Vortragende/r: Chillemi, Miriam: A novel passive structural control system including a nonlinear fluid inerter.
2. D-A-C-H Doktorandenkolloquium Baudynamik Erbebeningenieurwesen, Kiel, 12.09.2023.
Vortragende/r: Chillemi, Miriam
Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas; Adam, Christoph: Experimental and numerical study on a nonlinear fluid inerter for structural control.
18. D-A-CH-Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Kiel, 15.09.2023. (
Vortragende/r: Chillemi, Miriam
Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas; Adam, Christoph; Antonina, Pirrotta: Innovative passive structural control systems including a nonlinear fluid inerter: an experimental-numerical study.
Engineering Mechanics Institute 2023 International Conference (EMI2023IC), Palermo, 28.08.2023. (
Vortragende/r: Chillemi, Miriam
Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas; Adam, Christoph; Pirrotta, Antonina: Identification of the dynamic properties of a fluid inerter.
XII International Conference of Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023), Delft, 05.07.2023. (
Vortragende/r: Furtmüller, Thomas
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Kawrza, Michael: System Identification and Model Updating of Cross-Laminated Timber Floating Floors.
Engineering Mechanics Institute 2023 International Conference (EMI2023IC), Palermo, 29.08.2023. (
Vortragende/r: Hillberger, Thomas
Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas; Dietsch, Philipp; Maderebner, Roland: Active Mass Dampers for Timber Floors.
13th World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023), Oslo, 20.06.2023. (
Vortragende/r: Hirschfeldt, Natasha: Vibration control of components and structures made of cross-laminated timber.
2. D-A-C-H Doktorandenkolloquium Baudynamik Erbebeningenieurwesen, Kiel, 13.09.2023.
Vortragende/r: König, Paul: Coupled transient elastodynamic finite element-boundary element analysis: Implementation and application for the investigation of dynamic soil structure interaction in portal frame bridges.
2. D-A-C-H Doktorandenkolloquium Baudynamik Erbebeningenieurwesen, Kiel, 13.09.2023.
Vortragende/r: König, Paul Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Modellierung der Fahrzeug-Gleis-Tragwerk-Boden-Interaktion bei Brücken unter Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen.
18. D-A-CH-Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Kiel, 15.09.2023.
Vortragende/r: König, Paul
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Coupled Finite Element – Boundary Element analyses of dynamic soil-structure interaction of portal frame bridges.
XII International Conference of Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023), Delft, 04.07.2023. (
Vortragende/r: Masnata, Chiara
Co-AutorInnen: Di Matteo, Alberto; Adam, Christoph; Pirrotta, Antonina: Sliding TLCD for vibration control of base-isolation systems: experimental comparison with traditional TLCD and TMD.
XII International Conference of Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023), Delft, 05.07.2023. (
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas Co-AutorInnen: Gremer, Nadia; Adam, Christoph: Grundlagen zur Ermittlung von Kollaps-Fragilitätskurven für den vereinfachten zuverlässigkeitsbasierten Erdbebennachweis von Wiener Gründerzeithäusern.
18. D-A-CH-Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Kiel, 15.09.2023.
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos: Which significant duration of ground motion to use? Investigations on artificial neural networks predicting building seismic collapse.
9th ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Athen, 12.06.2023.
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos T.; Adam, Christoph: Percentile response spectra and sustained amplitude as informative intensity measures on structural collapse of buildings.
SECED 2023: Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics for a Sustainable Future, Cambridge, 15.09.2023.
Vortragende/r: Chillemi, Miriam: Experimental and numerical study on a nonlinear fluid interterbased structural control systhem.
Treffen des Nationalkomitees für Theoretische und Angewandte Mechanik 2022, Wien, 02.12.2022.
Vortragende/r: Gremer, Nadia Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Vertical floor response spectra of regular steel frame structures.
3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES), Bukarest, 08.09.2022.
Vortragende/r: Kawrza, Michael Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas; Adam, Christoph: Parameter identification for a cross-laminated timber slab by Bayesian inference.
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Oslo, 07.06.2022.
Vortragende/r: Masnata, Chiara
Co-AutorInnen: Di Matteo, Alberto; Adam, Christoph; Pirrotta, Antonina: Enhancement of the dynamic performance of base- isolated MDOF structures via Tuned Liquid Column Damper Inerter (TLCDI).
AIMETA 2022, XXV Conference, The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Palermo, 05.09.2022. (
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Building-specific artificial neural networks predicting structural drifts.
