an Active Brownian Particle in a Harmonic Well, Physical Review Letters 129, 158001 (2022) see also for open access
- A. Squarcini, E. Marinari, G. Oshanin, L. Peliti, L. Rondoni, Noise-to-signal ratio of single-trajectory spectral densities in centered Gaussian processes, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 405001 (2022) see also for open access
- J. L. Sleiman, R. H. Burton, M. Caraglio, Y. A. Gutierrez Fosado, and D. Michieletto, Geometric predictors of knotted and linked arcs, ACS Polymers Au 2, 341 (2022) see also for open access
- G. Jung, T. Franosch, Structural properties of liquids in extreme confinement, Physical Review E 106, 014614 (2022) see also for open access
- A. Villada-Balbuena, G. Jung, A.B. Zuccolotto-Bernez, T. Franosch, S. Egelhaaf, Layering and Packing in Confined Colloidal Suspensions, Soft Matter 18, 4699 (2022)
- T. Franosch, R. Schilling, Erratum: Fluids in Extreme Confinement, Physical Review Letters 128,209902 (2022)
- A. Squarcini, Jose M. Romero-Enrique, Andrew O. Parry, Casimir Contribution to the Interfacial Hamiltonian for 3D Wetting, Physical Review Letters 128,195701 (2022) see also for open access
- A. Squarcini, A. Solon, G. Oshanin, Spectral density of individual trajectories of an active Brownian particle, New J. Phys. 24, 013018 (2022) see also for open access
- G. Amici, M. Caraglio, E. Orlandini, and C. Micheletti, Topological Friction and Relaxation Dynamics of Spatially Confined Catenated Polymers, ACS Macro Lett. 11, 1 (2022)
- M. Ancona, A. Bentivoglio, M. Caraglio, G. Gonnella, and A. Pelizolla, Emergence of effective temperatures in an out-of-equilibrium model of biopolymer folding, Physical Review E 103, 062415 (2021) see also for open access
- L. Zanovello, P. Faccioli, T. Franosch, and M. Caraglio, Optimal navigation strategies of active Brownian particles in target-search problems, Journal of Chemical Physics 155, 084901 (2021) see also for open access
- M. Caraglio, F. Baldovin, and A.L. Stella, How fast does the clock of finance run? - A time definition enforcing stationarity and quantifying overnight duration, Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14, 384 (2021)
- G. Teza, M. Caraglio, and A.L. Stella, Entropic measure unveils country competitiveness and product specialization in the World Trade web, Scientific Report 11, 10189 (2021) see also for open access
- D. Mayer, E. Sarmiento-Gomez, M. Escobedo-Sanchez, J.P. Segoviy-Gutierrez, Ch. Kurzthaler, S.U. Egelhaaf, T. Franosch, Two-dimensional Brownian motion of anisotropic dimers, Physical Review E 104, 014605 (2021) see also for open access
- V. Klippenstein, M. Tripathy, G. Jung, F. Schmid, N. van der Vegt, Introducing Memory in Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulations, J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 4931-4954 (2021)
- N. Bockius, J. Shea, G. Jung, F. Schmid, M. Hanke, Model reduction techniques for the computation of extended Markov parameterizations for generalized Langevin equations, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 214003 (2021) see also for open access
- L. Schrack, C.F. Petersen, M. Caraglio, G. Jung, T. Franosch, Tagged-particle motion in quasi-confined colloidal hard-sphere liquids, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 043301 (2021) see also for open access
- G. Jung, S. Fielding, Wall slip and bulk yielding in soft particle suspensions, Journal of Rheology 65, 199 (2021) see also for open access
