NEWESELY Christian Mag. Dr., Univ.-Ass.

Christian Newesely

University of Innsbruck
Department of Ecology

Research Group: Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology

Sternwartestraße 15, Room 111
A-6020 Innsbruck

T: +43 512 507-51618

Field of work

Research on processes favouring the occurrence of snow gliding in the context of soil erosion in alpine ecosystems

Causal analysis of the impact of preparation of ski runs

Water regime within alpine ecosystems

IT and network administration

Co-operation within research projects 

Current project

Monitoring Programm Nationalpark Hohe Tauern: Standortklima, Bodenphysik, Bodenchemie und Produktivität
Funded by Nationalpark Hohe Tauern | 2016-2023 | Co-PI 

Recent projects

Methane production of snow-covered soils due to oxygen depletion
Funded by TWF | 2018-2021 | PI
EU research project CARBOMONT (Project No: EVK2-CT2001-00125)
EU research project ECOMONT (Project No: ENV4-CT95-0179)
EU research project INTEGRALP within the EU project INTERR

Activities within scientific societies

Member of the board of the Forum of Austrian Scientists for Protection of the Environment (Forum Österreichischer Wissenschaftler für Umweltschutz)


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