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>> Abstracts Individual Papers
>> Tabular overview of all sessions
Thursday, 28.02.2019, 18:00-22:00
16:00 - 18:00 - Registration for Conference Participants
18:00 - 20:00 - Public Opening Event
Begrüßung und Einführung in die Konferenz
- Grußworte
Harald Welzer ist einer der einflussreichsten deutschen Soziologen und Sozialpsychologen. Er ist er unter anderem Professor für Transformationsdesign an der Universität Flensburg und Direktor der Futurzwei – Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit. Mit seinen zahlreichen Publikationen zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Phänomenen hat er in den letzten Jahren viel Aufmerksamkeit in wissenschaftlichen Kreisen sowie in der Öffentlichkeit erfahren.
20:00 - Welcome Evening
Friday, 01.03.2019, 08:30-22:00
08:30-10:30 - Parallel Sessions and Workshops
Conceptual discussions on social-ecological transformation
Chair: Melanie Pichler
- Marina Fischer-Kowalski (University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences): Energy Transitions and Social Revolutions
- Luki Sarah Schmitz (Goethe University Frankfurt): Commons as twofold resources for a radical transformation?
- Serge Leopold Middendorf (University of Augsburg): Autarky as (Resource-)Strategy?
- Xuejiao Li (University of Oxford): Study of School of Social Ecological Transformation in UK
Chair: Robert Hafner
- Letizia Zuliani (University of Bologna): One dead sea is enough: the correlation between energy infrastructure and environmental security within the Caspian Sea region
- Tim Wegenast (University of Konstanz): Mining, Rural Livelihoods and Food Security: A Disaggregated Analysis of Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa
- Natalia Yakovleva (Newcastle University London) & Tuyara Gavrilyeva: Oil and gas pipelines in Siberia and indigenous peoples: ten years later
- Jessica Zanetti (Universität Basel) & Fritz Brugger: Mining Peasant’s Livelihood Trajectories: Understanding the symbiosis between agriculture and artisanal mining in Burkina Faso
Chair: Martin Coy / Christoph Huber
- Gabriel Oyhantçabal Benelli (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): Resource rich countries and capital accumulation in Latin America: an approximation from the Uruguayan case
- Soledad Figueredo Rolle (Universidad de la República, Uruguay): Large-scale entrepreneurial agriculture; the case of Uruguay
- Daiana Peloche (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) & Pedro Arbeletche: Use and Management Soils Plans in Uruguay
- Victoria Evia Bertullo (Universidad de la República, Uruguay): Dwelling and embodied forms of knowledge about GMO soybean expansion and pesticide use increase consequences in Uruguay
Extractivism – critical discussions
Chair: Ulrich Brand / Werner Raza
- Ulrich Brand (University of Vienna), Kristina Dietz (FU Berlin) & Miriam Lang: Neo-Extractivism in Latin America in crisis? – Ressource-led development between global capitalist dynamics and authoritarian moves/shifts to the right
- Sascha Werthes (Trier University) & Jan Grabek (Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatine): The Neglected Contradictions of Resource Sector Reforms in Former War-Economies: A Critical Review of Liberian Resource Governance Reforms
- Isabella M. Radhuber (University of Vienna): Diverse economies in postcolonial settings: difference, power relations and mining in Bolivia and Ecuador
- Sebastian Purwins (University Augsburg): We don’t need no resource extraction. A critical review of the current dynamics in Ghana’s bauxite sector and Chinese Investments
Chair: Stefan Giljum
- Stefan Giljum (Vienna University of Economics and Business): Moving material flow analysis from the national to the spatially explicit level
- Victor Maus (Vienna University of Economics and Business): Using global crop maps to improve the estimation of impacts associated with biomass production
- Mirko Lieber (Vienna University of Economics and Business): Creating global extraction maps for non-renewable resources
- Stephan Lutter (Vienna University of Economics and Business): Assessing water inputs of global mining activities
[Open Workshop] Narrative and Visual Spaces – Experimenting with Transdisciplinary Methods
- Moritz Engbers, Vera Brandner, Esther Meyer (Leuphana University of Lüneburg):
Socio-ecological transformation is at stake that is formed by people in their every-day-life and offers perspectives on a sustainable future at regional as well as planetary level. In times of multiple socio-ecological crises, the assessment, distribution and use of resources becomes a crucial issue. Especially, as resource use is strongly linked with certain ways of living and thus knowledge production that we often take for granted. In order to question those ways of living and knowledge production and to develop alternative strategies for living together, new forms of cooperation and boundary work are required in order to take experiences, knowledges and visions of different actors from science, arts, social movements, and public institutions into account. Thus, transdisciplinary methods and methodologies are required that address “hegemonic elements of the existing mode of production and living” (Brand 2012, 127). Therefore, we suggest to go for a shift in the way research and researchers are perceived and research is done. (...)