3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES), Bukarest, 09.09.2022.
Vortragende/r: Nagy, Peter: RDVK-Vibrocontrol - Experimente und Messdatenauswertung.
Projektabschlusstreffen: Entwicklung der Grundlagen eines Systems zur Qualitätskontrolle der Rütteldruckverdichtung-RDVK Vibrocontrol, Innsbruck, 24.11.2020.
Vortragende/r: Nagy, Peter: RDVK-Vibrocontrol - Erkenntnisse der Messdatenauswertung.
Projektmeeting: Entwicklung der Grundlagen eines Systems zur Qualitätskontrolle der Rütteldruckverdichtung-RDVK Vibrocontrol, Wien, 12.03.2020.
Vortragende/r: Paulmichl, Ivan Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Ladurner, Dominik: AP4 Numerische Untersuchungen I Abschlusspräsentation.
Projektabschlusstreffen: Entwicklung der Grundlagen eines Systems zur Qualitätskontrolle der Rütteldruckverdichtung-RDVK Vibrocontrol, Innsbruck, 24.11.2020.
Vortragende/r: Paulmichl, Ivan Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Ladurner, Dominik: RDVK-Vibrocontrol, AP4 Numerische Untersuchungen.
Entwicklung der Grundlagen eines Systems zur Qualitätskontrolle der Rütteldruckverdichtung-RDVK Vibrocontrol, Wien, 13.01.2020.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas: Nonlinear vibrations of composite beams with partial interaction.
International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (ICoNSoM2019), Rom, 17.06.2019.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Paulmichl, Ivan; Adam, D.: Simulation of the response of an oscillatory roller.
4th International Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines, Linz, 23.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Nagy, Peter Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Dietmar: Quality control of deep vibro compaction based on the vibrator movement.
The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik, 02.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Nagy, Peter Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Dietmar; Kopf, Fritz: Rütteldruckverdichtung - Dynamische Rüttlerbewegung als Grundlage für eine arbeitsintegrierte Verdichtungskontrolle.
15. Hans Lorenz Symposium, Berlin, 17.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Bijelic, Nenad: Classification algorithms for collapse prediction of tall buildings and regional risk estimation utilizing SCEC CyberShake simulations.
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), Seoul, 27.05.2019. (
Vortragende/r: Furtmüller, Thomas Co-AutorInnen: Kawrza, Michael; Adam, Christoph: Experimentelle und numerische Modalanalyse von Brettsperrholzbalken zur Erfassung von Materialschädigung.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 27.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Gremer, Nadia: Appropriate damping model for the assessment of vertical peak floor accelerations.
1. D-A-CH Doktorandenkolloquium „Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik“ 2019, Weimar, 12.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Gremer, Nadia Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Moschen, Lukas; Medina, Ricardo A.: Einfluss der Dämpfungsmodellierung auf die Beschleunigungsantwort erdbebenerregter Stahlrahmentragwerke.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 27.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Hirzinger, Benjamin: Influence of soil-structure interaction on the dynamic behavior of a high-speed railway bridge.
1. D-A-CH Doktorandenkolloquium „Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik“ 2019, Weimar, 13.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Hirzinger, Benjamin Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Einfluss von Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktion auf das dynamische Verhalten einer Eisenbahnbrücke unter Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 27.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Kawrza, Michael: Identification of elastic material properties of cross laminated timber based on experimental modal analysis and model updating.
1. D-A-CH Doktorandenkolloquium „Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik“ 2019, Weimar, 12.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas
Co-AutorInnen: Pichler, Dieter; Lesgidis, Nikos; Lane, John; Sextos, Anastasios: Which Load Model Do you use for Rail Track Design?
15th International Conference & Exhibition on Railway Engineering 2019, Edinburgh, 03.07.2019. (
Vortragende/r: Paulmichl, Ivan
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Adam, Dietmar: Modeling of the stick-slip motion of an oscillatory roller during soil compaction.
90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2019), Wien, 19.02.2019. (
Vortragende/r: Salcher, Patrick
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Estimating exceedance probabilities of railway bridge vibrations in the presence of random rail irregularities.
