Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Helmut Ritsch's Theory Group

Welcome to Helmut Ritsch's CQED group!

Based in Innsbruck, Austria in midst of the beautiful Tyrolean alps, Helmut Ritsch's theory group has been working on Quantum Optics and Cavity Quantum Electro­dynamics since 1993. In essence, our work contributes to a better under­standing of the interaction between light and matter. Our main research interests are Cavity Cooling, Self-Organization, Quantum Thermodynamics, Light Forces, Superradiant Lasing and Quantum Metrology.


overview about highlighted publications, visitors and other news about our group

Rese­arch areas

Our research covers the fields of quantum optics and ultracold gas physics


Current and Past Courses


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Ritsch

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstraße 21a
A-6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507 52213
 +43 512 507 52299

You can reach the institute by

  • Train to Innsbruck Main Station (Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof), then take Tram 5 to Technik West and exit at Technik
  • Plane to Innsbruck Airport, then take Bus F to Neu-Rum Kaplanstraße, change to Bus T to Völs EKZ-Cyta at Angergasse and exit Bus T at Technik
  • Car from A12 exit Völs/Kranebitten, drive East on Kranebitter Alee and North at the second roundabout, the campus is on the right-hand side
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