Publications AGs Galactic and Stellar Astrophysics
- S.D. von Fellenberg, T. Roychowdhury, J.M. Michail, Z. Sumners, G. Sanger-Johnson, G.G. Fazio, D. Haggard, J.L. Hora, A. Philippov, B. Ripperda, H.A. Smith, S.P. Willner, G. Witzel, S. Zhang, E.E. Becklin, G.C. Bower, S. Chandra, T. Do, M. Garcia Marin, M.A. Gurwell, N.M. Ford, K. Hada, S. Markoff, M.R. Morris, J. Neilsen, N.B. Sabha, B. Seefeldt-Gail
First mid-infrared detection and modeling of a flare from Sgr A*
ApJL, accepted
- M. Taormina, G. Pietrzyński, R.P.Kudritzki, B. Pilecki, I.B. Thompson, J. Puls, M. Górski, B. Zgirski, D. Graczyk, M.A. Urbaneja, W. Gieren, W. Narloch, G. Hajdu
Toward early-type eclipsing binaries as extragalactic milestones: IV. Physical properties of three detached O/B-type systems in the LMC
ApJ, accepted
- T. Rivinius, R. Klement, S.D. Chojnowski, D. Baade, M. Abdul-Masih, N. Przybilla, J. Guarro Fló, B. Heathcote, P. Hadrava, D. Gies, K. Shepard, C. Buil, O. Garde, O. Thizy, J.D. Monnier, N. Anugu, C. Lanthermann, G. Schaefer, C. Davies, S. Kraus, J. Ennis, B.R. Setterholm, T. Gardner, N. Ibrahim, S. Chhabra, M. Gutierrez, I. Codron, and D. Mortimer
Newborn Be star systems observed shortly after mass transfer
A&A, accepted
- S. Jin, M. Flach, A. Ebenbichler, E. Cunningham, V. Zamudio-Bayer, K. Hirsch, C. van der Linde, N. Przybilla, M. Ončák, J. Lau, M. Beyer
X-ray absorption spectroscopy of FeH+ to aid its identification in astrochemical environments
Chem. Commun., accepted
- R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja, F. Bresolin, L.M. Macri, W. Yuan, S. Li, G.S. Anand, A.G. Riess
The Hubble constant anchor galaxy NGC 4258: metallicity and distance from blue supergiants
ApJ 977, 217 (2024)
- P. Aschenbrenner, N. Przybilla
Quantitative spectroscopy of multiple OB stars. I. The quadruple system HD 37061 at the centre of Messier 43
A&A 691, A361 (2024)
- M. Hajduk, P.A.M. van Hoof, A.A. Zijlstra, G. Van de Steene, S. Kimeswenger, D. Barría, D. Tafoya, J.A. Toalá
Non-thermal radio emission in Sakurai's Object
A&A 688, L21 (2024)
- F. Peißker, M. Zajaček, M. Labaj, L. Thomkins, A. Elbe, A. Eckart, L. Labadie, V. Karas, N. Sabha, L. Steiniger, M. Melamed
The Evaporating Massive Embedded Stellar Cluster IRS 13 Close to Sgr A*. II. Kinematic Structure
ApJ 970, 74 (2024)
- A. de Burgos, Z. Keszthelyi, S. Simón-Díaz, M.A. Urbaneja
The IACOB project. XI. No increase of mass-loss rates over the bi-stability region
A&A 687, L16 (2024)
- A. de Burgos, S. Simón-Díaz, M.A. Urbaneja, J. Puls
The IACOB project. X. Large-scale quantitative spectroscopic analysis of Galactic blue supergiants
A&A 687, A228 (2024)
- D. Weßmayer, M.A. Urbaneja, K. Butler, N. Przybilla
Runaway BN supergiant star HD93840: Progenitor of an imminent core-collapse supernova above the Galactic plane
A&A 687, L7 (2024)
- A. Ebenbichler, J.V. Smoker, R. Lallement, A. Farhang, N.L.J. Cox, C. Joblin, J.T. van Loon, H. Linnartz, N. Przybilla, P. Ehrenfreund, J. Cami, M. Cordiner
The EDIBLES Survey. VIII. Band profile alignment of diffuse interstellar bands
A&A 686, A50 (2024)
- A. Menon, A. Ercolino, M.A. Urbaneja, D.J. Lennon, A. Herrero, R. Hirai, N. Langer, A. Schootemeijer, E. Chatzopoulos, J. Frank, S. Shiber
Evidence for stellar mergers of evolved massive binaries: blue supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud
ApJL 963, L42 (2024)
- M. Juanes, S. Jin, R.T. Saragi, C. van der Linde, A. Ebenbichler, N. Przybilla, M. Ončák, M.K. Beyer
Iron complexes as potential carriers of diffuse interstellar bands: The photodissociation spectrum of Fe+(H2O) at optical wavelengths
J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 7, 1306-1312 (2024)
- S. Noll, J.M.C. Plane, W. Feng, K.S. Kalogerakis, W. Kausch, C. Schmidt, M. Bittner, S. Kimeswenger
Structure, variability, and origin of the low-latitude nightglow continuum between 300 and 1,800 nm: Evidence for HO2 emission in the near-infrared
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 24, 1143-1176 (2024)
- M.A. Urbaneja, F. Bresolin, R.P. Kudritzki
The metallicity and distance of Leo A from blue supergiants
ApJ 959, 52 (2023)
- R.A. Fesen, S. Kimeswenger, J.M. Shull, M. Drechsler, X. Strottner, Y. Sainty, B. Falls, C. Vergnes, N, Martino, S. Walker, J. Rupert
The Spatial and Emission Properties of the Large [O III] Emission Nebula Near M31
ApJ 957, 82 (2023) - F. Peißker, M. Zajaček, L. Thomkins, A. Eckart, L. Labadie, V. Karas, N. Sabha, L. Steiniger, M. Melamed
The Evaporating Massive Embedded Stellar Cluster IRS 13 Close to Sgr A*. I. Detection of a Rich Population of Dusty Objects in the IRS 13 Cluster
ApJ 956, 70 (2023) - D. Weßmayer, N. Przybilla, A. Ebenbichler, P. Aschenbrenner, K. Butler
The blue supergiant Sher 25 revisited in the Gaia era
A&A 677, A175 (2023) - D. Tafoya, P.A.M. van Hoof, J.A. Toalá, G. Van de Steene, S. Randall, R. Unnikrishnan, S. Kimeswenger, M. Hajduk, D. Barría, A. Zijlstra
The heart of Sakurai's Object revealed by ALMA
A&A 677, L8 (2023) - A. de Burgos, S. Simón-Díaz, M.A. Urbaneja, I. Negueruela
The IACOB project. IX. Building a modern empirical database of Galactic O9-B9 supergiants: sample selection, description, and completeness
A&A 674, A212 (2023) - S. Noll, C. Schmidt, W. Kausch, M. Bittner, S. Kimeswenger
Climatologies of Various OH Lines From About 90,000 X-shooter Spectra
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos 128, e2022JD038275 (2023) - P. Aschenbrenner, N. Przybilla, K. Butler
Quantitative spectroscopy of late O-type main-sequence stars with a hybrid non-LTE method
A&A 671, A36 (2023) - F. Peißker, M. Zajaček, N. Sabha, M. Tsuboi, J. Moultaka, L. Labadie, A. Eckart, V. Karas, L. Steiniger, M. Subroweit, A. Suresh, M. Melamed, Y. Clénet
X3: A High-mass Young Stellar Object Close to the Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A*
ApJ 944, 231 (2023)
- S. Noll, C. Schmidt, W. Kausch, M. Bittner, S. Kimeswenger
Effective Emission Heights of Various OH Lines From X-shooter and SABER Observations of a Passing Quasi-2-Day Wave
