Gottfried Tappeiner
December 2024

Peer reviewed Articles


  1. Bursa, B., Tappeiner, G., Vicoli, S., Mölk, F., Mailer, M.: (2024): Drive Them to Rail – How Can Tourist Destinations Increase the Market Share of Rail Travel? A Discrete Choice Experiment, International Journal of Tourism Research (forthcoming), (Impact 2023: 4,1; Rank 34/139 in HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM)
  2. Schirpke,U., Feilhauer, E., Mölk, F., Tappeiner, U., Tappeiner, G.: (2023): How suitable are discrete choice experiments based on landscape indicators for estimating landscape preferences?, Landscape and Urban Planning;  Vol. 26, Issue 13  (Impact 2021: 8,119; Rank 1/43 in Urban studies; Rank 3/40 in Regional and urban planning)
  3. Feilhauer, E., Schnitzer, M., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G.: (2022, early Access): Olympic Games reloaded: Can the Olympic Agenda 2020 push residents' support for the mega-event?, European Sport Management Quarterly; (Impact 2021=3,71, Rank32/57 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism);
  4. Steiger, R., Posch, E., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2022): Seasonality matters: simulating economic impacts of climate change on winter tourism, Current Issues in Tourism DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2097861 (Impact 2021=7,578, Rank= 15/57 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism);
  5. Feilhauer,E., Schnitzer, M., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2022): What residents of potential Olympic cities want: using conjoint analysis to deal with dominant and heterogeneous preferences, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2067030 (Impact 2020=7.43, Rank=8/58 in HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM)
  6. Schatzer, T., Siller, M., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2021): The anatomy of total factor productivity convergence across European regions, in: Scienze Regionali – Italian Journal of Regional Science doi: 10.14650/97106 (kein Reuters Ranking, IF Scopus=0,8)
  7. Siller, M., Schatzer, T., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2021): What drives total factor productivity growth? An examination of spillover effects, in Regional Studies DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2020.1869199 (Impact 2019=3.312, Rank=50/373 in Economics)
  8. Schnitzer, M., Winner, H., Tappeiner, G. (2020): Overtourism and support for mega sport events, in: Annals of Tourism Research; (Impact 2019=5.9, Rank 5/56 Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism)
  9. Steiger, R., Bosch, E., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2020): The impact of climate change on demand of ski tourism - a simulation study based on stated preferences, in: Ecological Economics (Impact 2018=4.281, Rank 20/363 Economics)
  10. Schnitzer, M., Scheiber, M.,Nagiller, R., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2019): Does the Young Residents’ Experience with the Youth Olympic Games Influence the Support for Staging the Olympic Games?. Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 30, pp. 220-231. (Impact 2018= 2,48, Rank =19/52 Hospitality)
  11. Duc Tran Huy, D., Walde, J., Tappeiner, U., Tappeiner, G.: (2019): A protected area between subsistence and development. International Journal of the commons, forthcoming. (Impact 2018= 1,92; Rank= 72/116 Environmental studies).
  12. Schirpke, U., Tappeiner, G., Tasser, E., Tappeiner, U. (2019): Deeper insights into aesthetic landscape preferences Through conjoint analysis; Ecological indicators, Vol. 96 pp. 202-212. (Impact 2017=3,89; Rank= 43/229 Environmental sciences).
  13. Schatzer, T., Siller, M., Walde, J., & Tappeiner, G. (2019). The Impact of Model Choice on Estimates of Regional TFP. International Regional Science Review, 42(1), 98–116.(Impact=1,75; Rank =28/57 Planning and Development)
  14. Schnitzer, M., Scheiner, S., Nagiller, R., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2018): DO THE YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES PROMOTE OLYMPISM?, Analysing a mission (im)possible from a local youth perspective ; European Journal of Sport Science,Vol 18, (5), pp 722-730. (Impact 2017=2,576; Rank= 22/81 Sport Science)
  15. Hauser, C., Siller, M., Schatzer, T., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2018): Measuring regional innovation: A critical inspection of the ability of single indicators to shape technological change, Technological Forecasting & Social Change; Vol. 129, pp 43-55 (impact= 3,129; Rank= 7/57 Planning and Development)
  16. Puntscher, S., Hauser, C., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2016): Measuring Social Capital with Aggregated Indicators: A Case of Ecological Fallacy?, Journal of Social Indicator Research; Vol 125 (2), pp 431-449, (IF=1.874, Rank=30/108, Social science interdisciplinary )DOI 10.1007/s11205-014-0843-z;
  17. Hauser, C., Perkmann, U., Puntscher, S., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2016): Trust Works! Sources and Effects of Social Capital in the Workplace, Journal of Social Indicator Research; Vol 128 (2)pp 589-608 (IF=1.874, Rank=30/108, Social science interdisciplinary)
  18. Puntscher, S., Hauser, C., Walde, J., Tappeiner, G. (2015): The Impact of Social Capital on Subjective Well-Being: A Regional Perspective, Journal of Happiness Studies; Vol 16 (5), pp 1231-1246 (IF 2.69, Rank=22/108, social science interdisciplinary)
  19. Puntscher, S., Hauser, C., Pichler, K., Tappeiner, G. (2014) :Social Capital and Collective Memory: A Complex Relationship, Kykos, Vol 67 (1), pp 116-132
Contributions to books (reviewed or invited)


