About Us
Welcome to the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Team at the University of Innsbruck!
We are committed to making research and teaching accessible and impactful. Our work focuses on technology-driven innovation, entrepreneurship, AI, and social entrepreneurship, all while addressing key challenges like sustainability and reaching Net Zero. We believe in bridging theory and practice by involving our students in hands-on projects and collaborating closely with industry partners.
Our approach includes engaging formats like Innovation Sprints, which help students put their knowledge into action. By working on real-world challenges, we aim to educate future researchers, innovation managers, and entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the world.

Get to know our team of researchers and staff, explore their profiles, and see how they are driving innovation and entrepreneurship. We are always happy to connect and open to sharing our knowledge.
Newsroom Artikel: Zukunftsweisende Ideen durch KI
job advertisment: PhD position in Management at University of Vienna
BWL-Ranking: Innsbruck auf Rang 14
Innovation Days 2023: Sustainable Innovation, Salzburger Nachrichten vom 25. März 2023
Lebensraum Tirol und Universität Innsbruck präsentierten die Studie „Perspektive Tirol 2030“
Erweiterungsstudium Entrepreneurship - Tiroler Wirtschaft (Seite 54-56)
Innovation - Learning by doing
Studierende tüfteln an Innovationen - Salzburger Nachrichten - das waren die Innovation Days 2021