- M. Caraglio, L. Schrack, G. Jung, T. Franosch, An improved integration scheme for Mode-coupling-theory equations, Comm. Comp. Phys. 29, 628 (2021) see also for open access
- L. Zanovello, M. Caraglio, T. Franosch, and P. Faccioli, Target search of active agents crossing high energy barriers, Physical Review Letters 126, 018001 (2021) see also for open access
- M. Caraglio, F. Baldovin, B. Marcone, E. Orlandini, and A.L. Stella, Topological disentanglement of linear polymers under tension, Polymers 12, 2580 (2020)
- S. Mandal, Ch. Kurzthaler, T. Franosch, H. Löwen, Crowding-Enhanced Diffusion: An Exact Theory for Highly Entangled Self-Propelled Stiff Filaments, Physical Review Letters 125, 138002 (2020) see also for open access
- G. Jung, L. Schrack, T. Franosch, Tagged-particle dynamics in confined colloidal liquids, Physical Review E 102, 032611 (2020)
- O. Ilina, P. G. Gritsenko, S. Syga, J. Lippoldt, C. AM La Porta, O. Chepizhko, S. Grosser, M. Vullings, G.-J. Bakker, J. Starruß, P. Bult, S. Zapperi, J. A. Käs, A. Deutsch, P. Friedl, Cell–cell adhesion and 3D matrix confinement determine jamming transitions in breast cancer invasion, Nat Cell Biol, 22, 1103–1115 (2020)
- M. C. Lionetti, F. Cola, O. Chepizhko, M. R. Fumagalli, F. Font-Clos, R. Ravasio, S. Minucci, P. Canzano, M. Camera, G. Tiana, S. Zapperi, C. AM La Porta, MicroRNA-222 Regulates Melanoma Plasticity, J. Clin. Med., 9, 2573 (2020)
- L. Schrack, C. F. Petersen, G. Jung, M. Caraglio, T. Franosch, Dynamic properties of quasi-confined colloidal hard-sphere liquids near the glass transition, J. Stat. Mech. 093301 (2020)
- G. Jung, C. F. Petersen, Confinement-induced demixing and crystallization, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 033207 (2020)
- G. Jung, M. Caraglio, L. Schrack, T. Franosch, Dynamical properties of densely packed confined hard-sphere glasses, Phys. Rev. E 102, 012612 (2020)
- G. Jung, Th. Voigtmann, T. Franosch, Scaling equations for mode-coupling theories with multiple decay channels, J. Stat. Mech. 073301 (2020)
- O. Chepizhko, and T. Franosch, Random motion of a circle microswimmer in a random environment, New Journal of Physics 22, 073022 (2020)
- M. C. Lionetti, S. Bonfanti, M. R. Fumagalli, Z. Budrikis, F. Font-Clos, G. Costantini, O. Chepizhko, S. Zapperi, and C. A. M. La Porta, Chromatin and Cytoskeletal Tethering Determine Nuclear Morphology in Progerin-Expressing Cells,Biophysical Journal, 118, 9, 2319-2332 (2020)
- M. Caraglio, E. Orlandini and S. G. Whittington, Translocation of links through a pore: effects of link complexity and size, J. Stat. Mech. 043203 (2020).
- L. Ravazzano, S. Bonfanti, M. C. Lionetti, M. R. Fumagalli, R. Guerra, O. Chepizhko, C. A. M. La Porta, S. Zapperi, Unjamming of active rotators, Soft Matter, 2020, Advance Article
- M. Caraglio, T. Sakaue, and E. Carlon, Transition path times in asymmetric barriers, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 3512 (2020).
- L. Schrack, T. Franosch, Mode-coupling theory of the glass transition for colloidal liquids in slit geometry, Philosophical Magazine 100, 1032-1057 (2020)
- S Mandal, L Schrack, H Löwen, M Sperl, T Franosch, Persistent Anti-Correlations in Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Dense Colloidal Suspensions Revealed by Noise Suppression, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 168001 (2019)
- S.K. Nomidis, M. Caraglio, M. Laleman, K. Phillips, E. Skoruppa, E. Carlon, Twist-bend coupling, twist waves, and the shape of DNA loops , Phys. Rev. E 100, 022402 (2019).
