Bachelor Atmospheric Sciences

Overview of the program

Are you fascinated by the Earth as a system, the atmosphere and the processes that take place in it, by climate and climate change? Are you curious, do you like to get to the bottom of things, do you like to puzzle? If so then you got the essential prerequisites to successfully complete the three-year bachelor's degree program in Atmospheric Sciences. A system as diverse as the Earth and its atmosphere needs a variety of methods and approaches to understand, describe, and model the processes that occur within it. This diversity is also found in our bachelor's program: mathematics (an intensive "language" course!), physics, chemistry, and programming open up deeper access to the dynamics, physics, and chemistry of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere, to weather and climate, and to their prediction. You can also select from a variety of elective courses and even get a minor in Data Science.


All Atmospheric Science courses are taught in English, whereas courses taught by other programs (mathematics, physics, and some elective courses) are in German.


Curriculum 2021

For students who started before 2021: Curriculum 2010

Course Catalog

Course registration deadlines

Practical information from the study advisor

To help new Bachelor students to get started with their studies and succeed in them we have a buddy-mentoring program.

Recommended course schedule Bachelor Atmospheric Science, curriculum 2021 when you start in the winter term

For first-year students with weak math knowledge from school: You might benefit from taking "Brückenkurs Mathematik", which already starts mid-September (check online course catalog for exact date and course number). Its ECTS count towards the module "individual choice".

If you switched to the Bachelor in Atmospheric Science from another Bachelor program at the University of Innsbruck or any other University and you find that the content and the number of ECTS points of courses you already passed in that program are similar to courses in the Bachelor in Atmospheric Science, contact the study advisor ( email, phone ) and provide him with the necessary information to be able to judge the equivalence of the courses (title, number of hours and ECTS, content as contained in the curriculum of the other program).

If the courses are found to be equivalent, please fill out the 2 forms necessary to legally confirm that equivalence:

In the last semester, a bachelor thesis is written in which the skills you have learned are applied. Topics are assigned on OLAT before the start of the semester (January 10 for papers in the summer semester and August 10 for papers in the winter semester). The thesis must be completed by the 15th of the last month of the semester (January for winter semester, June for summer semester). The thesis will be presented and defended in an oral presentation at the end of the semester.  Afterwards, you have to fill out the form Evidence of Bachelor Thesis according to Curriculum and have it signed by the supervisor before you hand it in to the Examinations Office.

Topics and further information about the bachelor thesis can be found at the link to OLAT, which is also announced in the course "Scientific Methods".

You are free to choose the layout of the thesis with the exception of the cover sheet.  A "declaration of academic honesty must be attached to the bachelor thesis. An (optional) template will be presented in the course "Scientific Methods".

The bachelor thesis has to be completed in one semester. If you do not pass the "Seminar with Bachelor Thesis", you must repeat it in the next semester with a new topic.

After you passed your last exam, which usually is the seminar with Bachelor thesis, you have to fill out the exams protocol and submit it to the examination office, preferably right away together with the form "Proof of Bachelor thesis according to curriculum". The final processing can take several weeks, especially at the end of the semester.
To ensure that you can easily transfer to a Master's program - regardless of whether at the University of Innsbruck or at another university - you will receive a detailed, Europe-wide recognized graduation certificate from the study department, on which your academic achievements are presented in a standardized format.

If you want to continue with the Master's program in Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (or any other Master's program) at the University of Innsbruck, you have time for any outstanding exams until the end of the grace period (end of the first month after the beginning of the semester) to complete them and transfer to the Master's program. Of course, you can only transfer once you have completed your bachelor's degree.


Study advisor (Prof. Dr. Georg MAYR)

Malte Hildebrandt
Lea Gajdusek
Daniel Gratzl

As student representatives, we are the first point of contact for students. Our goal is to make studying at our institute as pleasant as possible. If you have suggestions for courses, but do not want to address the instructors or the student advisor personally, you are welcome to contact us. Even if you have problems with individual instructors, we always have an open ear for you. In addition, we organize several events during the semester where students from all semesters, both Bachelor and Master, come together. For suggestions and questions you can contact us personally or simply send an e-mail to:

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