UV/Vis Spectroscopy
UV/Vis Spectroscopy
- Room: L.01.041
Agilent Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer
Key Features:
- Wavelength range 175 nm – 3300 nm
- Wavelength accuracy ± 0.08 nm (190-900 nm) and 0.4 nm (760-3300 nm)
equipped with an internal DRA-2500, PMT PbS detector for diffuse reflectance and transmission measurements in the range of 250 nm - 2500 nm
containing a liquid or a powder cell holder
controlled by the Cary WinUV Software and, in addition, by an integrated Cary Win UV Color Software
- Optical design: Split beam
- Spectral bandwidth: 3 nm
- Wavelength Range: 190-1100 nm
- Scanning range: 200-950 nm
- Accuracy: ±2 nm
- Reproducibility: ±1 nm
- Light source: Pulsed Xenon lamp, 5+ year lifetime
- Full suite of measurement modes
- Ability to store up to 90 methods
- Measure using 10, 20 or 40 mm pathlength cells