Anderl von Rinn:
Applying System Theory to a Case of Blood Libel
Ariel Glucklich
Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Georgetown University
Anderl von Rinn: Applying System Theory to a Case of Blood Libel
The thirty-year war in the Tyrol region was an immense challenge of authority for the Church, compounded by years of drought and plagues, leading to high mortality and severe economic hardships. The challenge to Catholicism, which had built-in ritual and conceptual mechanisms preventing social chaos during major crises, was destabilizing. The Anderl von Rinn blood libel was a strong systemic response: a ritually and demographically meaningful scapegoat that produced a martyr-saint, a vicious but agriculturally meaningful murder, but one located in the distant past that would not lead to additional present-day violence in the form of pogroms. It was the perfect product of the Counter Reformation, but only when understood as the product of a complex system designed to adapt the Tyrol region to disintegrative challenges.
Dominik Markl (Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology)
Nikolaus Hagen (Department of Contemporary History)
Dominik Markl, Mathias Moosbrugger (Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology)

Ariel Glucklich is Professor and Chair of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Georgetown University. He has researched a wide range of issues including theories and methods in the study of religion, phenomenology, neuro-psychology and the evolutionary psychology of religious experience, classical Indian law, Hindu myths and rituals, and contemporary folk religion.
University of Innsbruck
Institute of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck
+43 512 507-3641
Monday–Thursday: 10.30–12.00 and 13.30–15.00
Friday: 10.30–12.00
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