“The Communicative Constitution of a Scholarly Contribution: How to Publish Qualitative Research in Management and Organization Studies”
a workshop by Dennis Schoeneborn and Ellen Nathues
Tuesday, 20 February 2024
SR 16, 4. Stock Ost, Sowi, Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck
Registration until February 16, 2024 via
Dennis Schoeneborn (Copenhagen Business School & Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) and Ellen Nathues (University of Twente) will jointly host a workshop session on how to publish qualitative research in management and organization studies. Based on their experiences in author, reviewer, and editor roles, they will place a particular emphasis on the communicative constitution of a scholarly contribution. Their considerations will center around the notion of academic writing as a process of joining a party conversation - and sometimes even creating the party conversation in the first place.
The workshop idea/concept was jointly developed with Nicolas Bencherki, TÉLUQ University Montréal & Audencia Business School.

Dennis Schoeneborn

Ellen Nathues
Registration until February 16, 2024 via
Please register for the event by sending an email to including brief information on your career stage and research area (e.g., "junior, strategic management").
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