Astrophysikalisches Seminar

Wärend der Übergansphase der homepages der UNI wird der Kalender im OLAT gewartet
During the transition phase of the university homepages the calender is available at OLAT/LMS


21st January 2025TBDSR 8/31Florian Kleinebreil
28th January 2025TBDSR 8/18 Nena Scheller


7th January 2025Dwarf Galaxy NucleiSR 8/31Selin Sprenger
10th December 2024Hypothesis of a small DIB carrierPR 8/35Alex
3rd December 2024Simulation galaxy morphologies and color gradients for EuclidSR 8/18Benjamin Csizi
26th November 2024Searching for a young SunSR 8/31Johannes Jørgensen
29th October 2024Fundamental stellar parameters from binary systemsSR 8/31Patrick Aschenbrenner
15th October 2024Universe BreakersSR 8/31Max Keim
1st October 2024PreparationSR 8/18-
25th June 2024TBD14:00Selin Sprenger
18th June 2024TBD14:00Patrick Aschenbrenner
11th June 2024Asteroseismology of young Slowly Pulsating B stars14:00Leo Schrickel
4th June 2024TBD14:00Nena Scheller
28th May 2024TBD14:00Leon Erd
21th May 2024TBD14:00Niko Zimmermann
14th May 2024Euclid: Deep learning galaxy morphologies for cosmic shear bias calibration (Introduction Meeting)14:00Benjamin Csizi
7th May 2024TBD14:00Florian Kleinebreil
30th April 2024Analysing the activity of galactic nuclei in dwarf galaxies using emission line diagnostics14:00Marlon Fügenschuh
23rd April 2024Universe Breaker Galaxies14:00Max Keim
16th April 2024TBD14:00Geet Mankar
9th April 2024TBD14:00Johannes Jørgensen
19th March 2024Towards efficient and accurate shear calibration for Euclid14:00Henning Jansen
31st January 2024 Quantitative spectroscopy of OB-type stars with machine learning15:45Patrick Aschenbrenner
24th January 2024 Pulsating Exoplanet Host Stars15:45Lukas Falkner
15th November 2023The runaway BN supergiant star HD 9384015:45David Weßmayer
4th October 2023Introduction and Planing15:45Norbert Przybilla & Stefan Kimeswenger
27th June 2023The blue Supergiant Sher 25 revisited in the GAIA era14:00David Weßmayer
13th June 2023Quantitative spectroscopy of massive (binary) stars with machine learning14:00Patrick Aschenbrenner
6th June 2023Pre-main Sequence Pulsators in the Cepheus Flare Star Forming Region14:00Nena Scheller
9th May 2023Oddly specific questions I happen to know the answer to14:00Thomas Steindl
25th April 2023Probing modified gravity theories with weak lensing14:00Henning Jansen
21st March 2023Alignment of Diffuse Interstellar Bands14:00Alexander Ebenbichler
7th March 2023Introduction and Planning14:00Stefan Kimeswenger & Wolfgang Kausch
1st February 2023 Synergies Brainstroming Open brainstorming session to identify and develop synergies between the different research activities in astrophysics 15:40Sebastian Grandis
25th January 2023TBD15:40Nena Scheller
18th January 2023TBD15:40Manuel Müller
11th January 2023TBD15:40Alexander Ebenbichler
14th December 2022TBD15:40Leon Vincent Erd
7th December 2022Star Makers: A history of theories of stellar structure and evolution - retold from Arny 199015:40Thomas Steindl
23rd November 2022Weak-Lensing Analysis of SPT-ECS Galaxy Clusters in KiDS15:40Florian Kleinebreil
9th November 2022A High-Resolution Near-IR Spectroscopic Atlas of the F5 IV-V Standard Star Procyon15:40Michael Scherbichler
14th June 2022TBD14:00Nick Heesters
7th June 2022TBD14:00David Weßmayer
31st May 2022TBD13:45Michael Scherbichler
24th May 2022TBD13:45Simone Breitenthaler
17th May 2022TBD13:45Manuel Müller
10th May 2022TBD13:45Alexander Ebenbichler
3rd May 2022TBD13:45Jessica Winkler
26th April 2022TBD13:45Thomas Steindl
2nd February 2022Photometric study of the open, presumably young, star cluster Collinder 47115:30Simone Breitenthaler
26th January 2022The Structural and HI Properties of Dwarf Galaxies in the MATLAS Deep Imaging Survey15:30Melina Poulain
19th January 2022Dwarf satellite planes beyond the local volume: new constraints on the standard model of cosmology15:30Nick Heesters
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