Computational Photophysics

What happens when a molecule interacts with light? How does photochemistry influence processes in the atmosphere, in liquids, in solid state? How do molecules get rid of excess energy when they adsorb a photon? How are molecular spectra influenced by hydration, complexation with other molecules, temperature? In our group, we try to answer these questions using tools of quantum chemistry.

Research group picture Milan Ončák

From left to right: Gabriel Schöpfer, Dominik Jank, Jutta Schnizer, Dr. Rizalina Saragi, Dr. Milan Ončák (picture taken by Dr. Marcos Juanes San José).

Contact us

Research group leader Dr. Milan Ončák

Department of Ion Physics and Applied Physics

Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstraße 25/3, 3/05
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

+43 512 507 52696

Milan Ončák

Dr. Milan Ončák

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