10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 - Parallel Sessions and Workshops
Chair: Matthias Schmidt
- Matthias Schmidt (Universität Augsburg): Political Ecology of Post-Socialism
- Anne Tittor (FSU Jena): Towards an Extractive Bioeconomy? Argentina´s old and new orientations concerning agriculture
- Bettina Köhler (University of Vienna): Resource conflicts and contested knowledge production in European water politics
- Ann-Kathrin Volmer (University of Münster): Regulation of social-ecological relations with public policies in South Colombia
Chair: Fernando Ruiz Peyré
- Simon Meissner (University of Augsburg): Impacts of Metal Extraction and Refining on Local Freshwater Resources – A Methodological Approach to Assess the Criticality of the Water-Resource-Nexus from a Global Perspective
- Matthias Kowasch & Julien Merlin (University College of Teacher Education Styria): The politics of neutrality in environmental organizations facing mining projects in New Caledonia
- Martin C. Lukas (University of Bremen): The illicit gold and diamond rush in Kalimantan
- Facundo Rojas (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo), Lucrecia Wagner (CONICET) & Fernando Ruiz Peyré (University of Innsbruck): Cartographies and "scars" in the territory. Looking to the past of mining projects in order to understand the socio-environmental present
Chair: Clemens Geitner / Melanie Pichler
- Melanie Pichler & Simone Gingrich (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna): REDD+ in the context of industrializing land use: political-institutional and biophysical contradictions of forest transitions in Southeast Asia
- Clemens Geitner & Elisabeth Schaber (University of Innsbruck): Ecosystem Services as a useful approach to promote social-ecological transformation? A critical analysis at the example of the resource soil
- Charlotte Gohr, Pierre Ibisch & Thomas Nauss (Philipps-Universität Marburg): Ecological impacts of clear-cuts on remaining forest. A case study in the north-west Russian Federation using remote sensing supported, geo-statistical analysis
- Christian Schleyer, Jutta Kister & Michael Klingler (University of Innsbruck): More than a forest – multiple uses, trade-offs and future perspectives
Value chain based approaches to resource control
Chair: Bernhard Tröster
- Jonathan Happ (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg): The Stoney Road to Fair Gold – Challenges to Certification of small-scale Gold mining in East Africa
- Julia Lackner (Institute of Social Ecology): “More Exports, More Jobs?” - The Impacts of Nicaragua’s Cigar Export Industry on Jobs and Livelihoods
- Bernhard Tröster (ÖFSE): Financialising soft commodity value chains? The role of commodity trading houses for upgrading potentials
- Thomas Vogelpohl (FernUniversität in Hagen): Between neo-colonialism and sustainability: the dilemma of transnational biomass certification for the emerging bioeconomy
Chair: Stefan Giljum
- Christian Dorninger (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), Hornborg, Abson, Wehrden, Hubacek, Feller, Schaffartzik, Giljum, Engler & Wiela: Global patterns of ecologically unequal exchange: ecological and social implications for sustainability in the 21st century
- Juan He (University of Vienna): The emergence and essence of ecological imperialism
- Anke Schaffartzik (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Cementing growth and inequality: Colonization through infrastructures
[Open Workshop] University Institutions as a Resource for Social-Ecological Transformation?