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos 127, e2022JD036610 (2022) - A. Irrgang, N. Przybilla, G. Meynet
γ Columbae as a recently stripped pulsating core of a massive star
Nature Astronomy 6, 1414-1420 (2022) - D. Weßmayer, N. Przybilla, K. Butler
Quantitative spectroscopy of B-type supergiants
A&A 668, A92 (2022) - F. Bresolin, R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja
The metallicity and distance of NGC 2403 from blue supergiants
ApJ 940, 32 (2022) - M. Reichel, S. Kimeswenger, P. A. M. van Hoof, A. A. Zijlstra, D. Barria, M. Hajduk, G. C. Van de Steene, D. Tafoya
Recombination of hot ionized nebulae: The old planetary nebula around V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's star)
ApJ 939, 103 (2022) - T. Morel, A. Blazère, T. Semaan, E. Gosset, J. Zorec, Y. Frémat, R. Blomme, S. Daflon, A. Lobel, M.F Nieva, N. Przybilla, M. Gebran, A. Herrero, L. Mahy, W. Santos, G. Tautvaišienė, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, E.J. Alfaro, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, F. Damiani, E. Franciosini, L. Morbidelli, E. Pancino, C.C. Worley, S. Zaggia
The Gaia-ESO Survey: a spectroscopic study of the young open cluster NGC 3293
A&A 665, A108 (2022) - A. Ebenbichler, A. Postel, N. Przybilla, A. Seifahrt, D. Weßmayer, W. Kausch, M. Firnstein, K. Butler, A. Kaufer, H. Linnartz
CRIRES high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of diffuse interstellar band profiles. Detection of twelve new DIBs in the YJ band and an introduction of a combined ISM sight line and stellar analysis approach
A&A 662, A81 (2022) - M. Xiang, H.W. Rix, Y.S. Ting, R.P. Kudritzki, C. Conroy, E. Zari, J.R. Shi, N. Przybilla, M. Ramirez-Tannus, A. Tkachenko, S. Gebruers, X.W. Liu
Stellar labels for hot stars from low-resolution spectra. I. The HotPayne method and results for 330,000 stars from LAMOST DR6
A&A 662, A66 (2022) - C. Liu, R.P. Kudritzki, G. Zhao, M.A. Urbaneja, Y. Huang, H. Zhang, J. Zhao
A spectroscopic study of blue supergiant stars in Local Group spiral galaxies: Andromeda and Triangulum
ApJ 932, 29 (2022) - R. Blomme, S. Daflon, M. Gebran, A. Herrero, A. Lobel, L. Mahy, F. Martins, T. Morel, S.R. Berlanas, A. Blazère, Y. Frémat, E. Gosset, J. Maíz Apellániz, W. Santos, T. Semaan, S. Simón-Díaz, D. Volpi, G. Holgado, F. Jiménez-Esteban, M.F. Nieva, N. Przybilla, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, I. Negueruela, T. Prusti, A. Vallenari, E.J. Alfaro, T. Bensby, A. Bragaglia, E. Flaccomio, P. Francois, A.J. Korn, A. Lanzafame, E. Pancino, R. Smiljanic, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, E. Franciosini, A. Gonneau, U. Heiter, A. Hourihane, P. Jofre, L. Magrini, L. Morbidelli, G.G. Sacco, C.C. Worley, S. Zaggia
The Gaia-ESO Survey: The analysis of the hot-star spectra
A&A 661, A120 (2022) - H.K. Bhat, N.B. Sabha, M. Zajaček, A. Eckart, R. Schödel, S.H. Hosseini, F. Peißker
Mid-Infrared studies of dusty sources in the Galactic Center
ApJ 929, 178 (2022) - A. Herrero, S.R. Berlanas, A. Gil de Paz, F. Comerón, J. Puls, S. Ramírez Alegría, M. García, D.J. Lennon, F. Najarro, S. Simón-Díaz, M.A. Urbaneja, J. Gallego, E. Carrasco, J. Iglesias, R. Cedazo, M.L. García Vargas, A. Castillo-Morales, S. Pascual, N. Cardiel, A. Pérez-Calpena, P. Gómez-Alvarez, I. Martínez-Delgado
The nature of the Cygnus extreme B supergiant 2MASS J20395358+4222505
MNRAS 511, 3113-3124 (2022) - G. González-Torà, M. A. Urbaneja, N. Przybilla, S. Dreizler, M.M. Roth, S. Kamann, N. Castro
MUSE crowded field 3D spectroscopy in NGC 300 II. Quantitative spectroscopy of BA-type supergiants
A&A 658, A117 (202 2) - D. Tafoya, J.A. Toalá, R. Unnikrishnan, W.H.T. Vlemmings, M.A. Guerrero, S. Kimeswenger, P.A.M. van Hoof, L.A. Zapata, S.P. Treviño-Morales, J.B. Rodríguez-González
First images of the molecular gas around a born-again star revealed by ALMA
ApJL 925, L4 (2022)
- S. Kimeswenger, J.R. Thorstensen, R.A. Fesen, M. Drechsler, X. Strottner, M. Germiniani, T. Steindl, N. Przybilla, K.E. Weil, J. Rupert
YY Hya and its interstellar environment
A&A 656, A145 (2021) - F. Peißker, M. Zajacek, A. Eckart, B. Ali, V. Karas, N.B. Sabha , R. Grellmann, L. Labadie, B. Shahzamanian
The apparent tail of the Galactic center object G2/DSO
ApJ 923, 69 (2021) - N. Przybilla, L. Fossati, C.S. Jeffery
HD144941: The most extreme helium-strong star
A&A 654, A119 (2021) - E. Sextl, R.P. Kudritzki, J. Weller, M.A. Urbaneja, A. Weiss
Modified Gravity and the Flux-weighted Gravity-Luminosity Relationship of Blue Supergiant Stars
ApJ 914, 94 (2021) - F. Peißker, B. Ali, M. Zajaček, A. Eckart, S.E. Hosseini, V. Karas, Y. Clénet, N.B. Sabha, L. Labadie, M. Subroweit
First observed interaction of the circumstellar envelope of an S-star with the environment of Sgr A*
ApJ 909, 62 (2021) - V. Schaffenroth, S.L. Casewell, D. Schneider, D. Kilkenny, S. Geier, U. Heber, A. Irrgang, N. Przybilla , T.R. Marsh, S.P. Littlefair, V.S. Dhillon
A quantitative in-depth analysis of the prototype sdB+BD system SDSS J08205+0008 revisited in the Gaia era
MNRAS 501, 3847–3870 (2021) - S. Kimeswenger, M. Rainer, N. Przybilla, W. Kausch
Refined Telluric Absorption Correction for Low-Resolution Ground-Based Spectroscopy: Resolution and Radial Velocity Effects in the O2 A-Band for Exoplanets and K I Emission Lines
AJ 161, 66 (2021) - R. Holzlöhner, S. Kimeswenger, W. Kausch, S. Noll
Bolometric Night Sky Temperature and Subcooling of Telescope Structures
A&A 645, A32 (2021)
- S. Elaheh Hosseini, M. Zajaček, A. Eckart, N.B. Sabha, L. Labadie
Constraining the accretion flow density profile near Sgr A* using the L′-band emission of the S2 star
A&A 644, A105 (2020) - G. Rodeghiero, M. Häberle, J. Sauter, M. Sawczuck, J.U. Pott, N. Münch, J.R. Ramos, V. Naranjo, W. Kausch, N.B. Sabha, E. Biancalani, S. Barboza, P. Bizenberger, R.R. Rohloff, F. Müller, R. Hofferbert, L. Mohr, U. Neumann, U. Seemann, S. Schäfer, K. Leschinski, O. Czoske, W. Laun
