SFB Research Seminar

The SFB Research Seminar regularly invites international speakers to present ongoing work related to credence goods research. Please note that some of the talks are held online. Everybody interested is most welcome to join via the following link: https://webconference.uibk.ac.at/rooms/tob-yfl-yvk-s7g
Please take a look at the Webinar Guidelines

Make sure you don't miss any important updates and events and include the official SFB Calendar in your app using the following link.


March 12, noon
SR 9

Nickolas Gagnon
Aarhus University

Discrimination Preferences


March 26, noon SR 9

Raisa Sherif
MPI Munich

Intra-generational Transmission of Pro-environmental Behaviours and Attitudes


April 30, 10:50 - 11:50
SR 9

Robert Böhm
University of Vienna

Honest news: Increasing payment morale in a newspaper honor system using text-based behavioral interventions


April 30, noon
SR 9

Alice Soldà
Emlyon Business School

Playing Dumb to Look Green? Information Complexity and Pro-environmental Behavior


May 7, noon
SR 9

Dorothea Kübler
WZB Berlin

Behavioral measures improve AI hiring: A field experiment


May 14, noon
SR 9

Alexander Rasch
DICE Düsseldorf



May 28, noon
UR 3

Alessandro Tavoni
University of Bologna



June 18, noon
SR 9

Francesco Feri
Royal Holloway University London



June 25, noon

Wanda Mimra
ESCP Business School


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