Research Area Scientific Computing

Research Area & Centers
The research area Scientific Computing and its three research centers - Computational Engineering, High Performance Computing and Computer Science - introduce themselves.

Infrastructure & Services
A brief description of the available infrastructure for high performance computing and visualization and how to gain access.

Education & Training
Information on the internal doctoral programm Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling as well as on the extension study programme Scientific Computing and other training posibilities.
Research Area Scientific Computing
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Ostermann (head)
Mag. Eduard Reiter (coordinator)
Austria's next supercomputer: MUSICA
The launch of the “Multi-Site Computer Austria” (MUSICA) marks the realization of a supercomputer cluster that will operate simultaneously at three locations: Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna. In the past, Austria's most powerful supercomputers were operated jointly by several universities. The Innsbruck University site will begin construction this year.
Biodiversity: A supercomputer as a butterfly expert
Friederike Barkmann, an ecologist at the University of Innsbruck, has used artificial intelligence and a supercomputer (LEO5) to make it easier to identify butterflies from photos. The first interim results are now available: the accuracy rate is 97 percent and the computing time has been reduced by 90 percent.
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Activities & Cooperations
The annual thesis award in recognition of outstanding MSc and PhD theses, projects and cooperations with a connection to scientific computing.

Exchange in SC (ESC)
27. Mar. 2025: Wolfgang Wall (TUM)
18. Nov. 2024: Dieter Kranzlmüller (LMU)
A distinguished series of lectures on topics from the field of scientific computing with social and scientific relevance.