7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019) and 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2019), Kreta, 24.06.2019. (
Vortragende/r: Salcher, Patrick Co-AutorInnen: Hirzinger, Benjamin; Adam, Christoph: ARMONIA - Grenzübergreifende Echtzeiterdbebenüberwachung in Italien und Österreich unter Einbeziehung von Wächtergebäuden.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 27.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos Theodoros: A ground motion record selection approach based on multiobjective optimization.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 27.09.2019. (
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos Theodoros: A ground motion record selection approach based on multiobjective optimization.
1. D-A-CH Doktorandenkolloquium „Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik“ 2019, Weimar, 11.09.2019. (
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos Theodoros
Co-AutorInnen: Moschen, Lukas; Medina, Ricardo A.; Adam, Christoph: Facilitating a ground motion record selection approach based on multiobjective optimization.
SECED 2019 Conference on Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics, London, 10.09.2019. (
Adam, Christoph: Vorsitzender der Sitzung "DoktorandInnenvorträge".
Beiträge Österreichs zur internationalen Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Theoretischen und Angewandten Mechanik, Graz, 22.11.2019.
Adam, Christoph: Session Chair der Sektion: COMPDYN RS 16-IV: Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering.
7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019) and 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2019), Kreta, 26.06.2019. (
Adam, Christoph: Session Chair der Sektion: COMPDYN MS 10-II: Progress and challenges in rail track dynamics.
7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019) and 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2019), Kreta, 24.06.2019. (
Adam, Christoph: Session Chair der Sektion: COMPDYN RS 7-I: Dynamics of Steel Structures.
7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019) and 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2019), Kreta, 24.06.2019. (
Bijelic, Nenad: Session Chair der Sektion: Baudynamik-neuere Entwicklungen.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 27.09.2019.
Furtmüller, Thomas: Session Chair der Sektion: Erdbebeningenieurwesen - Spezielle Fragestellungen 1.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 26.09.2019.
Salcher, Patrick: Session Chair der Sektion: Brückendynamik 2.
16. D-A-CH-Tagung 2019 Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Innsbruck, 27.09.2019.
Vortragende/r: Furtmüller, Thomas
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Giger, Benjamin: Homogenized material properties for cross-laminated timber.
89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2018), München, 20.03.2018. (
Vortragende/r: Furtmüller, Thomas Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Veit-Egerer, Robert: Mass loading and temperature compensation for long-term ambient measurement data of a freeway bridge.
International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2018), Leuven, 17.09.2018.
Vortragende/r: Gremer, Nadia Co-AutorInnen: Moschen, Lukas; Adam, Christoph; Medina, Ricardo A.: Horizontal and Vertical Acceleration Demand on Moment-Resisting Steel Frames.
16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16 ECEE), Thessaloniki, 20.06.2018.
Vortragende/r: Hirzinger, Benjamin
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Salcher, Patrick; Oberguggenberger, Michael: Reliability of bridges for high-speed trains: Assessment of different stochastic approaches.
8th Conference on Computational Stochastic Mechanics (CSM8), Paros, 11.06.2018. (
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios: On the Practical Estimation of the Distribution of Peak Floor Acceleration Demands.
16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16 ECEE), Thessaloniki, 18.06.2018.
Vortragende/r: Paulmichl, Ivan
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Adam, Dietmar; Völkl, Werner: Analytical modelling of the motion of an oscillating roller during soil compaction assuming pure rolling contact.
40 Years of Roller Integrated Continuous Compaction Control (CCC), Wien, 29.11.2018. (
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani Co-AutorInnen: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos Theodoros; Adam, Christoph: Collapse capacity spectrum method: An enhanced approach.
36th General Assembly of the European seismological commision (ESC2018), Valleta, 06.09.2018.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: A rapid-visual-screening methodology for the seismic vulnerability assessment of historic brick-masonry buildings in Vienna.
Kick-off Meeting zum Forschungsprojekt: Seismic stress test of built environment, Ljubljana, 30.01.2018.
Vortragende/r: Gremer, Nadia: Horizontal and vertical acceleration demands in earthquake excited planar steel frames.
Projektmeeting: Seismic stress test of built environment, Innsbruck, 15.06.2018.
Vortragende/r: Gremer, Nadia: OpenSees Computations on High-Performance Computer Cluster Leo3e.
Projektmeeting: Seismic stress test of built environment, Innsbruck, 14.06.2018.
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos Theodoros: Seismic Stress Test of Built Environment 2nd Meeting.
Projektmeeting: Seismic stress test of built environment, Innsbruck, 14.06.2018.
