ACINN Graduate Seminar - WS 2024/25

2024-10-02 at 12:00 (on-line & on-site)

Measuring In situ Greenhouse Gas Emissions over Arctic Ecosystems with a UAV

Abdullah Bolek

Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Department of Biogeochemical Signals, Jena, Germany


Heterogeneous landscapes, such as Arctic permafrost regions, induce significant variations in carbon fluxes (CO2 and CH4) even at small spatial scales. These small-scale variations can lead to biases when upscaling the carbon flux measurements from eddy-covariance towers and flux chambers due to their limited spatial representativeness. These inherent biases might be mitigated by complementing the existing carbon monitoring network with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based carbon flux measurements, as UAVs can provide data across various spatial scales. In this talk, I will present how a UAV platform – equipped with CO2 and CH4 gas analysers, as well as an ultrasonic anemometer to measure 2-D wind speed, air temperature, humidity, and pressure – can be used to gain insights into greenhouse gas signals over complex natural ecosystems.



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