Development of the MICADO Flat-field and Wavelength Calibration Unit: From Design to Prototyping
PASP 132, 124501 (2020) - A. de Burgos, S. Simón-Díaz, D.J. Lennon, R. Dorda, I. Negueruela, M.A. Urbaneja, L.R. Patrick, A. Herrero
A high resolution spectroscopic study of massive blue and red supergiants in Per OB1
A&A 643, A116 (2020) - K. Ackley, et al. (N.B. Sabha)
Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star-black hole binary merger S190814bv
A&A 643, A113 (2020) - F. Peißker, A. Eckart, N.B. Sabha, M. Zajaček, H. Bhat
Near- and mid-infrared observations in the inner tenth of a parsec of the Galactic center - Detection of proper motion of a filament very close to Sgr A*
ApJ 897, 28 (2020) - M.C. Artale, Y. Bouffanais, M. Mapelli, N. Giacobbo, N.B. Sabha, F. Santoliquido, M. Pasquato, M. Spera
An astrophysically motivated ranking criterion for low-latency electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational wave events
MNRAS 495, 1841–1852 (2020) - M.J. Hankins, R.M. Lau, J.T. Radomski, A.S. Cotera, M.R. Morris, E.A.C. Mills, D.L. Walker, A.T. Barnes, J.P. Simpson, T.L. Herter, S.N. Longmore, J. Bally, M.M. Kasliwal, N.B. Sabha, M. Garcia-Marin
SOFIA/FORCAST Galactic Center Legacy Survey: Overview
ApJ 894, 55 (2020) - G. Fiorentino, M. Bellazzini, M. Spera, N.B. Sabha, M. Mapelli, L. Schreiber, M. Dall'Ora, L. Inno, M. Patti, V.F. Braga, M. Lombini, E. Diolaiti, F. Cortecchia, C. Arcidiacono, C. Plantet, G. Agapito
Deep into the core of dense star clusters: an astrometric and photometric test case for ELT
MNRAS 494, 4413-4425 (2020) - M. Taormina, R.P. Kudritzki, J. Puls, B. Pilecki, E. Sextl, G. Pietrzyński, M.A. Urbaneja, W. Gieren
Towards early-type eclipsing binaries as extragalactic milestones: II. NLTE spectral analysis and stellar parameters of the detached O-type system OGLE-LMC-ECL-06782 in the LMC
ApJ 890, 137 (2020) - R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja, H.W. Rix
A Simple Unified Spectroscopic Indicator of Stellar Luminosity: the Extended Flux Weighted Gravity-Luminosity Relationship
ApJ 890, 28 (2020) - A. Chougule, N. Przybilla, M.S. Dimitrijević, V. Schaffenroth
The impact of improved Stark-broadening widths on the modeling of double-ionized chromium lines in hot stars
Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso 50, 139-146 (2020)
- V. Schaffenroth, B.N. Barlow, S. Geier, M. Vučković, D. Kilkenny, M. Wolz, T. Kupfer, U. Heber, H. Drechsel, S. Kimeswenger, T. Marsh, M. Wolf, I. Pelisoli, J. Freudenthal, S. Dreizler, S. Kreuzer, E. Ziegerer
The EREBOS project - Investigating the effect of substellar and low-mass stellar companions on late stellar evolution. Survey, target selection and atmospheric parameters
A&A 630, A80 (2019) - S. Noll, J.M.C. Plane, W. Feng, B. Proxauf, S. Kimeswenger, W. Kausch
Observations and Modeling of Potassium Emission in the Terrestrial Nightglow
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 124, 6612-6629 (2019) - J.F. González, M. Briquet, N. Przybilla, M.F. Nieva, P. De Cat, S. Saesen, S. Hubrig, A. Thoul, P.I. Pápics, L. Palaversa, D. Naef, M. Neveu-Van Malle, S. Järvinen, K.R. Pollard, P. Kilmartin, N. Mowlavi, and K. Butler
HD 96446: a long-period binary with a strongly magnetic He-rich primary with β Cep pulsations
A&A 626, A94 (2019) - M.C. Artale, M. Mapelli, N. Giacobbo, N.B. Sabha, M. Spera, F. Santoliquido, A. Bressan
Host galaxies of merging compact objects: mass, star formation rate, metallicity and colours
MNRAS 487, 1675–1688 (2019) - F. Peißker, M. Zajacek, A. Eckart, N.B. Sabha, B. Shahzamanian, M. Parsa
A new bow-shock source with bipolar morphology in the vicinity of Sgr A*
A&A 624, A97 (2019) - A. Acharyya, et al. (S. Kimeswenger)
Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout
APh 111, 35-53 (2019) - L. Mancini, J. Southworth, P. Molliere, J. Tregloan-Reed, I.G. Juvan, G. Chen, P. Sarkis, I. Bruni, S. Ciceri, M.I. Andersen, V. Bozza, D.M. Bramich, M. Burgdorf, G. D'Ago, M. Dominik, D.F. Evans, R. Figuera Jaimes, L. Fossati, T. Henning, T.C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, U.G. Jørgensen, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, M. Küffmeier, P. Longa, N. Peixinho, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, R. Tronsgaard, Y. Wang, O. Wertz
Physical properties and transmission spectrum of the WASP-74 planetary system from multi-band photometry
MNRAS 485, 5168-5179 (2019) - A. Jones, S. Noll, W. Kausch, S. Unterguggenberger, C. Szyszka, S. Kimeswenger
Scattered moonlight observations with X-Shooter. Implications for the aerosol properties at Cerro Paranal and the ESO sky background model
A&A 624, A39 (2019) - T. Hayashino, A.K. Inoue, K. Kousai, N. Kashikawa, K. Mawatari, Y. Matsuda, N. Tejos, J.X. Prochaska, I. Iwata, S. Noll, D. Burgarella, T. Yamada), M. Akiyama
Enhancement of HI absorption associated with the z=3.1 large-scale proto-cluster and characteristic structures with AGNs sculptured over Gpc scale in the SSA22 field
MNRAS 484, 5868-5887 (2019) - G. Handler, A. Pigulski, J. Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz, A. Irrgang, D. Kilkenny, Z. Guo, N. Przybilla, F.K. Aliçavuş, T. Kallinger, J. Pascual-Granado, E. Niemczura, T. Różański, S. Chowdhury, D.L. Buzasi, G.M. Mirouh, D.M. Bowman, C. Johnston, M.G. Pedersen, S. Simón-Díaz, E. Moravveji, K. Gazeas, P. De Cat, R.K. Vanderspek, G.R. Ricker
Asteroseismology of massive stars with the TESS mission: the runaway β Cep pulsator PHL 346 = HN Aqr
ApJL 873, L4 (2019) - N. Reindl, M. Bainbridge, N. Przybilla, M. Prvák, J. Krtička, K. Werner, R.H. Østensen, J. Telting
Unravelling the baffling mystery of the ultra-hot wind phenomenon in white dwarfs
MNRAS 482, L93-L98 (2019) - L. Inno, M.A. Urbaneja, N. Matsunaga, G. Bono, M. Nonino, V. P. Debattista, M. Sormani, M. Bergemann, R. da Silva, B. Lemasle, M. Romaniello, H-W. Rix
First metallicity determination from Near-Infrared spectra for five obscured Cepheids discovered in the inner Disk.