- P Witzel, M Götz, Y Lanoiselée, T Franosch, DS Grebenkov, D Heinrich, Heterogeneities shape passive intracellular transport, Biophysical Journal, 117, 203-213 (2019)
- M. Caraglio, F. Baldovin, B. Marcone, E. Orlandini, A.L. Stella, Topological disentanglement dynamics of torus knots on open linear polymers, ACS Macro Lett. 8, 576 (2019)
- CF Petersen, L Schrack, T Franosch, Static properties of quasi-confined hard-sphere fluids, J. Stat. Mech. 083216 (2019)
- CF Petersen, T Franosch, Anomalous transport in the soft-sphere Lorentz model, Soft Matter, 15, 3906 (2019)
- A. Farhan, M. Saccone, C. F. Petersen, S. Dhuey, R. V. Chopdekar, Y.-L. Huang, N. Kent, Z. Chen, M. J. Alava, T. Lippert, A. Scholl, S. van Dijken, Emergent magnetic monopole dynamics in macroscopically degenerate artificial spin ice, Science Advances, 5 (2), eaav6380, (2019)
- S.K. Nomidis, M. Caraglio, M. Laleman, K. Phillips, E. Skoruppa and E. Carlon, Twist-bend coupling, twist waves, and the shape of DNA loops , Phys. Rev. E 100, 022402 (2019).
- O Chepizhko, T Franosch, Ideal circle microswimmers in crowded media, Soft Matter, 15, 452-461 (2019)
- C. A. M. La Porta, M. C. Lionetti, S. Bonfanti, S. Milan, C. Ferrario, D. Rayneau-Kirkhope, M. Beretta, M. Hanifpour, U. Fascio, M. Ascagni, L. De Paola, Z. Budrikis, M. Schiavoni, E. Falletta, A. Caselli, O. Chepizhko, A. Tuissi, A. Vailati, S. Zapperi, Metamaterial architecture from a self-shaping carnivorous plant, PNAS, (2019)
- S Leitmann, S Mandal, M Fuchs, AM Puertas, T Franosch, Time-dependent active microrheology in dilute colloidal suspensions, Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 103301 (2018)
- C Kurzthaler, Elastic behavior of a semiflexible polymer in 3D subject to compression and stretching forces, Soft Matter, 14, 7634-7644 (2018)
- C Kurzthaler, C Devailly, J Arlt, T Franosch, WCK Poon, VA Martinez, AT Brown, Probing the spatiotemporal dynamics of catalytic Janus colloids with single-particle tracking and differential dynamic microscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 078001 (2018)
- S Mandal, T Franosch, Th. Voigtmann, How Glassy Relaxation Slows Down by Increasing Mobility, Soft Matter 14, 9152 (2018)
- S Leitmann, O Bénichou, T Franosch, Time-dependent dynamics of the three-dimensional driven lattice Lorentz gas, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 375001 (2018)
- C. F. Petersen, A. Farhan, S. Dhuey, Z. Chen, J. M. Alava, A. Scholl, S. van Dijken, Tuning magnetic ordering in a dipolar square-kite tessellation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 092403 (2018)
- O Chepizhko, MC Lionetti, C Malinverno, C Giampietro, G Scita, S Zapperi, CAM La Porta, From jamming to collective cell migration through a boundary induced transition, Soft Matter, 14, 3774-3782 (2018)
- S Leitmann, T Schwab, T Franosch, Time-dependent perpendicular fluctuations in the driven lattice Lorentz gas, Phys. Rev. E 97 (2), 022101 (2018)
- C Kurzthaler, T Franosch, Bimodal probability density characterizes the elastic behavior of a semiflexible polymer in 2D under compression, Soft Matter 14, 2682-2693 (2018)
- C Kurzthaler, T Franosch, Exact solution for the force-extension relation of a semiflexible polymer under compression, Phys. Rev. E 95 (5), 052501 (2017)
- C Kurzthaler, T, Franosch, Intermediate scattering function of an anisotropic Brownian circle swimmer, Soft Matter 13 (37), 6396 - 6406 (2017)
- S Leitmann, T Franosch, Time-Dependent Fluctuations and Superdiffusivity in the Driven Lattice Lorentz Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (1), 018001 (2017)
- S Leitmann, F Höfling, T Franosch, Dynamically crowded solutions of infinitely thin Brownian needles,Phys. Rev. E 96 (1), 012118 (2017)
- S Mandal, T Franosch, Diverging Time Scale in the Dimensional Crossover for Liquids in Strong Confinement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (6), 065901 (2017)
