Lecture Series

Post-Nazism – Postcolonialism – Post-Migration: The Current Debate on Holocaust Memory

Dirk Rupnow
Universität Innsbruck

Tuesday, 28 November 2023


Universität Innsbruck, Geiwi HS 7, Innrain 52

No registration required! This is a hybrid event, for the online link click here.

Questions of historical politics and cultures of remembrance are once again in the focus of public attention. After the phase of its globalization and institutionalization, Holocaust memory seems to be subject to a far-reaching process of change. The lecture tries to outline the current status and the current challenges in the European, "Western" and global context. This raises (again) questions about the significance of Holocaust remembrance in European migration societies, not least in times when immigration to Europe is perceived as a crisis; and at the same time about the global competitive relationship between the memory of the Holocaust and the memory of crimes of European colonial powers in the world - none of which are new questions, but still increasingly relevant and controversial.

Dominik Markl (Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology)

Helga Embacher (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Department of History)

Dominik Markl (Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology) and Juliane Prade-Weiss (LMU Munich, Department of Comparative Literature) on behalf of "Discourses of Mass Violence in Comparative Perspective” 

Dirk Rupnow

Dirk Rupnow is the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and History, a professor of Contemporary History, and the founding coordinator of the Research Center “Migration & Globalization” at the University of Innsbruck. He also headed the Institute for Contemporary History from 2010 to 2018. He has published extensively on the history of National Socialism and its aftermath.

University of Innsbruck
Institute of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-3641

Monday–Thursday: 10.30–12.00 and 13.30–15.00 
Friday: 10.30–12.00 

No registration required! 
This is a hybrid event, for the online link click here.


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