MNRAS 482, 83-97 (2019)
- J.R. Walsh, A. Monreal-Ibero, M.J. Barlow, T. Ueta, R. Wesson, A.A. Zijlstra,, S. Kimeswenger, M.L. Leal-Ferreira, M. Otsuka
An imaging spectroscopic survey of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 with MUSE
A&A 620, A169 (2018) - D. Barria, S. Kimeswenger, W. Kausch, D.S. Goldman
The planetary nebula IC 5148 and its ionized halo
A&A 620, A84 (2018) - M. Janson, S. Durkan, M. Bonnefoy, L. Rodet, R. Köhler, S. Lacour, W. Brandner, T. Henning, J. Girard
Dynamical masses of M-dwarf binaries in young moving groups. II. Toward empirical mass-luminosity isochrones
A&A 620, A33 (2018) - D. Schneider, A. Irrgang, U. Heber, M.F. Nieva, N. Przybilla
NLTE-spectroscopic analysis of the 3He anomaly in underluminous B-type stars
A&A 618, A86 (2018) - S.P. Järvinen, S. Hubrig, I. Ilyin, M. Schöller, M.F. Nieva, N. Przybilla, N. Castro
Detection of magnetic fields in He-rich early B-type stars using HARPSpol
A&A 618, L2 (2018) - V. Christiaens, S. Casassus, O. Absil, S. Kimeswenger, C. A. Gomez Gonzalez, J. Girard, R. Ramírez, O. Wertz, A. Zurlo, C. Flores, V. Salinas, A. Jordán, D. Mawet
Characterization of low-mass companion HD 142527 B
A&A 617, A37 (2018) - A.F. Marino, N. Przybilla, A.P. Milone, G. da Costa, F. D'Antona, A. Dotter, A. Dupree
Different stellar rotation in the two main sequences of the young globular cluster NGC 1818: first direct spectroscopic evidence
AJ 156, 116 (2018) - A.F. Marino, A.P. Milone, L. Casagrande, N. Przybilla, L. Balaguer-Núñez, A. Serenelli, F. Vilardell
Discovery of extended main-sequence turn-off in Galactic open clusters
ApJL 863, L33 (2018) - B. Proxauf, R. da Silva, V.V. Kovtyukh, G. Bono, L. Inno, B. Lemasle, J. Pritchard, N. Przybilla, J. Storm, M.A. Urbaneja, E. Valenti, M. Bergemann, R. Buonanno, V. D'Orazi, M. Fabrizio, I. Ferraro, G. Fiorentino, P. François, G. Iannicola, C.D. Laney, R.P. Kudritzki, N. Matsunaga, M. Nonino, F. Primas, M. Romaniello, F. Thévenin
On a new and homogeneous metallicity scale for Galactic classical Cepheids. I. Physical parameters
A&A 616, A82 (2018) - S. Kimeswenger, D. Barría
Planetary Nebulae distances in GAIA DR2
A&A 616, L2 (2018) - D. Barria, S. Kimeswenger
HST/WFPC2 imaging analysis and Cloudy modelling of the multiple shell planetary nebulae NGC 3242, NGC 6826 and NGC 7662
MNRAS 480, 1626-1638 (2018) - D. Barria, S. Kimeswenger
Analysis of Multiple Shell Planetary Nebulae Based on HST/WFPC2 Extended 2D Diagnostic Diagrams
Galaxies 6, 84 (2018) - P. van Hoof, S. Kimeswenger, G. van de Steene, A. Avison, A. Zijlstra, L. Guzman-Ramirez, F. Herwig, M. Hajduk
The Real-Time Evolution of V4334 Sgr
Galaxies 6, 79 (2018) - M. Mol Lous, E. Weenk, M.A. Kenworthy, K. Zwintz, R. Kuschnig
A search for transiting planets in the β Pictoris system
A&A 615, A145 (2018) - T.A. Berger, R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja, F. Bresolin, W. Gieren, G. Pietrzyński, N. Przybilla
Quantitative spectroscopy of blue supergiant stars in the Local Group dwarf galaxy IC1613: metallicity and distance
ApJ 860, 130 (2018) - M. Mallonn, E. Herrero, I.G. Juvan, C. von Essen, A. Rosich, I. Ribas, T. Granzer, X. Alexoudi, K.G. Strassmeier
GJ 1214: Rotation period, starspots, and uncertainty on the optical slope of the transmission spectrum
A&A 614, A35 (2018) - S. Noll, B. Proxauf, W. Kausch, S. Kimeswenger
Mechanisms for varying non-LTE contributions to OH rotational temperatures from measurements and modelling. II. Kinetic model
J. Atmos. Solar-Terrest. Phys. 175, 100-119 (2018) - S. Noll, B. Proxauf, W. Kausch, S. Kimeswenger
Mechanisms for varying non-LTE contributions to OH rotational temperatures from measurements and modelling. I. Climatology
J. Atmos. Solar-Terrest. Phys. 175, 87-99 (2018) - V. Schaffenroth, S. Geier, U. Heber, R. Gerber, D. Schneider, E. Ziegerer, O. Cordes
The MUCHFUSS photometric campaign
A&A 614, A77 (2018) - S. Hernandez, C. Leitherer, M. Boquien, V. Buat, D. Burgarella, D. Calzetti,, S. Noll
Investigating the Lyman photon escape in local starburst galaxies with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
MNRAS 478, 1292-1304 (2018) - S.M. Rucinski, A. Pigulski, A. Popowicz, R. Kuschnig, S. Kozłowski, A.F.J. Moffat, K. Pavlovski, G. Handler, H. Pablo, G.A. Wade, W.W. Weiss, K. Zwintz
Light-curve instabilities of β Lyrae observed by the BRITE satellites
AJ 156, 12 (2018) - S. Simón-Díaz, C. Aerts, M.A. Urbaneja, I. Camacho, V. Antoci, M. Fredslund Andersen, F. Grundahl, P.L. Pallé
Low-frequency photospheric and wind variability in the early-B supergiant HD2905
A&A 612, A40 (2018) - M.S. Dimitrijević, A. Chougule
Stark broadening of CrIII spectral lines: DO white dwarfs
Atoms 6, 15 (2018) - P. Nowajewski, M. Rojas, P. Rojo, S. Kimeswenger
Atmospheric dynamics and habitability range in Earth-like aquaplanets obliquity simulations
Icarus 305, 84-90 (2018) - S. Blex, M. Hackstein, M. Haas, S. Kimeswenger, R. Chini, K. Hodapp
2MASS J06422218-0226285 - a new Outburst Source
IBVS 6240, 1 (2018) - S. Kimeswenger, D. Barria, W. Kausch, D.S. Goldman
Emission line galaxies behind the planetary nebula IC5148: Potential for a serendipity survey with archival data
RMxAA 54, 101-109 (2018) - V. D'Orazi, D. Magurno, G. Bono, N. Matsunaga, V.F. Braga, S.S. Elgueta, K. Fukue, S. Hamano, L. Inno, N. Kobayashi, S. Kondo, M. Monelli, M. Nonino, N. Przybilla, H. Sameshima, I. Saviane, D. Taniguchi, F. Thevenin, M. Urbaneja-Perez, A. Watase, A. Arai, M. Bergemann, R. Buonanno, M. Dall'Ora, R. Da Silva, M. Fabrizio, I. Ferraro, G. Fiorentino, P. Francois, R. Gilmozzi, G. Iannicola, Y. Ikeda, M. Jian, H. Kawakita, R.P. Kudritzki, B. Lemasle, M. Marengo, S. Marinoni, C. Martínez-Vásquez, D. Minniti, J. Neeley, S. Otsubo, J.L. Prieto, B. Proxauf, M. Romaniello, N. Sanna, C. Sneden, K. Takenaka, T. Tsujimoto, E. Valenti, C. Yasui, T. Yoshikawa, M. Zoccali
On the chemical abundances of Miras in clusters: V1 in the metal-rich globular NGC 5927
