Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Manfred Kleidorfer
Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Technical Sciences
Professor for Sustainable Development of Urban Water Infrastructure
University of Innsbruck
Department of Environmental Engineering
Technikerstrasse 13, 3rd floor room 307
6020 Innsbruck
Field of research: Urban water management

Consultation hours
Appointments for consultation hours can be found at here. Appointments can also be booked there.
Master's thesis topics
I regularly offer Master's theses based on current research activities. Currently, for example, I am working on sustainable, near-natural stormwater treatment, natural solutions to reduce hydro-meterological risk, climate change adaptation (heavy rainfall and heat waves), multiple use of blue/green infrastructure, measurement technology (incl. visualisation of measurement data), modelling of drainage systems, system behaviour during extreme events and incidents.
Please contact me by email to arrange a personal meeting.
- Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Urban water management
- Master of Civil Engineering
- SE Field reports from engineering practice
- Master of Environmental Engineering
- Environmental engineering systems
- Urban drainage systems
- AK Environmental Engineering
- Master Environmental Management in Mountain Regions
- Fundamentals of urban water and waste management
- PhD/Doctoral Programme in Technical Sciences
- SE Conceptualisation of the dissertation
- Teaching evaluation
Research interests
Research interests:
- Sustainability of urban water infrastructure
- Stormwater management
- Nature Based Solutions (NBS)
- Challenges in the development of urban water management (ageing infrastructure, climate change, land use changes, ...)
- Uncertainties in the modelling of urban water management systems
- List of publications
- Google scholar
- Scopus
- Habilitation: Aging infrastructure as an opportunity for adaptation - Integrated asset management to face upcoming challenges in the urban water sector
- Dissertation: Uncertain calibration of urban drainage models
- Diploma thesis: Overcalculation and evaluation of a canal system using hydrodynamic simulations using the example of Innsbruck
Selected projects:
- Blue-Green Infrastructure for Improving Resilience to Floods and Droughts in Alpine Cities
- Resilient urban open space through climate change adaptation measures using the example of DDr. Alois Lugger Platz - INNsbruck
- Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - climate-neutral Innsbruck 2030
- BEJOND - Stormwater treatment beyond original design events and scheduled operating conditions
- Cool-INN: Cool urban living spaces for a resilient society
- RECONECT- Regenarating ECOsystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion (see project in CORDIS)
- CONQUAD - Consequences of adaptation: Assessing multi-benefits and challenges in the transfer to more resilient and sustainable urban water systems
- FlexAdapt. Development of flexible adaptation concepts for the urban drainage of the future
- An efficient way from data to model: Rehabilitation and adaptation planning for small and medium-sized sewer networks (DatMod)
- Dynamic Adaptation of Urban Water Infrastructure for Sustainable City Development in an Alpine Environment (DynAlp)
- Integrated rehabilitation planning of urban infrastructure systems (Rehab)
- Dynamic Adaptation for eNabling City Evolution for Water (DAnCE 4 Water)
- Development of the hybrid model-independent calibration tool CALIMERO
- Modern methods of sewer network calculation, management and optimisation
- Concept development for the management and renovation of the Linz sewerage system