Theoretical Astroparticle Physics
The research group of Anita Reimer studies the physics of cosmic high energy sources and phenomena with particular focus on solving the quest for the origin of the ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. Here the multimessenger approach (leading to gamma-ray, neutrino and cosmic-ray astrophysics), and a detailed understanding of hadronic interactions, particle and photon propagation and radiation processes from non-thermal particle distributions is central.
We engage in the development of models for high energy cosmic sources such as black hole sources (e.g., jetted Active Galactic Nuclei), stellar binary systems involving massive stars, etc., including particle acceleration processes. We also study the source content of diffuse radiation fields and the impact of low energy diffuse radiation fields on high energy photon and particle propagation. These efforts are now supported by an international FWF funded research project Identification of cosmic ray sources amongst jetted active galaxies. More information will become available shortly on the project page.
Our group is working at the borderline between theoretical and experimental high energy astrophysics, and is correspondingly currently involved in the Fermi-LAT Space Telescope and the H.E.S.S. Experiment in Namibia.
The working group is continuesly offering the Bachelor- and Master thesis topics. When you are interested in working of high energy astrophysics, take a closer look at the list of open projects.
Head of the Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anita Reimer
Tel. +43 512 507-52090
Administrative Assistant
Claudia Wester
Tel. +43 512 507-52054