Vortragende/r: Tsalouchidis, Konstantinos Theodoros: Simplified methods of evaluating vulnerability and repair costs of typical Greek urban buildings.
Kick-off Meeting zum Forschungsprojekt: Seismic stress test of built environment, Ljubljana, 30.01.2018.
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani: Collapse capacity spectrum method: Envelope-based pushover analysis.
Projektmeeting: Seismic stress test of built environment, Innsbruck, 14.06.2018.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Di Matteo, Alberto; Furtmüller, Thomas; Pirrotta, Antonina: Earthquake excited base-isolated structures protected by tuned liquid column dampers: design approach and experimental verification.
X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, Rom, 12.09.2017.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Kampenhuber, David; Ibarra, Luis F: A spectral acceleration based intensity measure for seismic assessment of P-delta vulnerable frame structures in the collapse limit state.
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE 2017), Santiago, 13.01.2017.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Salcher, Patrick: Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse von Stahlbrücken mit Schotterbett entlang von Hochgeschwindigkeitseisenbahnlinien.
15. D-A-CH Tagung: Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik 2017, Weimar, 22.09.2017.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Salcher, Patrick; Furtmüller, Thomas: A stochastic model for the effects of seasonal temperature changes on railway bridges.
12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017), Wien, 08.08.2017. (
Vortragende/r: Di Lorenzo, Salvatore
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Di Paola, Mario; Pirrotta, Antonina: Layered beams with fractional interlayer slip.
ICCE-25, 25th Annual International Conference on Composites and Nano Engineering, Rom, 21.07.2017. (
Vortragende/r: Di Lorenzo, Salvatore Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Failla, Giuseppe; Pirrotta, Antonina: On the moving multi-loads problem in discontinuous beam structures with interlayer slip.
X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, Rom, 11.09.2017.
Vortragende/r: Failla, Giuseppe Co-AutorInnen: Di Lorenzo, Salvatore; Adam, Christoph; Pirrotta, Antonina: Moving multi-loads problem in layered cracked beams with interlayer slip.
AIMETA 2017, XXII Conference, The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Salerno, 07.09.2017.
Vortragende/r: Furtmüller, Thomas Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Compensation of temperature effects in long-term monitoring of a highway bridge located in the Austrian Alps.
X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, Rom, 12.09.2017.
Vortragende/r: Furtmüller, Thomas Co-AutorInnen: Giger, Benjamin; Adam, Christoph: A mechanical material model for cross-laminated timber obtained by numerical homogenization.
CompWood 2017 - Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics - from Material Properties to Timber Structures, Wien, 07.06.2017.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Ein Antwortspektrumverfahren zur Abschätzung der Beschleunigungsantwort erdbebenerregter Tragwerke: Grundlagen-Berechnung-Anwendungsgrenzen.
15. D-A-CH Tagung: Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik 2017, Weimar, 22.09.2017.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios: Simplified prediction of peak floor accelerations in inelastic wall structures.
6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017), Rhodos, 16.06.2017. (
Vortragende/r: Schmitter, Maximilian
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Simplified numerical modeling strategies of deep vibratory compaction.
6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017), Rhodos, 15.06.2017. (
Adam, Christoph: Leitung der Sektion "Experimentelle Untersuchungen".
15. D-A-CH Tagung: Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik 2017, Weimar, 22.09.2017.
Adam, Christoph: Teilnehmer an einer Podiumsdiskussion, Thema: "Baudynamik und Erdbebeningenieurwesen in der Ausbildung von Bauingenieuren".
15. D-A-CH Tagung: Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik 2017, Weimar, 21.09.2017.
Adam, Christoph: Chair: Session "Vibration control and mitigation".
X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, Rom, 12.09.2017.
Adam, Christoph: Chair: Minisymposium MS03B "Stochastic engineering dynamics".
12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017), Wien, 08.08.2017. (
Adam, Christoph: Chair: Session "Advances in Selected Topics in Acoustics, Apllied Mechanics and Mechatronics".
13th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (ICTCA 2017), Wien, 01.08.2017.
Adam, Christoph: Chair der Session: Advances in Performanced Based Earthquake Engineering II.
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE 2017), Santiago, 13.01.2017.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Reliability assessment of uncertain high-speed railway bridges.
Recent Developments in Structural Health Monitoring for a Resilient Infrastructure, Sithonia, Chalkidiki, 01.06.2016.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Moschen, Lukas: Floor response analysis for peak floor acceleration demands in earthquake excited structures.