- Tabea Klier (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Wouter Buursma, Franziska Allerberger & Philipp Mack (University of Innsbruck):
Environmental pollution and resource exploitation as well as anthropogenic climate change represent just a few of the complex Grand Challenges of the 21st century. In light of this, the international community has set up operational frameworks on a global level including, among other documents, the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. At the same time, the necessity for taking immediate action should be recognized on a local level and thereby triggers a social-ecological transformation towards sustainability. The urgency of measures is highlighted by the recently published IPCC “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C (SR15)”. Regarding the complexity of these challenges, universities should assume their societal responsibility by actively taking part in the debates and working hand-in-hand with extramural institutions and the society to find solutions. In other words: universities should act as change agents. This is only possible if these powerful institutions and all their constituents develop a universal understanding of sustainability, and intently take bold action. Against this background, measures must be taken in both the educational and research realms in order to communicate with society on a transdisciplinary level and ultimately influence governance and management for a sustainable and just future. Thereby, we understand universities as a resource, embedded in complex structures of political and societal interests. Students play not only a decisive role in fostering sustainability at universities but also act as multipliers to promote a pathway to social-ecological transformation. In this respect, we as a network of student initiatives from Germany and Austria have collaborated to organize this workshop with the aim to interactively discuss the obstacles and possibilities presented to us. Following our argumentation above, the target groups of this workshop include university students, staff, and faculty as well as influential players in society. Considering existing political frameworks regarding the Third Mission of universities in three different countries (Netherlands, Germany and Austria), we want to scrutinize the reasons for different levels of implementation. We propose three case studies that will compare techniques and outcomes in regards to sustainability practices at various universities in these three countries. These brief and contextualized presentations of the status quo will facilitate interactive discussions, such as fishbowl discussions, world cafés and design thinking. In an overall context, the focus should lay inter alia on the potential of student initiatives.
13:00-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:30 - Plenary Session
- Daniela Gottschlich is an inter- and transdisciplinary working political scientist who focuses on critical transformation and sustainability studies. With perspectives from social and political ecology, feminist economy and democracy theory, she works as a research associate (Post-Doc) in the joint project "KlimaInnoGovernance" at the Europa-Universität Flensburg.
Éric Pineault is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the University of Quebéc in Montréal, Canada. Pineault’s research focuses on financial institutions, extractive economies, the issue of ecological transition and degrowth as well as the general macroeconomic and social transformations of advanced capitalism. He is a member of the research Collective for the analysis of the Financialization of Advanced Capitalism (CAFCA) and Senior Fellow at the “Postgrowth society “ College of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.
