Accredited Tests for Wood and Wood Screws

Dokument Titel/Bemerkung
EN 408 Timber structures - Structural timber and glued laminated timber - Determination of some physical and mechanical properties Restrictions: without 11.1; 12; 13; 16
EN 13183-1 Moisture content of a piece of sawn timber - Part 1: Determination by kiln drying (EN 13183-1:2002 + AC:2003)
EN 1380 Timber structures - Test methods - Load-bearing connections with nails, screws, dowels and bolts
EN 14080 Timber structures - Glued laminated timber and glued laminated timber - Requirements Restrictions: Annex D only
EN 16351 Timber structures - Cross laminated timber - Requirements Restrictions: without Annex A, B, C, F4.3, H, I
EN 409 Timber structures - Test methods - Determination of the yield moment of pin-type fasteners
EN 15737 Timber structures - Test methods - Screw-in torque of screws
EN 1382 Timber structures - Test methods - Pull-out strength of timber fasteners
EN 1383 Timber structures - Test methods - Testing of timber fasteners for head pull-through
EN 383 Timber structures - Test methods - Determination of the bearing strength and bedding values for pin-type fasteners
EN ISO 10666 Self-tapping screws with sheet metal screw threads - Mechanical and functional properties (ISO 10666:1999), restriction: Chapter 4.2.3 Torsion test only

Contact us

TVFA-Innsbruck - Technical Testing and Research Centre
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Roland Maderebner

+43 676 8725 63209

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