Exam terms and Kolloquium terms
Registration via LFU:online is required for all examinations (lectures and tutorials).
Registration and deregistration
Registration for the exams must be done via
LFU:online no later than one week before the respective exam date. After the deadline has expired, registration for the exam is no longer possible.
You can also deregister up to three days before the exam date at the latest. After the deadline has expired, deregistration is no longer possible. If you do not appear for an exam despite having registered, you will be blocked from the following date in accordance with the study regulations.
For board examinations (fourth and fifth attempt at the examination or third and fourth repetition) The following rule applies:
- Register on time via LFU:online
Fill in the application form, indicating the examination senate as follows:
- 1. Prüfer: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Christoph ADAM
- 2. Prüfer: Dipl.-Ing. Paul KÖNIG
- Vorsitz: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Ivan PAULMICHL
- Electronic transmission of the completely completed application form by email (amech@uibk.ac.at) no later than three weeks before the planned start of the examination. Signed by the members of the examination senate, the signed form will be sent back to LFU:online once you have registered
- Submission of the signed application to the examination office by the faculty.
Exam regulations
The examination results and viewing periods will be announced via OLAT.