The 42nd Risk Hazard & Uncertainty Workshop, Hydra, 24.06.2016.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Salcher, Patrick; Pradlwarter, Helmut: Reliability assessment of high-speed train railway bridges.
Stochastic Mechanics 2016 / Meccanica Stocastica SM-MS16, Capri, 14.06.2016. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Salcher, Patrick; Pradlwarter, Helmuth: Reliability assessment of railway bridges for high-speed trains considering the effects of seasonal temperature changes.
WING 2016 - Workshop and Conference: Wien – Innsbruck – Novi Sad – Gent, Innsbruck, 30.06.2016.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Salcher, Patrick; Pradlwarter, Helmuth: Reliability assessment of uncertain railway bridges crossed by high-speed train.
The 42nd Risk Hazard & Uncertainty Workshop, Hydra, 23.06.2016.
Vortragende/r: Burtscher, Johannes: Updated Sparse Cholesky Factors for Nonlinear Structural Analysis.
3rd Winterschool & Retreat of the Doctoral School DK+CIM - Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Obergurgl, 27.11.2015.
Vortragende/r: Burtscher, Johannes: Updated Sparse Cholesky Factors for Dynamic Analyses of Frame Problems.
Retreat of the doctoral school DK+CIM Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Innsbruck, 27.02.2015.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas: Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of Acceleration Demands in Buildings.
3rd Winterschool & Retreat of the Doctoral School DK+CIM - Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Obergurgl, 27.11.2015.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas: Acceleration Response to Stationary Excitation, Development of a Response Spectrum Method for the Assessment of Peak Floor Acceleration Demands in Elastic Structures.
Retreat of the doctoral school DK+CIM Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Innsbruck, 27.02.2015.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios: A Response Spectrum Method for Peak Floor Accelereration Demands in Elastic Structures.
Retreat of the doctoral school DK+CIM Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Innsbruck, 02.07.2015.
Vortragende/r: Schmitter, Maximilian: Numerical and (Semi)-Analytical Modelling of the Deep Vibratory Compaction Method - Numerical observations of a 3D Soil disk.
3rd Winterschool & Retreat of the Doctoral School DK+CIM - Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Obergurgl, 26.11.2015.
Vortragende/r: Schmitter, Maximilian: Numerical and (Semi)-Analytical Modelling of the Deep Vibratory Compaction Method - Numerical Observations.
Retreat of the doctoral school DK+CIM Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Innsbruck, 02.07.2015.
Vortragende/r: Schmitter, Maximilian: Hybrid Determination of a Compaction Parameter for Deep Vibratory Compaction, Wavepropagation in a Homogeneous Linear Elastic Halfspace.
Retreat of the doctoral school DK+CIM Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Innsbruck, 27.02.2015.
Vortragende/r: Achs, Günther Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Schnellbewertung der seismischen Schadensanfälligkeit von Wiener Gründerzeithäusern.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 30.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Burtscher, J.: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for soil dynamics problems.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 28.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Kampenhuber, David Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Vulnerability of collapse capacity spectra to material deterioration.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 29.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas Co-AutorInnen: Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios; Adam, Christoph: Towards a static pushover approximation of peak floor accelerations.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 29.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: A rough collapse assessment of earthquake excited structural systems vulnerable to the P-delta effect.
4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2013), Kos, 12.06.2013.
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani Co-AutorInnen: Ibarra, Luis F.; Adam, Christoph: Effect of modelling uncertainty on the seismic collapse capacity of simple systems vulnerable to the P-delta effect.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 29.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Tsantaki, Styliani: Seismic collapse fragility of structures vulnerable to the P-delta effect.
11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2013), New York, 16.06.2013.
Vortragende/r: Billmaier, Maximilian
Co-AutorInnen: Bucher, Christian; Adam, Christoph; Tributsch, Alexander: Local finite element model updating with forced vibration measurements.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 28.08.2013. (
Vortragende/r: Falkner, Franz-Josef
Co-AutorInnen: Gruber, B.; Adam, Christoph: Simplified numerical simulation of impact compaction – limits of application.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 28.08.2013. (
Vortragende/r: López, S.E. Co-AutorInnen: Ayala, A.G.; Adam, Christoph: A novel displacement-based seismic design method for framed structures considering P-Delta induced dynamic instability.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 29.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Salcher, Patrick
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Modelling strategies for bridges subjected to high-speed trains.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 28.08.2013. (
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: A global approach for damage identification of an iron railway bridge based on operational modal analysis.