- S Mandal, S Lang, V Boţan, T Franosch, Nonergodicity parameters of confined hard-sphere glasses, Soft Matter 13 (36), 6167 - 6177 (2017)
- S Mandal, M Spanner-Denzer, S Leitmann, T Franosch, Complex dynamics induced by strong confinement – From tracer diffusion in strongly heterogeneous media to glassy relaxation of dense fluids in narrow slits, European Physical Journal-Special Topics 226 (14), 3129 - 3156 (2017)
- C Kurzthaler, S Leitmann, T Franosch, Intermediate scattering function of an anisotropic active Brownian particle, Sci. Rep. 6, 36702 (2016)
- S Leitmann, F Höfling, T Franosch, Tube Concept for Entangled Stiff Fibers Predicts Their Dynamics in Space and Time,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (9), 097801 (2016) - M Spanner, F Höfling, SC Kapfer, KR Mecke, GE Schröder-Turk, T Franosch, Splitting of the Universality Class of Anomalous Transport in Crowded Media, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (6), 060601 (2016)
- F Varnik, T Franosch, Non-monotonic effect of confinement on the glass transition, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 28 (13), 133001 (2016)
- W Schirmacher, B Fuchs, F Höfling, T Franosch, Anomalous Magnetotransport in Disordered Structures: Classical Edge-State Percolation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (24), 240602 (2015)
- S Schnyder, M Spanner, F Höfling, T Franosch, J Horbach, Rounding of the localization transition in model porous media,
- T Franosch, Long-time limit of correlation functions, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47, 325004 (2014)
- S Lang, T Franosch, Tagged-particle motion in a dense confined liquid, Phys. Rev. E 89, 062122 (2014)
- S Lang, T Franosch, R Schilling, Structural quantities of quasi-two-dimensional fluids, J. Chem. Phys. 140 (10), 104506 (2014)
- S Lang, R Schilling, T Franosch, Glassy dynamics in confinement: Planar and bulk limits of the mode-coupling theory,
Phys. Rev. E 90, 062126 (2014) - S Mandal, S Lang, M Gross, M Oettel, D Raabe, T Franosch, F Varnik, Multiple reentrant glass transitions in confined hard-sphere glasses, Nat. Commun. 5, 4435 (2014)
- F Höfling, T Franosch, Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells, Rep. Prog. Phys. 76, 046602 (2013)
- S Lang, R Schilling, T Franosch, Mode-coupling theory for multiple decay channels, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2013, P12007 (2013)
- S Leitmann, T Franosch, Nonlinear Response in the Driven Lattice Lorentz Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (19), 190603 (2013)
- M Spanner, S Schnyder, F Höfling, Th Voigtmann, T Franosch, Dynamic arrest in model porous media—intermediate scattering functions, Soft Matter 9 (5), 1604 - 1611 (2013)
- M Balbas Gambra, C Rohr, K Gruber, BA Hermann, T Franosch, Simulating self-organized molecular patterns using interaction-site models, Eur. Phys. J. E 35, 25 (2012)
- M Grimm, T Franosch, S Jeney, High-resolution detection of Brownian motion for quantitative optical tweezers experiments,
Phys. Rev. E 86, 021912 (2012) - R Schilling, V Krakoviack, S Lang, T Franosch, Mode-coupling theory of the glass transition for confined fluids, Phys. Rev. E 86 (2), 021502 (2012)
- T Franosch, M Grimm, M Belushkin, FM Mor, G Foffi, L Forró, S Jeney, Resonances arising from hydrodynamic memory in Brownian motion, Nature 478 (7367), 85 - 88 (2011)
- M Grimm, S Jeney, T Franosch, Brownian motion in a Maxwell fluid, Soft Matter 7, 2076 - 2084 (2011)
- F Höfling, KU Bamberg, T Franosch, Anomalous transport resolved in space and time by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Soft Matter 7, 1358 - 1363 (2011)
- B Meier, A Zielinski, C Weber, D Arcizet, S Youssef, T Franosch, J Rädler, D Heinrich, Chemotactic cell trapping in controlled alternating gradient fields, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108 (28), 11417 - 11422 (2011)
