Glacio-meteorological investigations in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica
In the frame of a research grant of the University of Innsbruck, the investigations using data from the German wintering base "Neumayer" started in 1996. The data set included accumulation measurements from several stake arrays, snow pits and shallow firn cores, as well as other core and pit parameters such as density, stratigraphy, DEP, and stable isotope ratios. A comprehensive study of the glacio-meteorological regime of the Ekstroemisen, the ice shelf on which Neumayer is situated, was carried out, with stress on mass balance measurements (accumulation) and stable isotopes. Based on these investigations, a continuous research activity in the frame of several projects sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has been built up.
Project Leader:
Funding Agencies:
Young Scientist Grant, University of Innsbruck
Project Duration:
01/01/1996 to 23/11/1998