6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-6), Hong Kong, 09.12.2013. (
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: System identification of an old railway bridge in different structural conditions.
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD2013) & 13. D-A-CH-Tagung, Wien, 28.08.2013. (
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Billmaier, Maximilian: Damage identification on an iron bridge based on spectral analysis.
International IABSE Conference 2013: Assessment, Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, Rotterdam, 06.05.2013. (
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Spielberger, Georg: System identification of an old railway bridge subjected to varying environmental conditions.
6th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART2013), Turin, 24.06.2013.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Seismic Induced Peak-Floor-Acceleration Demands in Inelastic Regular Frames.
Bauhaus Summer School 2013, Weimar, 12.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Pradlwarter, Helmut: Confidence in the Range of Variability.
Bauhaus Summer School 2013, Weimar, 06.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Pradlwarter, Helmut: Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation Procedures in Structural Uncertainty and Reliability Analysis - Recent Advances.
Bauhaus Summer School 2013, Weimar, 06.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Pradlwarter, Helmut: Reliability Assessment of Uncertain Dynamical Linear Systems.
Bauhaus Summer School 2013, Weimar, 06.08.2013.
Vortragende/r: Burtscher, Johannes Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Problems in Soil Dynamics.
2nd Winterschool of the Doctoral School DK+CIM - Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Obergurgl, 04.03.2013.
Vortragende/r: Burtscher, Johannes Co-AutorInnen: Pucker, Tim: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Soil Dynamics Problems.
2nd Retreat of the doctoral school DK+CIM Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Vill, 28.06.2013.
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani
Co-AutorInnen: Wurzer, Lukas; Adam, Christoph; Oberguggenberger, Michael: Design collapse capacity spectra based on an average spectral acceleration as intensity measure.
2nd Winterschool of the Doctoral School DK+CIM - Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Obergurgl, 03.03.2013. (
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani Co-AutorInnen: Wurzer, Lukas; Jäger, Clemens; Adam, Christoph; Oberguggenberger, Michael: Transition from collapse capacity spectra to design collapse capacity spectra through multiple regression analysis.
2nd Winterschool of the Doctoral School DK+CIM - Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Obergurgl, 03.03.2013.
Vortragende/r: Achs, Günther
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Assessment of the global dynamic behavior of a historic residential brick-masonry building in Vienna.
IALCCE 2012: Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Wien, 04.10.2012. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Recent actions taken in Austria towards seismic risk assessment and reduction.
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Lissabon, 28.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas: Seismic capacity of old masonry buildings in Vienna: Numerical modeling of load-bearing brick masonry walls.
IALCCE 2012: Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Wien, 04.10.2012. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas; Niederegger, Christoph: Seismic capacity of old masonry buildings in Vienna: Laboratory testing on bricks, mortar, and small-scale brick masonry.
IALCCE 2012: Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Wien, 04.10.2012. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Salcher, Patrick: Rough dynamic response prediction for simple railway bridges subjected to high-speed trains.
International Conference on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines, St. Petersburg, 03.07.2012.
Vortragende/r: Pradlwarter, Helmut Co-AutorInnen: Jäger, Clemens; Falkner, Franz-Josef: Efficient response simulation by modal analysis of nonlinear hysteretic structural systems.
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Wien, 11.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Schmelzer, Bernhard Co-AutorInnen: Oberguggenberger, Michael; Adam, Christoph: Seismic performance of Tuned Mass Dampers with uncertain parameters.
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Wien, 11.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani Co-AutorInnen: Jäger, Clemens; Wurzer, Lukas; Adam, Christoph; Oberguggenberger, Michael: Improved collapse capacity spectra for predicting seismic collapse of structures vulnerable to the P-delta effect.
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Wien, 11.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas; Achs, Günther: Seismic assessment of historical brick-masonry buildings in Vienna.
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Lissabon, 24.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Jäger, Clemens: Simplified assessment of the seismic collapse capacity of flexible moment-resisting steel frame structures.
7th International Conference on the Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2012), Santiago, 11.01.2012. (
Vortragende/r: Falkner, Franz-Josef: A singular-free procedure for the direct computation of bifurcation points of shell structures.
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Wien, 12.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Falkner, Franz-Josef: Computation of Bifurcation Points - A challenging task.