ApJL 855, L9 (2018) - D. Baade, A. Pigulski, T. Rivinius, A.C. Carciofi, D. Panoglou, M. Ghoreyshi, G. Handler, R. Kuschnig, A.F.J. Moffat, H. Pablo, A. Popowicz, G.A. Wade, W.W. Weiss, K. Zwintz
Short-term variability and mass loss in Be stars III. BRITE and SMEI satellite photometry of 28 Cygni
A&A 610, A70 (2018) - N.D. Richardson, H. Pablo, C. Sterken, A. Pigulski, G. Koenigsberger, A.F.J. Moffat, T.I. Madura, K. Hamaguchi, M.F. Corcoran, A. Damineli, T.R. Gull, D.J. Hillier, G. Weigelt, G. Handler, A. Popowicz, G.A. Wade, W.W. Weiss, K. Zwintz
BRITE-Constellation reveals evidence for pulsations in the enigmatic binary η Carinae
MNRAS 475, 5417-5423 (2018) - I.G. Juvan, M. Lendl, P.E. Cubillos, L. Fossati, J. Tregloan-Reed, H. Lammer, E. W. Guenther, A. Hanslmeier
PyTranSpot - A tool for multiband light curve modeling of planetary transits and stellar spots
A&A 610, A15 (2018) - T. Ramiaramanantsoa, A.F.J. Moffat, R. Harmon, R. Ignace, N. St-Louis, D. Vanbeveren, T. Shenar, H. Pablo, N.D. Richardson, I.D. Howarth, I.R. Stevens, C. Piaulet, L. St-Jean, T. Eversberg, A. Pigulski, A. Popowicz, R. Kuschnig, E. Zocłońska,, B. Buysschaert, G. Handler, W.W. Weiss, G.A. Wade, S.M. Rucinski, K. Zwintz, P. Luckas, B. Heathcote, P. Cacella, J. Powles, M. Locke, T. Bohlsen, A.N. Chené, B. Miszalski, W.L. Waldron, M.M. Kotze, E.J. Kotze,T. Böhm
BRITE-Constellation high-precision time-dependent photometry of the early-O-type supergiant ζ Puppis unveils the photospheric drivers of its small- and large-scale wind structures
MNRAS 473, 5532-5569 (2018) - K.S. Kalogerakis, D. Matsiev, P.C. Cosby, J.A. Dodd, S. Falcinelli, J. Hedin, A.A. Kutepov, S. Noll, P.A. Panka, C. Romanescu, J.E. Thiebaud
New insights for mesospheric OH: multi-quantum vibrational relaxation as a driver for non-local thermodynamic equilibrium
Ann. Geophys. 36, 13-24 (2018)
- V. Schaffenroth, B. Barlow, S. Geier, M. Vučković, D. Kilkenny, J. Schaffenroth
News from the EREBOS project
Open Astronomy 26, 208-213 (2017) - D. Schneider, A. Irrgang, U. Heber, M.F. Nieva, N. Przybilla
On the 3He anomaly in hot subdwarf B stars
Open Astronomy 26, 139-151 (2017) - K. Zwintz, T. Van Reeth, A. Tkachenko, S. Gössl, A. Pigulski, R. Kuschnig, G. Handler, A.F.J. Moffat, A. Popowicz, G. Wade, W.W. Weiss
Constraining the near-core rotation of the γ Doradus star 43 Cygni using BRITE-Constellation data
A&A 608, A103 (2017) - D. Mékarnia, E. Chapellier, T. Guillot, L. Abe, A. Agabi, Y. De Pra, F.-X. Schmider, K. Zwintz, K.B. Stevenson, J.J. Wang, A.-M. Lagrange, L. Bigot, N. Crouzet, Y. Fantei-Caujolle, J.M. Christille, P. Kalas
The δ Scuti pulsations of β Pictoris as observed by ASTEP from Antarctica
A&A 608, L6 (2017) - S. Noll, S. Kimeswenger, B. Proxauf, S. Unterguggenberger, W. Kausch, A.M. Jones
15 years of VLT/UVES OH intensities and temperatures in comparison with TIMED/SABER data
J. Atmos. Solar-Terrest. Phys. 163, 54-69 (2017) - C. Neiner, M.E. Oksala, C. Georgy, N. Przybilla, S. Mathis, G. Wade, M. Kondrak, L. Fossati, A. Blazère, B. Buysschaert, J. Grunhut
Discovery of magnetic hot supergiants: the probable descendants of magnetic main sequence OB stars
MNRAS 471, 1926-1935 (2017) - S. Hubrig, N. Przybilla, H. Korhonen, I. Ilyin, M. Schöller, S.P. Järvinen, M.F. Nieva, R.D. Scholz, S. Kimeswenger, M. Ramolla, A.F. Kholtygin, M. Briquet
Magnetic field geometry and chemical abundance distribution of the He-strong star CPD -57° 3509
MNRAS 471, 1543-1552 (2017) - T. Kupfer, N. Przybilla, U. Heber, C.S. Jeffery, N.T. Behara, K. Butler
Quantitative spectroscopy of extreme helium stars. Model atmospheres and a non-LTE abundance analysis of BD+10°2179
MNRAS 471, 877-890 (2017) - T. Weinzirl, A. Aragón-Salamanca, M.E. Gray, S.P. Bamford, B. Rodríguez Del Pino, A.L. Chies-Santos, A. Böhm, C. Wolf, R.J. Cool
OMEGA - OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2: III. - Galaxy Properties Across Projected Phase Space in A901/2
MNRAS 471, 182-200 (2017) - J. M. Pérez-Martínez, B. Ziegler, M. Verdugo, A. Böhm, M. Tanaka
Galaxy kinematics in the XMM2235 cluster field at z∼1.4
A&A 605, A127 (2017) - A. Popowicz, A. Pigulski, K. Bernacki, R. Kuschnig, H. Pablo, T. Ramiaramanantsoa, E. Zoclonska, D. Baade, G. Handler, A.F. Moffat, G.A. Wade, C. Neiner, S.M. Rucinski, W.W. Weiss, O. Koudelka, P. Orleanski, A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny, K. Zwintz
BRITE-Constellation: Data processing and photometry
A&A 605, A26 (2017) - M.A. Urbaneja, R.P. Kudritzki, W. Gieren, G. Pietrzynski, F. Bresolin, N. Przybilla
LMC Blue Supergiant Stars and the Calibration of the Flux-Weighted Gravity-Luminosity Relationship
AJ 154, 102 (2017) - P. Calissendorff, M. Janson, R. Köhler, S. Durkan, S. Hippler, X. Dai, W. Brandner, J. Schlieder, T. Henning
The discrepancy between dynamical and theoretical mass in the triplet-system 2MASS J10364483+1521394
A&A 604, A82 (2017) - N. Przybilla, P. Aschenbrenner, S. Buder
Candidate exoplanet host HD131399A: a nascent Am star
A&A 604, L9 (2017) - G. Csépány, M. van den Ancker, P. Ábrahám, R. Köhler, W. Brandner, F. Hormuth, H. Hiss
Multi-epoch, high spatial resolution observations of multiple T Tauri systems
A&A 603, A74, (2017) - T. Kallinger, W. Weiss, P. Beck, A. Pigulski, R. Kuschnig, A. Tkachenko, Y. Pakhomov, T. Ryabchikova, T. Lüftinger, P. Palle, E. Semenko, G. Handler, O. Koudelka, J. Matthews, A. Moffat, H. Pablo, A. Popowicz, S. Rucinski, G. Wade, K. Zwintz
Triple system HD201433 with a SPB star component seen by BRITE - Constellation: Pulsation, differential rotation, and angular momentum transfer
A&A 603, A13 (2017) - K. Zwintz, E. Moravveji, P.I. Pápics, A. Tkachenko, N. Przybilla, M.F. Nieva, R. Kuschnig, V. Antoci, D. Lorenz, N. Themeßl, L. Fossati, T.G. Barnes
A comprehensive study of young B stars in NGC 2264: I. Space photometry and asteroseismology
A&A 601, A101 (2017) - S. Unterguggenberger, S. Noll, W. Feng, J.M.C. Plane, W. Kausch, S. Kimeswenger, A. Jones, S. Moehler
