SATTLER Birgit Mag. Dr., Priv.-Doz.

Birgit Sattler

University of Innsbruck
Department of Ecology

Research Group: Lake and Glacier Ecology

Technikerstraße 25, Room 502
A-6020 Innsbruck

T: +43 512 507-51731

Professorial qualification ("Habilitation) in Ecology 2011 at the University of Innsbruck, since then Assistant Professor (half position)

PhD in 1996 at the University of Innsbruck: "Microorganisms in Mountain Lakes: Abundance, Composition, Size, Activity, Growth and Grazing"

Research Interest

Bacterial secondary production and activity, primary production, microbial communities in ice layers of alpine and antarctic lakes, microbial processes in snow and atmosphere, ice physics

Running Projects

2018-2019: BLACK.ICE - Die Gletscher werden grüner: Glaziales mikrobielles Leben als Beschleuniger der
Gletscherschmelze durch Bioalbedo (OEAD-Sparkling Science)

2016-2020: MicroArctic - Microorganisms in Warming Arctic Environments (EU-Horizon 2020, Marie Curie Actions – Innovative Training Networks ITN)

2015-2018: Ice and Life in Alpine and Polar Regions (TAWANI-Foundation)

2013-2022: BIO.CRYO – Biological Processes in the Cryosphere (TAWANI-Foundation).


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