2nd Workshop on structural analysis of lightweight structures, Natters, 30.05.2012. (
Vortragende/r: Pistrol, Johannes
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Dietmar; Falkner, Franz-Josef; Adam, Christoph: Numerische Simulation zur Wirkungsweise verschiedener Bandagetypen bei der Verdichtung mit Walzen im Erdbau.
2. Symposium Baugrundverbesserung in der Geotechnik, Wien, 13.09.2012. (
Vortragende/r: Pistrol, Johannes Co-AutorInnen: Falkner, Franz-Josef; Adam, Dietmar; Adam, Christoph: Comparison of constitutive soil models for the simulation of dynamic roller compaction.
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Wien, 11.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Salcher, Patrick
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Simplified assessment of high-speed train induced bridge vibrations considering shear effects.
83rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2012), Darmstadt, 29.03.2012. (
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Simplified Assessment of Structure - Tuned Mass Damper Assemblies under Earthquakes.
5th European Conference on Structural Control - EACS 2012, Genua, 18.06.2012.
Adam, Christoph: Session chair der Special Session: Seismic system identification for life-time-prediction (SEISMID).
IALCCE 2012: Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Wien, 04.10.2012.
Adam, Christoph: Session Chair der Section: Dynamische Baugrundverbesserungsverfahren I und II.
2. Symposium Baugrundverbesserung in der Geotechnik, Wien, 13.09.2012.
Adam, Christoph: Session Chair des Minisymposiums MS100-1: Advances in computational dynamics of structures.
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Wien, 11.09.2012.
Pradlwarter, Helmut: Session Chairs des Minisymposiums MS100-2: Advances in computational dynamics of structures und des Minisymposiums TS050-1: Uncertainty and stochastic analysis.
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Wien, 11.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Achs, Günther: A Rapid-Visual-Screening Methodology for the seismic hazard assessment of historic brick-masonry buildings in Vienna.
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Lissabon, 26.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Jäger, Clemens Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Seismic collapse assessment of non-deteriorating frames with irregular structural properties vulnerable to P-Delta.
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Lissabon, 25.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Moschen, Lukas Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Simplified Seismic Response Prediction for Vibration Prone Non-Structural Components in Inelastic Frame Structures.
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Lissabon, 26.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani: Enhanced seismic collapse prediction using an improved regression model.
1st Winterschool of the Doctoral School DK+CIM - Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Obergurgl, 29.01.2012.
Vortragende/r: Tsantaki, Styliani Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Improved seismic collapse prediction of inelastic simple systems vulnerable to the P-Delta effect based on average spectral acceleration.
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Lissabon, 25.09.2012.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Numerische Untersuchungen zur Wirkung des Impulsverdichters. Numerische Modellierung des Ziegelmauerwerks in Wiener Gründerzeithäusern zum Nachweis der Erdbebensicherheit.
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH, Innsbruck, 07.02.2012.
Vortragende/r: Falkner, Franz-Josef: Strukturanalyse von Raumfahrzeugen.
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH, Innsbruck, 07.02.2012.
Vortragende/r: Jäger, Clemens: Erdbebensicherheit kollapsgefährdeter Rahmentragwerke - eine praxistaugliche Abschätzung.
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH, Innsbruck, 07.02.2012.
Vortragende/r: Pradlwarter, Helmut: Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) zur Erfassung der Vibration in gekoppelten verteilten Systemen.
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH, Innsbruck, 07.02.2012.
Vortragende/r: Salcher, Patrick: Dynamische Wirkung von Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen auf einfache Brückentragwerke.
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH, Innsbruck, 07.02.2012.
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander: Abschätzung der Wirksamkeit von Schwingungstilgern unter seismischer Anregung.
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH, Innsbruck, 07.02.2012.
Vortragende/r: Achs, Günther
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Seismische Beurteilung von Wiener Gründerzeithäusern.
12. D-A-CH - Tagung 2011: Erdbeben und Baudynamik, Hannover, 16.09.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Achs, Günther
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Risk assessment of historic residential brick-masonry buildings in Vienna by Rapid-Visual-Screening.
3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2011), Korfu, 25.05.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Assessment of high-speed train-induced bridge vibrations.
EURODYN 2011 - 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, 05.07.2011.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Nachweis der Erdbebengefährdung von Wiener Gründerzeithäusern.
