Guest lecture in the Aurora Joint Program “Understanding Europe”

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‘The European Union as a global climate leader: successes, failures, myths and realities’

Dr. Tim Rayner

Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia

Friday, 3 November 2023


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‘The European Union as a global climate leader: successes, failures, myths and realities’

Since the 1990s, through to the European Green Deal of the 2020s, the European Union has proclaimed itself an international leader in climate policy terms. This lecture examines why such a role has proved an attractive prospect for EU policy makers, the obstacles that have stood in the way of effective leadership, and the extent to which the label ‘climate leader’ is justified today.

Dr. Tim Rayner is an expert on EU climate change governance and policy at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia. He has published on mitigation and adaptation-related policy areas, and emerging debates over climate engineering and the potential for greenhouse gas removal. His current research covers the factors affecting the extent to which policy in a number of key policy sectors in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany is changing in response to the need to adapt to increased impacts from climate change.

Universität Innsbruck
Koordinatorin des Forschungsschwerpunkts 'Kulturelle Begegnungen - Kulturelle Konflikte'
Dr. Teresa Millesi
Innrain 52d
6020 Innsbruck
+43 512 507-39820

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