15:30-16:00 - Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 - Parallel Sessions and Workshops
[Special Session] Analyzing stocks, flows and services for a social-ecological transformation
Chair: Christoph Görg
- Christina Plank, Stefan Liehr & Christoph Görg (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna): The stock-flow-service nexus: The role of provisioning systems and its implications for a socialecological transformation
- Helmut Haberl (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), Dominik Wiedenhofer & Fridolin Krausmann: A century of global material stock accumulation: implications for sustainability transformations
- Robert Groß (University of Innsbruck; University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) & Dominik Wiedenhofer (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna): The Marshall Plan and its socio-ecological side effects. Conceptual and case based considerations
Locally based initiatives for transformation
Chair: Jutta Kister
- Luisa Bravo (University of Innsbruck): The role of indigenous populations for a sustainable future. Reflecting the world through the eyes of the Kogis, an indigenous population in Colombia
- Carolin Hulke (University of Cologne): How much ‘C’ in CBNRM? Community-Based Natural Resource Management perceptions and impacts on Agricultural Value Chain participation of smallholder farmers in the Zambezi Region in Namibia
- Lorena Olarte (University of Vienna): Contesting Development: Emerging Forms of Resistance Against the Extractivist Model in South-central Mexico and their Transformative Potential
- Jutta Kister (University of Innsbruck): Resourcing a high-mountain hut sustainably
Chair: Michael Klingler
- Heiko Faust & Yvonne Kunz (University of Goettingen): Sustainability as a new paradigm in telecoupled systems of (post-) frontier spaces
- Daniel Geiger (University of Lucerne): Armed and Dangerous: A Mugshot of the Frontier in the Global South
- Martina Neuburger (University of Hamburg): Coloniality of ‘frontier’ concepts
- Cristina de la Vega-Leinert (University of Greifswald) & Regine Schönenberg (Free University Berlin): Lessons learnt from a transdisciplinary collaborative project on extractive and agricultural commodity frontiers in Latin America
Historic perspective on resources
Chair: Andreas Exenberger
- Nelo Magalhães (Paris-Diderot), Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, François Jarrige, Thomas Le Roux, Gaëtan Levillain, Margot Lyautey, Guillaume Noblet & Christophe Bonneuil: The physical economy of France (1830–2015)
- Quirin Dammerer (Marie Jahoda-Otto Bauer Institute): Quantifying the material stocks of the United States of America from 1870 to 2017 and analysing their connection to sustainable resource use
- Gert Goldenberg (University of Innsbruck): Early exploitation of geo-resources – socio-economic aspects of the prehistoric alpine copper production
- Andreas Exenberger (University of Innsbruck): Structural conditions of resource extraction: a global economic historical perspective
[Special Session] A local to global perspective on resource governance and conflict
Chair: Anne Hennings, Janpeter Schilling, Nina Engwicht, Christina
- Janpeter Schilling (Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate), Christina Saulich (University of Applied Sciences Berlin) & Nina Engwicht: A local to global perspective on resource governance and conflict
- Nina Engwicht (Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate/University of Koblenz-Landau): The Local Translation of Global Norms: The Sierra Leonean Diamond Market
- Anne Hennings (University of Muenster): Plantation assemblages and spaces of contested development in Sierra Leone and Cambodia
- Janpeter Schilling (Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate), Raphael Locham (Danish Demining Group, Kenya) & Jürgen Scheffran (University of Hamburg): A local to global perspective on oil and wind exploitation, resource governance and conflict in northern Kenya
- Armin Kratzer, Ute Ammering (University of Innsbruck):
Bottom-up Initiativen, die sich in verschiedenen Themenfeldern für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation einsetzen forschend unter die Lupe zu nehmen, ist im Wissenschaftsbetrieb en-vogue. Gleichzeitig versuchen öffentliche und private Institutionen im non-profit Bereich solche bestehenden Initiativen bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Beide Seiten beschäftigen sich z.B. mit Fragen des positiven Klimas für und des upscalings von kleinen Initiativen. Forschende und Praxisakteure machen dabei unterschiedliche Erfahrungen mit den "guten Beispielen", die in diesem Workshop in Austausch gebracht werden sollen. Häufig hilft schon gutes Zuhören und sich eindenken in eine andere Sichtweise um im eigenen Kontext etwas zu verändern. Denn selbst wenn transformative Wissenschaft häufig nahe an der Praxis steht und Praxisinstitutionen einen wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund haben, besteht die Vermutung von blinden Flecken, auf die es sich lohnt ein Licht zu richten. Zu diesem Workshop werden gezielt VertreterInnen von Tiroler bzw. Innsbrucker NGOs, öffentlichen Institutionen und Gruppen eingeladen, die sich für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten einsetzen. Der Workshop wird in deutscher Sprache ablaufen.