Measuring FeO variation using astronomical spectroscopic observations
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 4177-4187 (2017) - J.F. González, S. Hubrig, N. Przybilla, T.A. Carroll, M.F. Nieva, I. Ilyin, S.P. Järvinen, T. Morel, M. Schöller, N. Castro, R. Barbá, A. de Koter, F.R.N. Schneider, A. Kholtygin, K. Butler, M.E. Veramendi, N. Langer, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): The magnetic triple stellar system HD164492C in the Trifid nebula
MNRAS 467, 437-450 (2017) - D. Tafoya, J.A. Toalá, W.H.T. Vlemmings, M.A. Guerrero, E. De Beck, M. González, S. Kimeswenger, A.A. Zijlstra, Á. Sánchez-Monge, S.P. Treviño-Morales
(sub)Millimeter Emission Lines of Molecules in Born-again Stars
A&A 600, A23 (2017) - B. Rodríguez Del Pino, A. Aragón-Salamanca, A.L. Chies-Santos, T. Weinzirl, S.P. Bamford, M.E. Gray, A. Böhm, C. Wolf, D.T. Maltby
OMEGA - OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2: II. - Environmental influence on integrated star formation properties and AGN activity
MNRAS 467, 4200-4217 (2017) - M. Schöller, S. Hubrig, L. Fossati, T.A. Carroll, M. Briquet, L.M. Oskinova, S. Järvinen, I. Ilyin, N. Castro, T. Morel, N. Langer, N. Przybilla, M.F. Nieva, A.F. Kholtygin, H. Sana, A. Herrero, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): Concluding the FORS2 observing campaign
A&A 599, A66 (2017) - K. Kubiak, J. Alves, H. Bouy, L.M. Sarro, J. Ascenso, A. Burkert, J. Forbrich, J. Großschedl, A. Hacar, B. Hasenberger, M. Lombardi, S. Meingast, R. Köhler, P. S. Teixeira
Orion revisited III. The Orion Belt population
A&A 598, A124 (2017) - C.P. Nicholls, T. Lebzelter, A. Smette, B. Wolff, H. Hartmann, H.U. Käufl, N. Przybilla, S. Ramsey, S. Uttenthaler, G.M. Wahlgren, S. Bagnulo, G.A.J. Hussain, M.F. Nieva, U. Seemann, A. Seifahrt
The high resolution CRIRES-POP library from 1 to 5 microns. II. The spectrum of the K giant 10 Leo
A&A 598, A79 (2017) - N. Castro, L. Fossati, S. Hubrig, S.P. Järvinen, N. Przybilla, M.F. Nieva, I. Ilyin, T.A. Carroll, M. Schöller, N. Langer, F.R.N. Schneider, S. Simón-Díaz, T. Morel, K. Butler, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): The outstandingly strong magnetic field in the He-strong star CPD -62° 2124
A&A 597, L6 (2017) - G. Handler, M. Rybicka, A. Popowicz, A. Pigulski, R. Kuschnig, E. Zoclonska, A. F. J. Moffat, W. W. Weiss, C. C. Grant, H. Pablo, G. N. Whittaker, S. M. Rucinski, T. Ramiaramanantsoa, K. Zwintz, G. A. Wade
Combining BRITE and ground-based photometry for the β Cephei star ν Eridani: impact on photometric pulsation mode identification and detection of several g modes
MNRAS 464, 2249-2258 (2017)
- H. Pablo, G. Whittaker, A. Popowicz, R. Kuschnig, C. Grant, A. Moffat, S. Rucinski, J. Matthews, A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny, G. Handler, W. Weiss, D. Baade, G. Wade, E. Zoclonska, T. Ramiaramanantsoa, M. Unterberger, K. Zwintz, A. Pigulski, J. Rowe, O. Koudelka, P. Orleanski, A. Pamyatnykh, C. Neiner, R. Wawrzaszek, G. Marciniszyn, P. Romano, G. Wozniak, T. Zawistowski, R. Zee
The BRITE Constellation Nanosatellite Mission: Testing, Commissioning, and Operations
PASP 128, 125001 (2016) - F. Bresolin, R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja, W. Gieren, I.T. Ho, G. Pietrzynski
Young Stars and Ionized Nebulae in M83: Comparing Chemical Abundances at High Metallicity
ApJ 830, 64 (2016) - R.H. Méndez, R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja
The two central stars of NGC 1514: can they actually be related?
ApJ 829, 73 (2016) - R.P. Kudritzki, N. Castro, M.A. Urbaneja, I.T. Ho, F. Bresolin, W. Gieren, G. Pietrzynski, N. Przybilla
A spectroscopy study of blue supergiant stars in the Sculptor galaxy NGC55: chemical evolution and distance
ApJ 829, 70 (2016) - M. Kasper, K.K.R. Santhakumari, T.M. Herbst, R. Köhler
New Circumstellar Structure in the T Tauri System. A NIR, High-Contrast Imaging Study
A&A 593, A50 (2016) - A. Böhm, B. Ziegler
Disk galaxy scaling relations at intermediate redshifts. I. The Tully-Fisher and velocity-size relations
A&A 592, A64 (2016) - S. Noll, W. Kausch, S. Kimeswenger, S. Unterguggenberger, A.M. Jones
Comparison of VLT/X-shooter OH and O2 rotational temperatures with consideration of TIMED/SABER emission and temperature profiles
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 5021-5042 (2016) - D. de la Fuente, F. Najarro, J. Borissova, S. Ramírez Alegría, M.M. Hanson, C. Trombley, D.F. Figer, B. Davies, M. Garcia, R. Kurtev, M.A. Urbaneja, L.C. Smith, P.W. Lucas, A. Herrero
Probing the Dragonfish star-forming complex: the ionizing population of the young massive cluster Mercer 30
A&A 589, A69 (2016) - A. Tkachenko, J.M. Matthews, C. Aerts, K. Pavlovski, P.I. Papics, K. Zwintz, C. Cameron, G.A.H. Walker, R. Kuschnig, P. Degroote, J. Debosscher, E. Moravveji, V. Kolbas, D.B. Guenther, A.F.J. Moffat, J.F. Rowe, S.M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, W.W. Weiss
Stellar modelling of Spica, a high-mass spectroscopic binary with a β Cep variable primary component
MNRAS 458, 1964-1976 (2016) - A. Escorza, K. Zwintz, A. Tkachenko, T. Van Reeth, T. Ryabchikova, C. Neiner, E. Poretti, M. Rainer, E. Michel, A. Baglin, C. Aerts
HD 41641: a classical δ Sct-type pulsator with chemical signatures of an Ap star
A&A 588, A71 (2016) - A. Pigulski, H. Cugier, A. Popowicz, R. Kuschnig, A.F.J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny, W.W. Weiss, G. Handler, G.A. Wade, O. Koudelka, J.M. Matthews, S. Mochnacki, P. Orleanski, H. Pablo, T. Ramiaramanantsoa, G. Whittaker, E. Zocłońska, K. Zwintz
Massive pulsating stars observed by BRITE-Constellation. I. The triple system β Centauri (Agena)
A&A 588, A55 (2016) - W.W. Weiss, H.-E. Fröhlich, A. Pigulski, A. Popowicz, D. Huber, R. Kuschnig, A.F.J. Moffat, J.M. Matthews, H. Saio, A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny, C.C. Grant, O. Koudelka, T. Lüftinger, S.M. Rucinski, G.A. Wade, J. Alves, M. Güdel, G. Handler, S. Mochnacki, P. Orleanski, B. Pablo, A. Pamyatnykh, T. Ramiaramanantsoa, J. Rowe, G. Whittaker, T. Zawistowski, E. Zocłońska, K. Zwintz
