Invitation to the biannual meeting

EPoS Summer Summit 2024

Monday, March 25, 2023

8.45 am

Haus der Begegnung, Rennweg 12, 6020 Innsbruck

Please register by March 20, 2024!
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8.45 Welcome
Andrea Hemetsberger, Head of EPoS

9.00  Keynote – Julian Reiss
Professor and Head of the Institute of Philosophy and Scientific Method at Johannes Kepler University Linz

“Fact/value entanglement in economics - it's worse than you thought!”

Although most researchers working in the field, both in mainstream/neoclassical economics and in at least some heterodox approaches such as the Austrian School, would agree with the ideal of value freedom, among methodologists and philosophers of science the view that science in general, and economics in particular, cannot and should not be value-free is dominant. The aim of my talk is to add a new argument to the arsenal of the advocates of value-laden science. The argument is essentially this. Without theories about the nature of price formation and money, economics cannot get off the ground. However, different theories have different implications for which social phenomena and institutions should be considered "natural" and which should be considered "man-made", "planned" or "deviations from the normal". This in turn has implications for the desirability and justification of social interventions and thus for policy recommendations. In the choice between the basic theoretical models, evidence can only play a subordinate role. My main case study will be the controversy between "metallists" and "chartalists" about the nature and origin of money.

10.00  Break & Poster Session
Florian Bottner, Adrian, Düll, Essi Kujansuu, Harald Puhr and Thomas Rittmannsberger

11.00  Methods Session

Katherine Dormandy, Department of Christian Philosophy
"Science Fundamentalism"

Felix Holzmeister, Department of Economic Theory, Policy and History
 "All Ways Lead To Rome? Empirical Evidence and Implications of Effect Size Heterogeneity"

Philipp Jaufenthaler, Department of Management and Marketing
"Qual-Quant Methodologies: Perfect Match or Incompatible Pair?"

12.30  Lunch

Julian Reiss

Professor and Head of the Institute of Philosophy and
Scientific Method at Johannes Kepler University Linz

Julian Reiss

Julian Reiss is Professor and Head of the Institute of Philosophy and Scientific Method at Johannes Kepler University Linz. He has a degree in economics and finance from the University of St Gallen and a PhD in philosophy from the London School of Economics. His main research interests are methodologies of the sciences (especially causality and causal inference, models, simulations and thought experiments, and counterfactuals), philosophy of economics, and science and values. He is the author of Error in Economics: Towards a More Evidence-Based Methodology (2008), Philosophy of Economics: A Contemporary Introduction (2013), Causation, Evidence, and Inference (2015), and some 70 papers in leading philosophy and social science journals and edited collections. In 2022, he was elected to be a member and in 2023 to be a senator of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

Please register by March 20, 2024!
If you don't have a Google account, please send a short email to

Research Area EPoS – Economy, Politics & Society

Universität Innsbruck

Eva Zipperle-Mirwald & Sabien Hofer Brigo

Room o.1.3
Universitätsstraße 15
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-39870

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