
Wel­come & Dual Career Ser­vice

The Welcome & Dual Career Service of the University of Innsbruck supports newly-appointed professors and their partners with the first work-related and private steps in Tyrol like entry and residence in Austria, accomodation, dual career service or family service. We would like to help you to settle in as quickly and smoothly as possible.

In close cooperation with the Family Services of the University of Innsbruck newly-appointed professors and their partners / families will receive individual advice, coaching and support in their search for:

  • accomodation in Innsbruck / Tyrol
  • a job for partners (Dual Career Service/Coaching)
  • family services (childcare, care of relatives and other family related issues)
  • language preparation
  • and a lot of other possible topics (integration, living in Innsbruck / Tyrol, partner programmes etc.)

Please take a look at our Welcome-Info-Site and also check out the individual services and social events of the Welcome Service Tirol, a service for all new highly qualified employees in Tyrol.


The network of the western provinces of Austria „Dual Career Services Upper Austria / Salzburg / Tyrol“ (DC OOE-S-T) was founded by the universities of LinzSalzburg and Innsbruck in the year of 2017.  

We are also part of the national Dual Career Service Network - ANDC and are committed to its further development.

Austrian Network for Dual Career

The University of Innsbruck is member of the Euraxess Network


Useful Links and Downloads


Contact Person

Dipl. Ing. Dr. Juliane Mayer M.A.

  • Representative of the DC OOE-S-T network and the ANDC network 2017/2018 and 2024


Transfer Office Science - Economy - Society

Technikerstr. 21a (ICT-Building)

A - 6020 Innsbruck

E-Mail: welcome@uibk.ac.at

Phone: +43 (0)512 507 32203 (Mo-Thu)


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