The roAp star α Circini as seen by BRITE-Constellation
A&A 588, A54 (2016) - M. Lakićević, S. Kimeswenger, S. Noll, W. Kausch, S. Unterguggenberger, F. Kerber
Study of the atmospheric conditions at Cerro Armazones using astronomical data
A&A 588, A32 (2016) - N. Reindl, S. Geier, T. Kupfer, S. Bloemen, V. Schaffenroth, U. Heber, B.N. Barlow, R.H. Østensen
RV variable, hot post-AGB stars from the MUCHFUSS project - Classification, atmospheric parameters, formation scenarios
A&A 587, A101 (2016) - R. Köhler, M. Kasper, T.M. Herbst, T. Ratzka, G.H.-M. Bertrang
Orbits in the T Tauri triple system observed with SPHERE
A&A 587, A35 (2016) - N. Przybilla, L. Fossati, S. Hubrig, M.F. Nieva, S.P. Järvinen, N. Castro, M. Schöller, I. Ilyin, K. Butler, F.R.N. Schneider, L.M. Oskinova, T. Morel, N. Langer, A. de Koter, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): Detection of a magnetic field in the He-strong star CPD -57° 3509
A&A 587, A7 (2016) - R. da Silva, B. Lemasle, G. Bono, K. Genovali, A. McWilliam, A. Cristallo, M. Bergemann, R. Buonanno, M. Fabrizio, I. Ferraro, P. François, G. Iannicola, L. Inno, C.D. Laney, R.P. Kudritzki, N. Matsunaga, M. Nonino, F. Primas, N. Przybilla, M. Romaniello, F. Thévenin, M.A. Urbaneja
Neutron-capture elements across the Galactic thin disk using Cepheids
A&A 586, A125 (2016) - A.A. Boyarchuk, B.M. Shustov, I.S. Savanov, M.E. Sachkov, D.V. Bisikalo, L.I. Mashonkina, D.Z. Wiebe, V.I. Shematovich, Yu.A. Shchekinov, T.A. Ryabchikova, N.N. Chugai, P.B. Ivanov, N.V. Voshchinnikov, A.I. Gomez de Castro, S.A. Lamzin, N. Piskunov, T. Ayres, K.G. Strassmeier, S. Jeffrey, K. Zwintz, D. Shulyak, J.C. Gérard, B. Hubert, L. Fossati, H. Lammer, K. Werner, A.G. Zhilkin, P.V. Kaigorodov, S.G. Sichevskii, S. Ustamuich, E.N. Kanev, E.Yu. Kil'pio
Scientific problems addressed by the Spektr-UV space project (world space Observatory-Ultraviolet)
Astron. Rep. 60, 1 (2016) - M. Latour, U. Heber, A. Irrgang, V. Schaffenroth, S. Geier, W. Hillebrandt, F. K. R. Röpke, S. Taubenberger, M. Kromer, M. Fink
Quantitative spectral analysis of the sdB star HD 188112: A helium-core white dwarf progenitor
A&A 585, A115 (2016) - C. Hoyos, A. Aragón-Salamanca, M.E. Gray, C. Wolf, D.T. Maltby, E.F. Bell, A. Böhm, S. Jogee
Linking the structural properties of galaxies and their star formation histories with STAGES
MNRAS 455, 295-307 (2016)
- L. Fossati, N. Castro, M. Schöller, S. Hubrig, N. Langer, T. Morel, M. Briquet, A. Herrero, N. Przybilla, H. Sana, F.R.N. Schneider, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): low resolution FORS2 spectropolarimetry of 50 massive stars
A&A 582, A45 (2015) - R. Zhao-Geisler, R. Köhler, F. Kemper, F. Kerschbaum, A. Mayer, A. Quirrenbach, B. Lopez
Spectro-Imaging of the Asymmetric Inner Molecular and Dust Shell Region of the Mira Variable W Hya with MIDI/VLTI
PASP 127, 732-741 (2015) - N. Castro, L. Fossati, S. Hubrig, S. Simón-Díaz, M. Schöller, I. Ilyin, T.A. Carroll, N. Langer, T. Morel, F.R.N. Schneider, N. Przybilla, A. Herrero, A. de Koter, L.M. Oskinova, A. Reisenegger, H. Sana, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): Detection of a strong magnetic field in the non-peculiar O9.7 V star HD 54879
A&A 581, A81 (2015) - M. Schindewolf, D. Levitan, U. Heber, H. Drechsel, V. Schaffenroth, T. Kupfer, T. Prince
A new HW Vir binary from the Palomar Transient Factory: PTF1 J072455.75+125300.3 - An eclipsing subdwarf B binary with a M-star companion
A&A 580, A117 (2015) - K. Genovali, B. Lemasle, R. da Silva, G. Bono, M. Fabrizio, M. Bergemann, R. Buonanno, I. Ferraro, P. François, G. Iannicola, L. Inno, C.D. Laney, R.P. Kudritzki, N. Matsunaga, M. Nonino, F. Primas, M. Romaniello, M.A. Urbaneja, F. Thévenin
On the α-element gradients of the Galactic thin disk using Cepheids
A&A 580, A17 (2015) - A.L. Chies-Santos, B. Rodríguez del Pino, B.; Aragón-Salamanca, S.P. Bamford, M.E. Gray, C. Wolf, A. Böhm, D.T. Maltby, I. Pintos-Castro, M. Sanchéz-Portal, T. Weinzirl
OMEGA - OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2 - I. Survey description, data analysis, and star formation and AGN activity in the highest density regions
MNRAS 450, 4458-4474 (2015) - T. Van Reeth, A. Tkachenko, C. Aerts, P.I. Papics, S.A. Triana, K. Zwintz, P. Degroote, J. Debosscher, S. Bloemen, V.S. Schmid, K. De Smedt, Y. Fremat, A.S. Fuentes, W. Homan, M. Hrudkova, R. Karjalainen, R. Lombaert, P. Nemeth, R.H. Østensen, G. Van De Steene, J. Vos, G. Raskin, H. Van Winckel
Gravity-mode period spacings as seismic diagnostic for a sample of gamma Doradus stars from Kepler space photometry and high-resolution ground-based spectroscopy
ApJS 218, 27 (2015) - S. Hubrig, M. Schöller, L. Fossati, T. Morel, N. Castro, L.M. Oskinova, N. Przybilla, S.S. Eikenberry, M.F. Nieva, N. Langer, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): FORS2 spectropolarimetric follow-up of the two rare rigidly rotating magnetosphere stars HD23478 and HD345439
A&A 578, L3 (2015) - C.R. Cowley, N. Przybilla, S. Hubrig
The puzzling spectrum of HD94509. Sounding out the extremes of Be shell star spectral morphology
A&A 578, A26 (2015) - L. Hunger, B. Cosenza, S. Kimeswenger, T. Fahringer
Spectral turning bands for efficient Gaussian random fields generation on GPUs and accelerators
Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. 27, 4122-4136 (2015) - S. Geier, T. Kupfer, U. Heber, V. Schaffenroth, B.N. Barlow, R.H. Østensen, S.J. O'Toole, E. Ziegerer, C. Heuser, P.F.L. Maxted, B.T. Gänsicke T.R. Marsh, R. Napiwotzki, P. Brünner, M. Schindewolf, F. Niederhofer
The catalogue of radial velocity variable hot subluminous stars from the MUCHFUSS project
A&A 577, A26 (2015) - V. Schaffenroth, B.N. Barlow, H. Drechsel, B.H. Dunlap
