acronym for Regulation of Biological Control Agents) is an EU-funded project to accelerate the market introduction of environmentally safe Biological Control Agents (BCAs).
Major objective of the project is to accelerate the registration process of BCAs, to reduce costs and at the same time maintain the level of safety to producers and users of these compounds and to consumers of agricultural products. The project will yield proposals on how regulation of BCAs can be balanced according to their potential hazards. The aim of the project is to review the current legislation requirements for BCAs at EU and member states level and compare the rules with those applied in other countries like the United States, Canada and Switzerland, where BCAs have an easier access to the market.
Runtime: 2006-2007
For further information please contact:
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel / Deutschland
Co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Ralf-U. Ehlers