alp-INN: Resilient urban open space through climate change adaptation measures using the example of DDr. Alois Lugger Platz - INNsbruck

Smart Cities Demo - Living Urban Innovation
- City of Innsbruck
- Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH & CoKG
- ISD Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste GmbH
Team (UIBK):
- Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manfred Kleidorfer
- Yannick Back, Msc
Funding period: 2022 - 2025
Initial situation
The progressive sealing of our growing cities in combination with the effects of climate change leads to increased flooding and an increase in urban heat and the heat island effect due to higher runoff rates, reduced groundwater recharge and a lack of evapotranspiration. At the same time, the need for attractive public spaces is growing as a result of continuing population growth. The city of Innsbruck, like other cities, has a large number of sealed squares, which are also underbuilt with underground car parks. This also applies to DDr. Alois Lugger Platz in Innsbruck's Olympic Village district. The desire for a redesign to improve the microclimatic and bioclimatic conditions as well as the year-round quality of stay, especially in view of an expected increase in heatwaves and heavy rainfall events, is cherished by the population, local associations and politicians alike. The alp-INN project has set itself the goal of making this square resilient to the effects of climate change through innovative climate change adaptation measures based on green and blue infrastructure and integrated planning
Goals & results
The implementation of integrated planning in open space design involves all stakeholders and increases the quality and acceptance of the redesign. alp-INN pursues an interdisciplinary research approach and includes an integrative planning process to transform a completely sealed square into a resilient district centre with a lighthouse effect. The innovations within the project are recognisable through multifunctional climate change adaptation measures and the interweaving of technical, climatic and sociological aspects. This holistic approach is intended to achieve an improvement in the quality of the square that is supported by all users and designed to last for many decades and to become a model for other cities and municipalities."
The project pursues three innovative approaches: (1) Far-reaching adaptation measures despite the underground car park: Innovative green and blue infrastructure based on a cost-benefit analysis will be used to implement and analyse solutions for an open space with an underground car park for the first time. (2) Increasing the resilience of urban open spaces: By changing the surface properties and precipitation management, an improvement in the surface energy and water balance and thus an improvement in micro- and bioclimatic conditions is achieved, also with regard to more frequent and longer-lasting periods of drought. (3) Increasing synergies through interdisciplinary approaches and integral planning: Interdisciplinary research support (environmental technology, sociology and urban geography) will determine the effect of the implemented multifunctional measures on micro- and bioclimatic conditions and subjective well-being as well as social activities.
Further information:
University of Innsbruck
Dr Manfred Kleidorfer
Technikerstrasse 13
6020 Innsbruck