Call for Papers
Workshop in Empirical Macroeconomics
The workshop takes place on April 4-5, 2024 and is hosted by the University of Innsbruck and the Liechtenstein Institute. For the call for papers please click here.
In the present turbulent macroeconomic environment amidst multiple crises it is key to properly characterize macroeconomic shocks and arising policy challenges for fiscal and monetary authorities. This workshop aims at discussing topical issues for the transmission of macroeconomic shocks through various channels – e.g., financial markets, expectations, or debt sustainability – and the role of fiscal and monetary authorities in smoothing the business cycle. Papers presented at the workshop are expected to make innovative use of macro and / or micro data.
Paper Submission
We invite full papers in the field of empirical macroeconomics to be submitted until January 5, 2024 to empmacro2024@uibk.ac.atPapers will be selected based on peer-review and notification regarding acceptance will be sent out by January 26, 2024.
The workshop takes place at the University of Innsbruck. Part of the workshop is planned to be held on campus, part off campus in an alpine location easy to access from Innsbruck. The social program includes scenic views and tasty food from the region. The last year’s program is available here.
Registration and Contact
Please register for the conference by February 16, 2024 the latest via email to empmacro2024@uibk.ac.at. Please use the same email address for any queries.
Max Breitenlechner (University of Innsbruck), Martin Geiger (Liechtenstein-Institut), Jochen Güntner (Johannes Kepler University of Linz), Johann Scharler (University of Innsbruck), Marios Zachariadis (University of Cyprus)