University of Innsbruck



WorkNet_NoLegend The SFB F63 "Credence Goods, Incentives and Behavior" is a joint research project including the project part leaders Loukas Balafoutas, Esther Blanco, Jürgen Huber, Rudolf Kerschbamer, Michael Kirchler, and Markus Walzl.

The project’s aim is to analyze key determinants of individual behavior and market performance in credence goods markets with a variety of methods, combining theoretical work, laboratory experiments and field experiments. The research group consists of more than 30 scholars from economics and finance, thus bridging research across both fields.

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Prominent researchers’ work gets published more easily

Research work by renowned researchers is rated significantly better than work by lesser-known researchers, despite the same quality. This was the conclusion reached by a team of researchers led by Jürgen Huber from the Department of Banking and Finance in a recently published study. [more]

Related Publications

Holzmeister, F., Johannesson, M., Böhm, R., Dreber, A., Huber, J., Kirchler, M. (2024), Heterogeneity in Effect Size Estimates. PNAS. [more]

Gsottbauer, E., Kirchler, M., König-Kersting, C. (2024), Climate Crisis Attitudes among Financial Professionals and Climate Experts. Communications Earth and Environment. [more]

Buso, I.M., Ferrari, L., Güth, W., Lorè, L., Spadoni, L. (2024), Testing Isomorphic Invariance Across Social Dilemma Games, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. [more]

Huber, C., Dreber, A., Huber, J., et al. (2023), Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs. PNAS. [more]

Hall, J., Kerschbamer, R., Neururer, D. Skoog, E. (2023), Uncovering Sophisticated Discrimination with the Help of Credence Goods Markups – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment. Management Science. [more]

Kerschbamer, R., Neururer, D., Sutter, M. (2023), Credence goods markets, online information and repair prices: A natural field experiment. Journal of Public Economics. [more]

Emons, W., Kerschbamer, R., Muelheusser, G. (2023), Credence Goods: A Symposium. Journal of Theoretical and Institutional Economics. [more]

Credence Goods on Stage


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Kirchler
Deputy Speaker
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kerschbamer
Scientific Manager
Tobias Haller, PhD

Universität Innsbruck
Universitätsstraße 15
A-6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-70301

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