
PhD Posi­tion am Insti­tut für Bota­nik

Am Institut für Botanik ist ab Frühjahr eine PhD-Stelle verfügbar. Spezielle fachliche Kenntnisse sind keine Voraussetzung, sehr wohl aber die Bereitschaft sich in das Thema und Methodik einzuarbeiten.


PhD Posi­ti­on: Deli­very of CRISPR/Cas9 to skin for trea­ting kera­tin dis­or­ders

As a PhD candidate, you will research gene editing for skin disorders caused by keratin mutations, focusing on optimizing lipid nanoparticles for delivering gene editing tools to skin cells.


PhD posi­tion in cal­cium imaging and elec­tro­phy­sio­logy in ske­le­tal muscle (M/W)

A PhD position is available in the group led by Marta Campiglio at the Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria. The position will be available starting from January 2025.


Post­doc­to­ral fel­low in ske­le­tal and car­diac elec­tro­phy­sio­logy (M/W)

A three-years based postdoctoral position is available in the group led by Marta Campiglio at the Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria. The position will be available starting from January 2025.


PhD-Posi­tion at the Depar­te­ment of Botany of Inns­bruck and BOKU Uni­ver­sity in Vienna

Am Institut für Botanik (Innsbruck) und am Institut für Biophysik an der Boku Wien ist ab nächstem Jahr eine PhD-Stelle verfügbar. Bewerbungen von interessierten Studierenden sind herzlich willkommen.


PhD posi­ti­on: „Pollination and com­mu­ni­ca­tion eco­logy of exo­tic sprea­dings

Wir freuen uns, eine neue PhD-Stelle bekanntzugeben, die ab sofort für Studierende in Innsbruck ausgeschrieben ist.


Uni­ver­si­täts­as­sis­ten­t:in - Dis­ser­ta­ti­ons­stelle

Institut für Ökologie sucht Unsiversitätsassistent:in im Bereich Ökosystemleistung im Alpenraum im Kontext des Globalen Wandels. Beschäftigungsausmaß 30 Stunden/Woche, befristet auf 3 Jahre.


PhD Stel­len: Anti­my­co­tic Resi­stance - Approach from a One Health Per­spec­tive

The primary focus of MYCOS is to understand the consequences of the dual use of antifungals in both human medicine and agriculture, from 'field to clinic'. MYCOS also aims to generate novel, innovative, and timely findings regarding antimicrobial resistance. Simultaneously, it will educate a new generation of scientists through an interdisciplinary, tailored PhD training program, guided by a highly dedicated consortium of natural and medical scientists from the Medical University of Innsbruck (MUI) and University of Innsbruck (UIBK).


PhD Posi­tion at the Uni­ver­sity of Graz, Depart­ment of Mathe­ma­tics and Scien­ti­fic Com­pu­ting

Project assistant - Doctoral candidate (m/f/d)

The Institute of Biology and the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing are looking for a PhD student in the interdisciplinary field of computational modeling of biological tissue dynamics. The PhD is part of the interdisciplinary bridging PhD initiative of the "Field of Excellence: Complexity of Life, in Basic Research and Innovation" of the University of Graz.


PhD-Stel­le: „Infection, Immu­nity and Transplantation“ an der Medi­zi­ni­schen Uni­ver­si­tät Inns­bruck

Am Institut für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck ist eine drittmittelfinanzierte PhD-Stelle ab sofort zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist auf 3 Jahre befristet und ist Teil des Doktoratsprogramms „Infection, Immunity and Transplantation“ der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck.


Gra­duate posi­tion availa­ble in the Uni­ver­sity of Lil­le, Fran­ce: Sex chro­mo­so­mes and spe­cia­tion

Dear all,

To be forwarded!

I am looking for a PhD candidate to work on the estimation of the involvement of sex chromosomes in reproductive isolation in section otites. The thesis will start on October 2024  and financed for 3 years. Any interested candidate is invited to send me a CV, a cover letter and grade results for her studies. Deadline: April 5. The selected candidates will be interviewed by visio during the week of April 15.Sichern




PhD posi­tion in eco­logy with a focus on the role of (de­ep) root dyna­mics in per­ma­frost-cli­mate feed­back

The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Umeå University, Sweden, invites applicants for a PhD position in ecology, with focus on the role of (deep) root dynamics in permafrost-climate feedback. Start date will be 2024-08-01, or according to agreement. Application deadline is 2024-03-25.


PhD posi­tion at the Hec­tor Fel­low Aca­demy

die Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH bietet deutschlandweit Promotionsstellen im Bereich Biologie für Masterabsolventen/innen (oder äquivalente Abschlüsse) an, die mit einer eigenen Forschungsidee oder mit den ausgeschriebenen Themen promovieren möchten.

Für 2024 ist folgende Promotionsstelle ausgeschrieben:

Eberhart Zrenner (Biologie/Ingenieurwesen/Medizin): PhD Project on Inducible CRISPR Gene Editing System to Target Common USH2A Mutations in Patients with Usher Syndrome and Retinitis Pigmentosa



PhD Posi­tion Gas­tro­en­te­ro­lo­gie Labor Med Uni Inns­bruck

Department of Medicine I, Gastroenterology Laboratory for Basic and Translational Research, Anichstraße 35, 6020 Innsbruck – Medical University of Innsbruck

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