ECREA-polComm Logo

Department of Political Science

Bridging the gap
Connecting approaches, methods and scholars


ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference

Date: 04 - 05 September 2025 | Hosted by the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Connecting in political communication is about bridging the gap between political entities and the public, ensuring that messages are effectively conveyed, received, interpreted and acted upon. Whether through traditional media, digital platforms, or face-to-face interactions, the success of political communication lies in its ability to engage, persuade, and mobilize people towards a common goal. In an increasingly interconnected world, the ways in which political information, messages, and ideas are transmitted, shared, and understood among individuals, groups, and institutions are constantly evolving. This plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion, influencing political behavior, and fostering connections between political entities and the public.

The Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) is pleased to invite abstract submissions for its upcoming interim conference under the theme “Connecting.” Being hosted by the Department of Media, Society and Communication and the Department of Political Science at the University of Innsbruck, this conference aims to connect approaches, ideas, perspectives, disciplines and scholars of the field of political communication. It is about exploring the multifaceted dimensions of political communication.

To submit a paper: Abstracts should be no longer than 3000 characters (incl. references) and should clearly outline the research question, methods, and anticipated contributions of the proposed presentation. Submissions should be made via the submission site (see below) by the deadline of 30 March, 2025.

To submit a panel: A 400-word rationale should be sent alongside a 150-word explanation per presentation, as well as the names and affiliations of presenters and respondents to

We look forward to your contributions and to a ‘connecting’ conference in Innsbruck surrounded by the craggy peaks of the Austrian Alps.

Full call for papers

Abstract submission

University of Innsbruck -  Faculty of Social and Political Sciences | Universitätsstraße 15 | AT-6020 Innsbruck
04 - 05 September 2025

Conference fees:

  • Full conference fee: 135 EUR (130 EUR plus 5 EUR solidarity contribution for Young Scholar's workshop)
  • PhD candidates: 90 EUR

Included in the conference fee are coffee breaks throughout the conference, the conference dinner on Thursday, September 4, and the farewell drinks on Friday, September 5. 

We have reserved a number of rooms in hotels across the citiy center in different price ranges. A booking link will be made available here shortly. 

List of hotels
Hotelnumber of roomssingle occupancy (EUR)double occupancy (EUR)
Austria Trend Hotel20159180
Haus der Begegnung598157
Hotel Innsbruck10228277

Preliminary Programme

More information on the conference programme can be found here soon.


The Interim Conference will take place on September 4 and 5, 2025, preceded by a Young Scholars' workshop on September 3. 

The conference dinner will be held on September 4; the conference will end with farewell drinks in the afternoon of September 5. 

Bridging the Gap: Building a Professional Profile as an Early-Career Researcher

Workshop Organized by the YECREA PolComm Section Representatives

As an early-career researcher (ECR), you might find yourself asking: How can I actively shape my career moving forward?

Building a professional profile that evolves with your career interests might be an important aspect to consider, especially as your pathway as an ECR may shift over time. Whether you plan to continue an academic career or explore other opportunities in the public sector or industry, making informed decisions about how to build, advance, and highlight your profile can make a difference when transitioning to more senior roles. This one-day workshop is aimed at ECRs (including PhDs and postdocs) who want to explore strategies for building a profile tailored to different career paths. Participants will gain insights from experts across various fields, such as academia, the public sector and industry on how to actively shape their profile. Topics covered include how to decide what to focus on in order to build a profile that aligns with certain pathways in the post-ECR job market, how to translate skills into different contexts, and how to build networks that support career growth. Importantly, the workshop acknowledges the unique challenges ECRs face, such as unequal access to resources for building networks and professional profiles, and aims to address these considerations. Through practical input and discussions with professionals who are actively navigating, shaping, or making hiring decisions within these pathways, the workshop aims to provide actionable input on building your professional profile as an ECR – especially when resources are limited. The workshop will feature expert talks on current sector specific professional profile requirements, interactive sessions to discuss your own career narrative, and opportunities to exchange and network with peers and professionals in more senior positions.

Date: 03 September 2025

Place: Room tba

Address: University of Innsbruck, Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck

Participation fee: 25€ (depending on the external funding acquisition)

If you wish to participate in the workshop, please register through the following link: The number of spots is limited.

This workshop takes place right before the 2025 ECREA Political Communication Interim Conference.

If you have any questions, please contact Anna Maria Planitzer ( or Andreea Stancea (

Preconference details (pdf)

Together with the ECREA Political Communication Section Management team and the YECREA representatives, the Innsbruck Local Organizing Committee is responsible for this year's interim conference.

Uta Rußmann and Lore Hayek act as convenors and local organizers.

Franz Reiter is responsible for the review process. 

Christian Schwaderer is the local point of contact for early career researchers. 

Lore Hayek
Asst. Prof. Dr. Lore Hayek
E-Mail: lore.hayek[at]
Tel.: +43 512 507-70137

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Uta Rußmann 
E-Mail: uta.russmann[at]
Tel.: +43 512 507-73605

For their financial support, we would like to thank:

  • the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Innsbruck
  • the Research Group Political Communication at the University of Innsbruck
  • the Department of Media, Society and Communication at the University of Innsbruck
  • the Department of Political Science at the University of Innsbruck

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