buchcover-grüne-ehrenpreis-british and german worlds

Grü­ne, Niels/Ehren­preis, Ste­fan (Eds.): The Bri­tish and Ger­man Worlds in an Age of Diver­gence (1600-1850): Ambi­guous Entan­gle­ments (Rout­ledge Rese­arch in Early Modern His­to­ry), Lon­don/New York: Rout­ledge 2024

The question of whether Britain is “apart from or a part of Europe” (D. Abulafia) has gained significance in recent years. This book reassesses an underexplored field of early modern transnational history: the variety of ways in which connections between Britain and German-speaking Europe shaped cultural, intellectual, and political developments.

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