Berlin-Innsbrucker Kolloquium über Fortschritte in der Strukturanalyse, Innsbruck, 18.02.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Furtmüller, Thomas: Nachweis des seismischen Widerstands von Wiener Gründerzeithäusern: Numerische Modellierung des Mauerwerks.
12. D-A-CH - Tagung 2011: Erdbeben und Baudynamik, Hannover, 16.09.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Jäger, Clemens: A rough collapse assessment of earthquake excited structural systems vulnerable to the P-delta effect.
3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2011), Korfu, 25.05.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph Co-AutorInnen: Jäger, Clemens: Seismic Collapse capacity spectra for simple structures vulnerable to dynamic instabilities.
82nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2011), Graz, 19.04.2011.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Dietmar Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Falkner, Franz-Josef; Paulmichl, Ivan: Vibration emission induced by Rapid Impact Compaction.
EURODYN 2011 - 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, 05.07.2011.
Vortragende/r: Falkner, Franz-Josef: Innovative numerische Verfahren für die Traglastermittlung komplexer Raumfahrtstrukturen.
Berlin-Innsbrucker Kolloquium über Fortschritte in der Strukturanalyse, Innsbruck, 18.02.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Goller, B.
Co-AutorInnen: Pradlwarter, H.J.; Schueller, G.I.: An Approximation Strategy Of Dynamic Systems Based On Modal Data.
Sixth M.I.T. Conference, Boston, 15.06.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Jäger, Clemens: Stabilitätsbedingter Kollaps von Rahmentragwerken infolge Erdbeben - eine rasche Abschätzung.
40. Bayerisch-Tirolerisches Mechanik-Kolloquium, Innsbruck, 02.07.2011.
Vortragende/r: Jäger, Clemens: Abschätzung der seismischen Versagensintensität stabilitätsgefährdeter Rahmentragwerke.
Berlin-Innsbrucker Kolloquium über Fortschritte in der Strukturanalyse, Innsbruck, 18.02.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Jäger, Clemens
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph: Abschätzung der seismischen Kollapskapazität von Tragwerken mittels Kollapskapazitätsspektren.
12. D-A-CH - Tagung 2011: Erdbeben und Baudynamik, Hannover, 16.09.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Pradlwarter, Helmut: Verfahren zur Generierung zufälliger Bodenbeschleunigungen in der Nachbarschaft von gemessenen Größen.
Berlin-Innsbrucker Kolloquium über Fortschritte in der Strukturanalyse, Innsbruck, 18.02.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Schmelzer, Bernhard
Co-AutorInnen: Oberguggenberger, Michael; Adam, Christoph: Set-valued processes induced by parameterised stochastic differential equations with an application to tuned mass dampers.
82nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2011), Graz, 20.04.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander: Reduktion erdbebeninduzierter Schwingungen durch Schwingungstilger.
Berlin-Innsbrucker Kolloquium über Fortschritte in der Strukturanalyse, Innsbruck, 18.02.2011. (
Vortragende/r: Tributsch, Alexander Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Christoph; Furtmüller, Thomas: Mitigation of earthquake induced vibrations by tuned mass dampers.
EURODYN 2011 - 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, 05.07.2011.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Global dynamic behaviour of a historic residential masonry building at different stages of demolition.
14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14 ECEE), Ohrid, 02.09.2010.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Dynamic stability of structures subjected to near-fault ground motion.
14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14 ECEE), Ohrid, 30.08.2010.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph: Assessment of the dynamic stability of tall buildings subjected to severe earthquake excitation.
Highrise Towers and Tall Buildings 2010, München, 15.04.2010.
Vortragende/r: Adam, Christoph
Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Dietmar; Falkner, Franz-Josef; Paulmichl, Ivan; Fürpaß, Johannes: Der Impulsverdichter zur mitteltiefen Verdichtung und Verbesserung von Böden.
Baugrundverbesserung in der Geotechnik, Siegen, 14.09.2010. (
Vortragende/r: Falkner, Franz-Josef Co-AutorInnen: Adam, Ch.; Paulmichl, I.; Adam, D.; Führpass, J.: Der Impulsverdichter zur mitteltiefen Verdichtung und Verbesserung von Böden - Innovative Gerätetechnik, numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen, Anwendung.
25. Christian Veder Kolloquium, Graz, 08.04.2010.
Vortragende/r: Jäger, Clemens: Impact of ground motion characteristics and hysteretic structural behaviour on the dynamic stability of buildings.
14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14 ECEE), Ohrid, 30.08.2010.