Christian Huck
Institut für Analytische Chemie und Radiochemie
Innrain 80-82, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Tel. +43 512 507 57300
Curriculum vitae
- 1998 Doctoral degree (Dr.rer.nat)
- 2001 University Assistant, Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, University Innsbruck
- 2006 Habilitation in Analytical Chemistry
- 2006 Call for A.Univ.-Prof.
- 2009 Call for Deputy Head of institute
- 2014 Call for full-professorship (W3) to the University of Stuttgart
- 2015 Call for full-professorship to he University of Innsbruck
- 2015 Visiting guest professorship at Kwansei Gakuin University (Hyogo, Japan; 3 months)
- 2016 Visiting guest professorship at Kwansei Gakuin University (Hyogo, Japan; 1 month)
- 2019 Vice-President of the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH)
- 2021 Head of Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Council at Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck
- 2022 Head of Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry at Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck
Industrial Cooperations
Bionorica SE (Neumarkt, Oberpfalz, Germany)
Congress (co-)organisation
- Innano 2006, October 19-20th, Innsbruck, Austria
- Innano 2008, April 9-10th, Innsbruck, Austria
- Euroanalysis 2009, September 6-10th, Innsbruck, Austria
- APRS 2013, September 23-25th, Innsbruck, Austria
- BÜCHI NIR Award (2000)
- Brandl Prize (2007)
- Prize of the provincial capital Innsbruck (2007)
- CAST Technology Award (5th position) (2008)
- CAST Technology Award (2nd position) (2009)
- Daniel Swarovski Award (2010)
- Award of the Südtiroler Sparkasse (2010)
- Hypo Tirol Award (2010)
- Dr. Otto Seibert-Award (2010)
- Hypo Tirol Award (2012)
- ESNA - Best Poster Award (2014)
- Euregio Award (2014)
- Tomas Hirschfeld Award (THA) 2018
- Dr. Otto Seibert Award (2020)
- SAS Fellow Award (2021)
- Birth Award (2022)
Editorial Boards
- Current Proteomics
- Recent Patents in Nanotechnology
- Open Chemical Engineering Journal
- The Open Current Process Chemistry Journal
- The Open Proteomics Journal
- Current Bioactive Compounds
- International Journal of Proteomics
- Chromatographia
- Molecules
Guest Editor
- Current Proteomics
- Current Bioactive Compounds
- Recent Patents in Nanotechnology
- Molecules
- Frontiers in Chemistry
Research fields
- Vibrational spectroscopy (NIR, MIR, RAMAN, FUV)
- Quantum chemical simulation of spectra
- Separation technologies (LC, micro-LC, LC-ESI-MS/MS)
- Mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS)
- Phytomics
- Metabolomics
- Proteomics
Past projects (selection)
- Interreg Austria-Italy Project "Cereal"
- Interreg Austria-Bavaria Project "Qualimeat"
- Interreg IV Project "Originalp"
- "Qualitätssicherung in der Lebensmittelherstellung" project (Technologieförderung)
- "Sino-Austrian TCM Cluster" project (BMWF/BMGH)
- Translational research Project "Multidimensional Approach of Spectra and Morphology of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma"
- Büchi BNIR-FLEX 500
- Bühler NIRVIS
- Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100
- Perkin Elmer Spotlight 400
- Thermo Fisher - Phazir
- Micro NIR JDSU
- Agilent Portable - ATR
- Bruker Bravo - Raman
- Viavi NIR
- Bruker SenterraII
- Raman Imaging & Mapping
- Southnesttech NIR
- Specim Hyperspectral Imaging
- Shimadzu HPLC
- Tellspec Food Scanner
- Metrohm Mira
- SciAps LIBS
- Orbitrap Exploris 120
Visiting professor
- N.N.
- Dr. Justyna Grabska
- Dr. Krzysztof Bec
- Dr. Christoph Kappacher
- Jovan Bazoka MSc.
- Vanessa Moll, MSc.
- Benedikt Schwarz, MSc.
- Jakob Lauß, MSc.
- Katharina Rabiser, BSc.
- Alexandra Warzilek, BSc.
- Clemens Bauernfeind, BSc.
- Konstantin Huter, BSc.
- Alexander Wörndl, BSc.
- N.N.