In close cooperation with the Family Services of the University of Innsbruck newly-appointed professors and their partners / families will receive individual advice, coaching and support in their search for:
- accomodation in Innsbruck / Tyrol
- a job for partners (Dual Career Service/Coaching)
- family services (childcare, care of relatives and other family related issues)
- language preparation
- and a lot of other possible topics (integration, living in Innsbruck / Tyrol, partner programmes etc.)
Please take a look at our Welcome-Info-Site and also check out the individual services and social events of the Welcome Service Tirol, a service for all new highly qualified employees in Tyrol.
The network of the western provinces of Austria „Dual Career Services Upper Austria / Salzburg / Tyrol“ (DC OOE-S-T) was founded by the universities of Linz, Salzburg and Innsbruck in the year of 2017.
We are also part of the national Dual Career Service Network - ANDC and are committed to its further development.

The University of Innsbruck is member of the Euraxess Network

Useful Links and Downloads
- Welcome-Info (University of Innsbruck)
- Welcome Service Tirol - Info and Service
- Austrian Business Agency ABA - Work in Austria - Info and Service
- The official websites of the Austrian Federal Governement and the OeAD
- Tyrol for new arrivals, ed. by Department of Society and Employment, Tyrol State Government, 2023
Contact Person
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Juliane Mayer M.A.
- Representative of the DC OOE-S-T network and the ANDC network 2017/2018 and 2024
Transfer Office Science - Economy - Society
Technikerstr. 21a (ICT-Building)
A - 6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 (0)512 507 32203 (Mo-Thu)