18:40 - Meeting Hungerburgbahn "Congress station" (>>Map)
19:00-22:00 - Conference Dinner
"Above the roofs of Innsbruck"
- The Conference Dinner will take place at the Villa Blanka (Weiherburggasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck) - above the roofs of Innsbruck. Meeting on Friday at 18:40 at the Cable-car station Kongress of the Innsbrucker Nordkettenbahn (transport included in the conference fee). The fee for the conference dinner, including three-course menu and drinks (until 22:00), is 15 Euros. All participants who want to be part of the Conference Dinner have to pay the fee during registration at the conference desk.
Saturday, 02.03.2019, 08:30-13:30
08:30-10:00 - Parallel Sessions and Workshops
[Special Session] Political ecology of lithium. Between e-mobility and social-ecological conflicts
Chair: Fernando Ruiz Peyré & Felix Dorn
- Fernando Ruiz Peyré & Felix Dorn (University of Innsbruck): Contested Lithiumscapes in South America. Nature, control and power in the Lithium-Triangle
- Barbara Göbel (Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin): Contested natures: Cultural valuations of nature, environmental practices and salar mining in the Puna de Atacama (northwestern Argentina)
- Morgan Scoville-Simonds, Jonas Köppel & Marc Hufty (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva): Towards a global political ecology of lithium
Renewable energy – in a critical North-South Perspective
Chair: Bernhard Tröster
- Benjamin Reuter & Aline Hendrich (thinkstep AG): Comprehensive raw material assessment for batteries and fuel cells
- Joy Ibifuro Alasia (University of Vienna): Decolonizing the climate change driven energy transition: making the case for localizing and decentralizing energy governance in Africa
- Raphaela Hartl (Institute of Social Ecology, Vienna): Resource exploitation for the renewable energy system in Germany: Analysis of the unequal exchange between Germany and Peru via the copper commodity chain
Chair: Silja Klepp
- Thomas Thaler (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences): Planned retreat as a response to changing climate conditions: actors-network-conflicts in Austrian flood risk management policy
- Silja Klepp (Kiel University): Governing climate change adaptation. A case from Kiribati
- Tiina Häyhä (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University: EU policy and Earth resilience: how planetary boundaries can help bring them into line
Social innovations for a social ecological transformation
Chair: Sybille Bauriedl
- Stefanie Baasch (Universität Bremen) & Sybille Bauriedl (Europa-Universität Flensburg: Resource potentials and governance innovations. Energy transition by biomass and biogenic waste use
- Alice Ludvig, Gerhard Weiss, Simo Sarkki, Maria Nijnik & Ivana Živojinović (University of Natural Resouces and Life Sciences, Vienna, BOKU): Mapping European and forest related policies supporting social innovation for rural settings
- Ivana Živojinovic, Karl Hogl & Alice Ludvig (University of Natural Resouces and Life Sciences, Vienna, BOKU): Institutional structures for social innovation in rural development: gaps and potentials – the case of Serbia
Chair: Martin Coy, Damien Arvor
- Vincent Dubreuil, Damien Arvor, Beatriz Funatsu & Vincent Nédélec (Université Rennes 2): Climate Change in the BR-163 Region: A Multiscale Analysis
- Christoph Huber (University of Innsbruck): Along the BR-163 in Mato Grosso: Regional implications of coupling with Global Production Networks of soybeans
- Martin Coy, Tobias Töpfer & Frank Zirkl (University of Innsbruck): Agribusiness, rural-urban relations and social-ecological transformation. The case of the Sinop region in Northern Mato Grosso
[Open Workshop] Six-legged Livestock: A House for the Critters
- Thomas Klammsteiner, Andreas Walter, Heribert Insam (University of Innsbruck):
With worldwide increasing amounts of biodegradable organic wastes, which in great part originate from losses of food products on their way from the field to fork, innovative and efficient solutions must be found to re-valorize these valuable organic materials. Over the last couple of years, certain insect species gained popularity in their use as organic waste degraders and even found their way into Westerly kitchens. Especially the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) has proven itself as a low-maintenance workhorse in terms of converting organics into high-quality protein and fat, which in turn can find application as animal feedstuff or as building blocks for industrial products. With the increasing knowledge and proliferating research in this field, also the corresponding EUregulations regarding the use of insects as food and feed are constantly adapted and improved to guarantee safe and sustainable practices. While wild insects as a source for nutrients have a long tradition in many parts of the world, their direct industrial application to fight social, ecological and environmental issues is still in its infancy. In this workshop we will demonstrate the process of waste valorization by larvae in an applied manner and use this example of our “house for the critters” to extrapolate the applicability of this process to a large scale.
