Research Area Scientific Computing

Rese­arch Area & Cen­ters

The research area Scientific Computing and its three research centers - Computational Engineering, High Performance Computing and Computer Science - introduce themselves.

Infras­truc­ture & Ser­vices

A brief description of the available infrastructure for high performance computing and visualization and how to gain access.  


Edu­ca­tion & Trai­ning

Information on the internal doctoral programm Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling as well as on the extension study programme Scientific Computing and other training posibilities.

Research Area Scientific Computing
Technikerstraße 13, room 702
6020 Innsbruck
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Ostermann (head)
Mag. Eduard Reiter (coordinator)


Austria's next supercomputer: MUSICA

The launch of the “Multi-Site Computer Austria” (MUSICA) marks the realization of a supercomputer cluster that will operate simultaneously at three locations: Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna. In the past, Austria's most powerful supercomputers were operated jointly by several universities. The Innsbruck University site will begin construction this year.

Biodiversity: A supercomputer as a butterfly expert

Friederike Barkmann, an ecologist at the University of Innsbruck, has used artificial intelligence and a supercomputer (LEO5) to make it easier to identify butterflies from photos. The first interim results are now available: the accuracy rate is 97 percent and the computing time has been reduced by 90 percent.

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Acti­vi­ties & Coope­ra­ti­ons

The annual thesis award in recognition of outstanding MSc and PhD theses, projects and cooperations with a connection to scientific computing. 

Exchange in SC (ESC)

27. Mar. 2025: Wolfgang Wall (TUM)

18. Nov. 2024: Dieter Kranzlmüller (LMU)

A distinguished series of lectures on topics from the field of scientific computing with social and scientific relevance. 

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