- A Melbinger, T Reichenbach, T Franosch, E Frey, Driven transport on parallel lanes with particle exclusion and obstruction,
Phys. Rev. E 83 (3), 031923 (2011) - C Rohr, M Gambra, K Gruber, C Höhl, M Malarek, L Scherer, E Constable, T Franosch, B Hermann, Predicting the influence of a p2-symmetric substrate on molecular self-organization with an interaction-site model, Phys. Chem. Comm. 47, 1800 - 1802 (2011)
- S Schnyder, F Höfling, T Franosch, Th Voigtmann, Long-wavelength anomalies in the asymptotic behavior of mode-coupling theory, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 23, 234121 (2011)
- M Spanner, F Höfling, G Schröder-Turk, K Mecke, T Franosch, Anomalous transport of a tracer on percolating clusters,
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 23 (23), 234120 (2011) - T Franosch, M Spanner, T Bauer, G Schröder-Turk, F Höfling, Space-resolved dynamics of a tracer in a disordered solid,
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357 (2), 472 - 478 (2011)
- T Franosch, F Höfling, T Bauer, E Frey, Persistent memory for a Brownian walker in a random array of obstacles,
Chem. Phys. 375 (2-3), 540 - 547 (2010) - T Franosch, F Höfling, T Munk, E Frey, T Bauer, The localization transition of the two-dimensional Lorentz model,
Euro. Phys. J. ST 189 (1), 103 - 118 (2010) - B Hermann, M Gambra, A Malecki, E Frey, T Franosch, Molecular self-organization: Predicting the pattern diversity and lowest energy state of competing ordering motifs, Phys. Rev. B 82, 165451 (2010)
- J Horbach, Th Voigtmann, F Höfling, T Franosch, Localization phenomena in models of ion-conducting glassformers,
Euro. Phys. J. ST 189 (1), 141 - 145 (2010) - M Horton, F Höfling, J Rädler, T Franosch, Development of anomalous diffusion among crowding proteins, Soft Matter 6, 2648 - 2656 (2010)
- S Lang, V Botan, M Oettel, D Hajnal, T Franosch, R Schilling, Glass Transition in Confined Geometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (12), 125701 (2010)
- C Rohr, M Gambra, K Gruber, E Constable, E Frey, T Franosch, B Hermann, Molecular Jigsaw: Pattern Diversity Encoded by Elementary Geometrical Features, Nano Lett. 10 (3), 833 - 837 (2010)
Selected publications ≤ 2009
- T Munk, F Höfling, E Frey, T Franosch, Effective Perrin theory for the anisotropic diffusion of a strongly hindered rod, Europhys. Lett. 85 (3), 30003 (2009)
- F Höfling, E Frey, and T Franosch, Enhanced Diffusion of a Needle in a Planar Array of Point Obstacles,Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (12), 120605 (2008)
- S Jeney, B Lukić, JA Kraus, T Franosch, and L Forró, Anisotropic Memory Effects in Confined Colloidal Diffusion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (24), 240604 (2008)
- FM Weinert, JA Kraus, T Franosch, D Braun, Microscale Fluid Flow Induced by Thermoviscous Expansion Along a Traveling Wave,Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (16), 164501 (2008)
- F Höfling, T Franosch, Crossover in the Slow Decay of Dynamic Correlations in the Lorentz Model,Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (14), 140601 (2007)
- T Reichenbach, T Franosch, E Frey, Exclusion Processes with Internal States,Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (5), 050603 (2006).
- F Höfling, T Franosch, E Frey, Localization Transition of the Three-Dimensional Lorentz Model and Continuum Percolation,Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (16), 165901 (2006)
- A Šarlah, T Franosch, E Frey, Melting of Colloidal Molecular Crystals on Triangular Lattices,Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (8), 088302 (2005)
- A Parmeggiani, T Franosch, E Frey, Phase Coexistence in Driven One-Dimensional Transport,Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (8), 086601 (2003)