10:00-10:30 - Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 - Parallel Sessions and Workshops
[Special Session] Labour and Social-Ecological Transformation
Chair: Oliver Pye & Stefania Barca
- Oliver Pye (Bonn University): Miners against Hambi? Labour and Climate Justice in Germany
- Stefania Barca (University of Coimbra): Rethinking the “just” in Just Transition. Lessons from Amazonia
- Halliki Kreinin (Vienna University of Economics and Business): Class and environmentalism in the UK: Trade unions in the energy sector
Chair: Robert Hafner
- Robert Hafner (University of Graz): The oxymoronic normativity of resources. Incommensurabilities and their role in social-ecological transformations in the soy agribusiness sector
- Sören Köpke (University of Kassel): After the Land Rush? Non-inclusive land development, extractivism and environmental justice
- Christine Löw (Rhine Waal University) & Tanja Scheiterbauer (Goethe University Frankfurt): Gender Relations and Resource Conflicts: Women’s struggles in the Global South for social ecological transformation
Chair: Christina Ankenbrand & Julia Renner
- Ricarda Roesch (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg): The Space of Post-Conflict Law-Making: the Right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Liberia
- Nina Engwicht (Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz) & Jan Grabek (Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatine): What Makes Reforms Effective? A Human Security Perspective on Natural Resource Governance
- Julia Renner (University of Koblenz-Landau): Water Shortages at Watery Bodies – The Impacts of Man-Made Activities on Resource Induced Conflicts in Kenya
Social-ecological transformation in urban areas
Chair: Karl-Michael Höferl
- Susanne Giesecke (Austrian Institute of Technology): Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for Social-ecological Transformation
- Yanli Zhang (Vienna University of Technology): Resource sustainability: the fifth dimension of sustainable development for Resource-based cities in China
- Karl-Michael Höferl (University of Innsbruck): Cool air for hot cities - Some geographical thoughts on transforming a liability into a resource for urban climate change adaptation
Chair: Martin Coy & Damien Arvor
- Michael Klingler & Philipp Mack (University of Innsbruck): From zero deforestation to zero illegality. Discussing practices of territorialization in Southwest Pará
- Marion Daugeard (Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle: Local initiatives to promote the implementation of the Brazilian Forest Code in the Amazon: a focus on the BR-163 region, Mato Grosso
- Neli Aparecida de Mello-Théry (University of São Paulo), Vincent Dubreuil, Beatriz Funatsu, Damien Arvor & Eduardo Caldas: Perceptions, politics and municipal public action: agriculture and climate variability in Mato Grosso
Chair: Christina Plank
- Magdalena Tanzer (Justus Liebig University Giessen): Food Waste Prevention in the European Union: An Analysis of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Waste
- Fridolin Krausmann (University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, BOKU) & Ernst Langthaler: Food regimes, global trade flows and natural resource use 1850–2016
- Birgit Hoinle (University of Hamburg): Seed sovereignty in the context of alternative food networks as approach for resource justice in Colombia
12:00-12:15 - Coffee Break
12:15-13:30 - Closing Session
Closing Session: "Perspectives for social-ecological transformation research"
- Round Table