Innsbruck Student Papers in Economic and Social History

Papers by Students and Papers for Students


ISPESH is a series of the unofficial working area “Economic and Social History” in the context of the Research Areas “Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts” and “Economics, Politics and Society” (EPoS) at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). Paper usually originate in a respective master course but may be proposed also directly to the organizer.

ISPESH ist eine Reihe des inoffiziellen Arbeitsbereichs „Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte“ im Rahmen der Forschungsschwerpunkte „Kulturelle Begegnungen – Kulturelle Konflikte“ und „Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft“ (EPoS) an der Universität Innsbruck (Österreich). Die Papiere stammen in der Regel aus einem einschlägigen Master-Kurs, sie können aber auch direkt dem Organisator vorgeschlagen werden.

Contact/Kontakt: Andreas Exenberger, Institut für Wirtschaftstheorie, -politik und -geschichte, Universität Innsbruck, Universitätsstraße 15, A-6020 Innsbruck, e-mail:


Recent Papers by and for Students - release in 2023:

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An Analysis of Labour Market Discrimination in Apartheid South Africa by Catarina Timm and Tammo Thobe (14 pp.)

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- Consequences of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on the Development of Gender Relations in West Africa by Mariam Jeromin and Serena Obkircher (14 pp.)


Papers by and for Students - release in 2019/20:

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- Chinas Economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping by Andrea Erhart and Georg Hoch (14 pp.)

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The Change of a Monetary Policy System: Bretton Woods by Pascal Knips (10 pp.)

Papers by and for Students - release in 2016:

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Economic Consequences after the Arab Spring: A Comparison of Tunisia and Egypt by Christopher Holzknecht (16 pp.)

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Transnational Corporations and Development by Lukas Rainer (24 pp.)

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Corruption and Development Aid by Daniela Mayer (11 pp.)

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- Non-traditional Development Aid and Poverty Reduction: Based on the Example of Microcredit by Hannes Spieglmayr (13 pp.)

Papers by and for Students - release in 2012:

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- The Effects of Economic Globalisation on Female Human Capital by Julia Grübler (15 pp.)

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Conception of Aid and Why Remittances Dominate by Fabian Karg (19 pp.)

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ISPESH 3 - The impact of climate change, war/conflicts, and independence on Sub-Sahara African Agriculture: A partial analysis from 1961 to 2000 by Andreas Pondorfer (20 pp.)

Papers by and for Students - released in 2010:

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- China's "Three Terrible Years" – The Great Leap Famine 1959-1961 by Marlen Mittermair (12 pp.)

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- Food, Peace and Oil – The Transition of the Role of Grain for the United States, 1860-Present by Andreas Huber (16 pp.)

Papers by and for Students - released in 2009:

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- Rentier Wealth and Demographic Change in the Middle East and North Africa by Alexander Smith (26 pp.)

SOME MORE PAPERS - not by, but (not only) for students:

Financial Crisis

Memory and Tradition


posted by Andreas Exenberger

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