Exhibition as Work of Art Symposium


Exhibition as Work of Art
Ferdinandeum, Aula
Museumstraße 15, Innsbruck
2023-02-02, 5 p.m.

Exhibitions are spaces of encounter and communication.
Through design and lighting, they facilitate the interaction between objects, texts, multimedia components and moving visitors in space.
Narrative strands and stories evolve from an interplay of exhibits put together along a path scientifically, artistically, and above all aesthetically. In certain moments, exhibits can unleash their full visual power. In so doing, they allow exhibitions to offer informative glances, visual delights and emotional stimuli.

The symposium will serve as a platform for the exchange of different perspectives on the subject of exhibition design. We cordially invite you to a lively discussion.
Presentations and panel discussions in English.

Side event to the exhibition "Die Ausstellung als Kunstwerk. René d’Harnoncourt für das MoMA" (2.9.2022 – 26.2.2023) in collaboration with:
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Universität Innsbruck, Institute for Architectural Theory and Building History, Department for Architectural Theory
aut. architektur und tirol – tyrolean architecture center


Program Symposium

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