2013–2017: BA Geschichte (LMU München), Endnote 1,7
September 2018 – Mai 2019: Auslandsjahr Erasmus an der University of Edinburgh
2017–2021: MA Geschichte (LMU München), Endnote 1,4
seit 2021: BA Kunstgeschichte
Beruflicher Werdegang
2014–2016: Interviewer bei Quovadis Marktforschungsstudio
Februar 2017 – Mai 2017: Praktikum bei Neumann & Kamp Historische Projekte
2016–2021: Studentische Hilfskraft an der TMU München
Projekt- und Veranstaltungsmanagement
Planung und Vorbereitung von Career Days
Unterstützung des Mentoringprogramms
Beiträge für soziale Medien und Newsletter
Arbeitstitel: "Classical Tudors. A History of Objects pertaining to the Antiquity"
The antiquity and the Tudors were intimately acquainted. By the 16th century most of the classical texts were known to them and read by their elite. Yet with a few exceptions, principally in Rome, most of the sculpture and architecture were not above ground. Archaeology and systematic excavations that began in the later part of the 18th century, and with even greater fervour in the 19th century, laid in the far away future.
Most of the art that mimicked their ancient idols was therefore not based on a visual but literal depiction. The aim of my thesis will be to identify both the role models as well as how many different spheres were influenced and based on an appreciation for the classical world. In case that the objects are lost I will rely on as many descriptions and similar objects as possible.
To clarify, contrarily to my previous writings, when I speak of Tudors I mean not only the immediate monarch, but the elite and the craftsmen ranging from 1485 to 1603.
England is the focal point, though considering the properties held in other countries, along with diplomatic, marital and cultural ties, other influences will also be mentioned.