An eclipsing post common-envelope system consisting of a pulsating hot subdwarf B star and a brown dwarf companion
A&A 576, A123 (2015) - S. Noll, W. Kausch, S. Kimeswenger, S. Unterguggenberger, A.M. Jones
OH populations and temperatures from simultaneous spectroscopic observations of 25 bands
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 15, 3647-3669 (2015) - W. Kausch, S. Noll, A. Smette, S. Kimeswenger, M. Barden, C. Szyszka, A.M. Jones, H. Sana, H. Horst, F. Kerber
Molecfit: A general tool for telluric absorption correction. II. Quantitative evaluation on ESO-VLT/X-Shooter spectra
A&A 576, A78 (2015) - A. Smette, H. Sana, S. Noll, H. Horst, W. Kausch, S. Kimeswenger, M. Barden, C. Szyszka, A.M. Jones, A. Gallene, J. Vinther, P. Ballester
Molecfit: A general tool for telluric absorption correction I. Method and application to ESO instruments
A&A 576, A77 (2015) - T. Kupfer, S. Geier, U. Heber, R.H. Østensen, B.N. Barlow, P.F.L. Maxted, C. Heuser, V. Schaffenroth, B.T. Gänsicke
Hot subdwarf binaries from the MUCHFUSS project - Analysis of 12 new systems and a study of the short-period binary population
A&A 576, A44 (2015) - L. Fossati, N. Castro, T. Morel, N. Langer, M. Briquet, T.A. Carroll, S. Hubrig, M.F. Nieva, L.M. Oskinova, N. Przybilla, F.R.N. Schneider, M. Schöller, S. Simón-Díaz, I. Ilyin, A. de Koter, A. Reisenegger, H. Sana, and the BOB collaboration
B fields in OB stars (BOB): on the detection of weak magnetic fields in the two early B-type stars β CMa and ε CMa. Possible lack of a "magnetic desert" in massive stars
A&A 574, A20 (2015)
- N.L. Maza, M.F. Nieva, N. Przybilla
A non-LTE spectral analysis of the 3He and 4He isotopes in the HgMn star κ Cancri
A&A 572, A112 (2014) - V. Schaffenroth, L. Classen, K. Nagel, S. Geier, C. Koen, U. Heber, H. Edelmann
Two candidate brown dwarf companions around core helium-burning stars
A&A 570, A70 (2014) - S. Noll, W. Kausch, S. Kimeswenger, M. Barden, A.M. Jones, A. Modigliani, C. Szyszka, J. Taylor
Skycorr: A general tool for spectroscopic sky subtraction
A&A 567, A25 (2014) - M. Garcia, A. Herrero, F. Najarro, D.J. Lennon, M.A. Urbaneja
Winds of Low-metallicity OB-type Stars: HST-COS Spectroscopy in IC 1613
ApJ 788, 64 (2014) - R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja, F. Bresolin, M. W. Hosek, N. Przybilla
Stellar Metallicity of the Extended Disk and Distance of the Spiral Galaxy NGC 3621
ApJ 788, 56 (2014) - M.F. Nieva, N. Przybilla
Fundamental properties of nearby single early B-type stars
A&A 566, A7 (2014) - R. Prinja, M. A. Urbaneja
Rummaging inside the Eskimo's parka: variable asymmetric planetary nebula fast wind and a binary nucleus?
MNRAS 440, 2684-2691 (2014) - C.R. Cowley, S. Hubrig, N. Przybilla
Chemical abundances of the high-latitude Herbig Ae Star PDS2
MNRAS 440, 2457-2463 (2014) - A. Irrgang, N. Przybilla, U. Heber, M. Böck, M. Hanke, M.F. Nieva, K. Butler
A new method for an objective, χ2-based spectroscopic analysis of early-type stars. First results from its application to single and binary B- and late O-type stars
A&A 565, A63 (2014) - A. Maeder, N. Przybilla, M.F. Nieva, C. Georgy, G. Meynet, S. Ekström, P. Eggenberger
Evolution of surface CNO abundances in massive stars
A&A 565, A39 (2014) - M.W. Hosek, R.P. Kudritzki, F. Bresolin, M.A. Urbaneja, C.J. Evans, G. Pietrzynski, W. Gieren, N. Przybilla, G. Carraro
Quantitative Spectroscopy of Blue Supergiants in Metal-poor Dwarf Galaxy NGC 3109
ApJ 785, 151 (2014) - S. Hubrig, L. Fossati, T.A. Carroll, N. Castro, J.F. González, I. Ilyin, N. Przybilla, M. Schöller, L.M. Oskinova, T. Morel, N. Langer, R.D. Scholz, N.V. Kharchenko, M.F. Nieva
B fields in OB stars (BOB): The discovery of a magnetic field in a multiple system in the Trifid nebula, one of the youngest star forming regions
A&A 564, L10 (2014) - V. Schaffenroth, S. Geier, U. Heber, T. Kupfer, E. Ziegerer, C. Heuser, L. Classen, O. Cordes
Binaries discovered by the MUCHFUSS project. SDSS J162256.66+473051.1: An eclipsing subdwarf B binary with a brown dwarf companion
A&A 564, A98 (2014) - A.F. Marino, A.P. Milone, N. Przybilla, M. Bergemann, K, Lind, M. Asplund, S. Cassisi, M. Catelan, L. Casagrande, A.A.R. Valcarce, L.R. Bedin, C. Cortés, F. D'Antona, H. Jerjen, F. Piotto, K. Schlesinger, M. Zoccali, R. Angeloni
Helium enhanced stars and multiple populations along the horizontal branch of NGC 2808: direct spectroscopic measurements
MNRAS 437, 1609-1627 (2014)
- R.P. Kudritzki, M.A. Urbaneja, Z. Gazak, L. Macri, M.W. Hosek, F. Bresolin, N. Przybilla
A Direct Stellar Metallicity Determination in the Disk of the Maser Galaxy NGC 4258
ApJ Letters 779, L20 (2013) - R.H. Østensen, S. Geier, V. Schaffenroth, J.H. Telting, S. Bloemen, P. Németh, P.G. Beck, R. Lombaert, P.I. Pápics, A. Tillich, E. Ziegerer, L. Fox Machado, S. Littlefair, V. Dhillon, C. Aerts, U. Heber, P.F.L. Maxted, B.T. Gänsicke, T.R. Marsh
Binaries discovered by the MUCHFUSS project. FBS 0117+396: An sdB+dM binary with a pulsating primary
A&A 559, A35 (2013) - P.F.L. Maxted, A.M. Serenelli, A. Miglio, T.R. Marsh, U. Heber, V.S.Dhillon, S. Littlefair, C. Copperwheat, B. Smalley, E. Breedt, V. Schaffenroth
Multi-periodic pulsations of a stripped red-giant star in an eclipsing binary system
Nature 498, 463-465 (2013) - S. Geier, T.R. Marsh, B- Wang, B. Dunlap, B.N. Barlow, V. Schaffenroth, X. Chen, A. Irrgang, P.F.L. Maxted, E. Ziegerer, T. Kupfer, B. Miszalski, U. Heber, Z. Han, A. Shporer, J.H. Telting, B.T. Gänsicke, R.H. Østensen, S.J. O'Toole, R. Napiwotzki
A progenitor binary and an ejected mass donor remnant of faint type Ia supernovae
A&A 554, A54 (2013) - C.A. Hummel, T. Rivinius, M.F. Nieva, O. Stahl, G. van Belle, R.T. Zavala
Dynamical mass of the O-type supergiant in ζ Orionis A
A&A 554, A52 (2013) - V. Schaffenroth, S. Geier, H. Drechsel, U. Heber, P. Wils, R.H. Østensen, P.F.L. Maxted, G. di Scala
A new bright eclipsing hot subdwarf binary from the ASAS and SuperWASP surveys
A&A 553, A18 (2013)