(acronym for vector-associated diseases in inneralpine valleys; Vektorassoziierte Erkrankungen inneralpiner Täler) is a European Regional Development Fund project (ERDF) part-financed by the European Union (INTERREG IV A Austria – Italy), Land Tirol (Austria), Land Südtirol and Belluno (both Italy).
This long-term INTERREG IV demonstration study, which is carried out at least at six different trial areas in East-, North-, and Southern Tyrol until 2011, should guarantee a lasting, ecological, as well as economical control of ticks (Ixodes ricinus L.) in selected risk areas.
The outdoor data collected should not only justify an indication expansion of the active substance Metarhizium anisopliae, but also provide important facts of exposition in order to warrant a safe and above ground application of the mycoacaricide.
Runtime: 2012-2014
For further information please contact:
Co-ordinator: Dr. Mag. Gernot Walder
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck / Österreich