
EDD Online 4.0
The FWF project EDD Online 4.0, directed by Manfred Markus and supported by B.Sc. Joachim Masser, Martin Köll, Mag. Andrea Krapf, and Mag. David Messner, was started on 1 October 2021 and finished in April 2023. Its aim was to improve the online version’s interface.

EDD Online 3.0
applied, corrected and supplemented (start: May 2017, finished 2018)
EDD Online: applied, corrected and supplemented is a follow-up project of TRP 00116-G20 (2011 to 3/2016). It suggests to complete and exploit the unique English dialect interface created by EDD Online. This is much more than a digitised version of Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary (1898-1905).

Multilingual Ladin
Multilingualism: New study in Ladin kindergartens
School / Kulture | 15.05.2017 | 15:44
Starting in June, a study on multilingualism is carried out amongst Ladin kindergartens. Prof. Ulrike Jessner-Schmid presented the study to the Education Department.

SPIEL mit Deutsch
Sprachen im Elementarbereich
("SPIEL" with German - Languages in pre-primary education)
The research project SPIEL (Sprachen im Elementarbereich/ Languages in pre-primary education) is devoted to investigating and evaluating the already existent and currently applied instruments to observe the language development in German of children at kindergarten age in Tyrol, Austria.

Metacognition in Multilingual Development
From multilingual children to polyglots
The DyME research group and the Department of English are pleased to invite scholars, researchers and postgraduate students working on metacognition and multilingualism to submit abstracts to the conference Metacognition in Multilingual Development: From multilingual children to polyglots, which will be held at the University Center in Obergurgel, Austria, from the 18th to 21st September 2019.

International Association of Multilingualism
The INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MULTILINGUALISM is an international network of scholars who share an interest in multilingualism. It was founded in 2003 by Jasone Cenoz, Britta Hufeisen and Ulrike Jessner.
The association organizes a conference every two years and its members are regularly involved in organizing workshops, seminars and panel discussions at conferences around the world.
literary studies

English Literature and Slavery 1772-1834:
From the Beginning of the Abolitionist Movement to the Abolition of Slavery (project status: closed)

CISLE (Centre for the International Study of Literatures in English)
The Centre for the International Study of Literatures in English (CISLE) is an international network of scholars and writers from all the world working in the wide field of Anglophone literatures, with the aim „to promote intercultural understanding, inter-disciplinary research and international literary exchange“