  1. Siller M, Schatzer T, Tappeiner G (2016): Regional Innovation in Europe: A Multidimensional Approach, in: Hilpold, P., Steinmair, W., Perathoner, C. (eds.) Europa der Regionen, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-48205-6
  2. TAPPEINER U, TAPPEINER G (2009): On the ability of landscape metrics to capture substantial landscape changes - a case study. In: Breuste, J.; Kozová, M; Finka, M (eds.) European Landscapes in Transformation: Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management. European IALE Conference 2009. Salzburg. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, p 340–350.
  3. Rinnergschwentner, W., Tappeiner, G., Walde, J. (2009): Bayesian Estimation of Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Modeled by Wishart Processes. In “Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Applied Economics, Business and Development”, Eds. L. Perlovsky et al., WSEAS Press, ISBN 978-960-474-091-8, 169-174.
  4. Hauser, C., Tappeiner, G., Walde, J. (2008): On the Geography and Characteristics of Regional Innovation Regimes in Europe, in: Görzinger, G., Matiaske, W., and Spiess, K. (Eds.): Europe and its Regions – The Usage of European Regionalized Social Sience Data, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, S 99-117
  5. Walde, j., Larch, M., Tappeiner G. (2006): Subsampling - an alternative to handle huge spatial autoregressive models? Forthcoming in 2005 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Statistics and the Environment, Spatial and Spatio - Temporal Modelling, S 2499 - 2505
Editor and books


  1. Tappeiner G., Cavrini G., Cisotto E., Loch U., Paone N., Viganò F., Weissensteiner A. (2024), Altern in Südtirol. Bausteine für die nachhaltige Sicherung einer qualitätsvollen Pflege, Bozen. (60 Seiten). ISBN 9788894764703
    In italienisch erschienen als: Invecchiare in Alto Adige. Elementi per garantire la sostenibilità delle cure a lungo termine, Bolzano. ISBN 9788894764703
  2. DELAI N., SIMONELLI I., TAPPEINER G., WEISSENSTEINER A. (2019): Old age dependency and supplementary social protection for long-term care provision in regions and cities, OECD publishing, Paris 58 pp
    In italienisch erschienen als: Non autosufficienza degli anziani e protezione sociale complementare per le prestazioni di assistenza a lungo termine nelle regioni e nelle città, OECD Publishing, Paris, 60pp.
  3. DELAI N., SIMONELLI I., TAPPEINER G., WEISSENSTEINER A. (2017): Economic support for non-self-sufficiency Public and private responsibility in some alternative scenarios in the Region Trentino Alto Adige/Südtirol, OECD publishing, Paris 75 Seiten.
    in italienisch erschienen als: Il Sostegno economico della Non Autosufficienza, OECD publishing, Paris 75 Seiten
  4. TAPPEINER, U., Lechner, O., TAPPEINER, G.  (Hrsg.) (2007): Nachhaltiges Südtirol? Indikatoren zu Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Bozen
  5. HOLUB, H.W., EBERHARTER, V., TAPPEINER G. (2004): Der Aufstieg und Niedergang der „Modernen“ Wachstumstheorie; Oldenbourg Verlag, München
  6. PASQUALI, G., BASSETTI, S., FUMAI, M., GHIRIGATO, I., MORELLO, P., RUFFINI, F.V., TAPPEINER, G., TAPPEINER, U. (2002): Erfolgsfaktoren einer Region: das Modell Südtirol, Ed. Raetia, Bozen, 172 Seiten;
    übersetzt ins Italienische: II modello sudtirolese: fattori di successo e di criticià, Ed. Raetia, Bolzano,172 Seiten


Literaturliste G. Tappeiner    17.01.2025
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