Accredited Tests in the Field of Concrete

Dokument Titel/Bemerkung
ÖN B4710-3 Summarisation measure
ÖN B4710-3 Spreading dimension
ÖN B4710-3 Fresh concrete density
ÖN B4710-3 Air content of the fresh concrete
ÖN B4710-3 Total water content
ÖN B4710-3 Creditable binder content
ÖN B4710-3 Determination of W/B value
ÖN B4710-3 Concrete bleeding
ÖN B4710-3 Bulk density of hardened concrete
ÖN B4710-3 Compressive strength
ÖN B4710-3 Bending tensile strength
ÖN B4710-3 Splitting tensile strength
ÖN B4710-3 E-modulus
ÖN B4710-3 Dry raw density from fresh concrete raw density
ÖN B4710-3 Drill core samples
ÖN B4710-3 Bleeding of binder

Contact us

TVFA-Innsbruck - Technical Testing and Research Centre
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Andreas Andreatta

+43 676 8725 62900

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