
Call for Abstracts for ASHPC 2025

We invite you to participate in the ASHPC25 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2025, which will take place at Rimske Terme, Slovenia, from May 19 to May 22, 2025.


ESC: Energy Challenges in Supercomputing and AI

The research area Scientific Computing is starting a new lecture series, entitled "ESC - Exchange in Scientific Computing". The inaugural event will take place on 28 November 2024 in the Aula of the University of Innsbruck, opened by a welcome address from Rector Veronika Sexl followed by a talk by Prof. Dieter Kranzlmüller on Supercomputing and AI.


Two AURELEO HPC Proposals Accepted

Two UIBK proposals for compute time at the LEONARDO supercomputer were accepted in the recent Aureleo call.


Multi-Site Computer Austria

Over the next two years, 36 million euros will be invested in a new high-performance computing infrastructure. This will create the "Multi-Site Computer Austria" (MUSICA) in Vienna, Linz and Innsbruck, which is set to reach 40 petaflops in 2025 - double the computing power estimated in the original plans.


HPC Overview and Future Requirements

PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series: On December 6h 2023, Prof. Jack Dongarra, distinguished pioneer in HPC for the past decades, will give a talk on how high performance computing has changed over the last ten years and look toward the future in terms of trends.


A very successful inday students 2023

On November 7, 2023, inday students took place for the tenth time at the Department of Computer Science. More than 150 interested people attended the event. We opened our labs, an exciting keynote speaker gave an insight into her field of research and awards were presented for the best Bachelor's and Master's theses.


Lecture Series on Sustainability in CS

Be part of our online lecture series on sustainability in computer science, starting this winter semester.


HLPP 2025 organized by UIBK

We are pleased to announce that the High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP) conference will be organized by the University of Innsbruck in 2025. As a respected institution in computer science and parallel programming, the University of Innsbruck is honored to host with this prestigious event.


25th APART Anniversary Meeting

25 years ago, the EU collaboration project APART was started. Many research activities and research collaborations originated from APART.


Podcast zum Thema High Performance Computing

Mario Eckmaier, Digitalisierungsbeauftragter der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, interviewte in seinem Podcast "Der Digital-Stratege" kürzlich Philipp Gschwandtner zu den Themen High Performance Computing, Anwendungsgebieten und Voraussetzunen. Der Podcast richtet sich an die Entscheidungsträger von KMUs und gibt ihnen einen Einblick in die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten.


Call for Tutorials for IEEE eScience 2023

IEEE eScience 2023 welcomes proposals for tutorials to be held with the main conference on Monday, October 9, 2023.


HPC und Wettbewerbs-fähigkeit

Im der WKO geht Philipp Gschwandtner, stellvertretender Leiter des Forschungszentrums Hochleistungsrechnen an der Universität Innsbruck, darauf ein, was Hochleistungsrechnen ist und wie lokale KMU davon profitieren können.


Leonardo Supercomputer No. 4 worldwide

The Top500 ranking of the fastest supercomputers worldwide, released twice per year, celebrates its 60th edition. Frontier of the Oak Ridge National Lab in the US still leads the field, but Leonardo, a new supercomputer in Italy and with Austrian contribution, is ranked 4th with a measured performance of 174.7 Petaflops.


Courses taught by FZ HPC among top 10%

Courses taught by Philipp Gschwandtner of the FZ HPC have been evaluated to be among the top 10% faculty-wide (Math, Computer Science, Physics) according to the university's course analysis.


FFG Digital Bootcamp POS Tirol

Das FZ HPC organisiert 2023 ein gefördertes Bootcamp unter der Leitung von Philipp Gschwandtner, um Teilnehmer*innen darin zu trainieren, ihre Software in Bezug auf Performance zu optimieren, ohne dabei die Produktivität der Programmierer oder die Wartbarkeit der Software außer Acht zu lassen.


Campustage Sillgasse: Formel 1 der Informatik

Bei den diesjährigen Campustagen Sillgasse am 10.06.2022 werden Schülern des Gymnasiums die Vorteile und Problemstellungen des Hochleistungsrechnens dargelegt, inkl. Live-Demonstration unseres Miniatur-Supercomputers, dem Cluster Coffer.


PRACE Talk and Cluster Coffer at ASHPC 2022

Philipp Gschwandtner will give a live demo and two talks, one of them invited, at the ASHPC 2022 conference. The invited talk will discuss practical experiences from the user perspective of PRACE applications, while the contributed talk and live demo will present the Cluster Coffer, our mobile tool for teaching and public outreach with respect to high performance computing.


Call for Tutorials for IEEE eScience 2022

IEEE eScience 2022 welcomes proposals for tutorials to be held with the main conference on Tuesday, October 11, 2022.


Training: Fundamentals of Deep Learning and CUDA

The FZ HPC organizes a three-day training course on Deep Learning and CUDA, given by Manuel Ujhaldón, Nvidia DLI Instructor and full professor at the University of Malaga. Participants will learn the basics of the CUDA programming model, how to make use of multiple GPUs for their applications, and how to use deep learning on Nvidia GPUs.


Guiding Austria towards European Supercomputing

Philipp Gschwandtner will give an invited talk at an online workshop, organized by EuroCC Austria, on practical experiences with large-scale supercomputing access proposals. Previously handled by PRACE, the responsibility of offering large-scale computing power now falls to EuroHPC JU, a joint undertaking aimed at driving Europe's supercomputing landscape.


IEEE eScience 2022 conference in Salt Lake City

The 18th IEEE International eScience Conference (eScience 2022), co-organized by the FZ HPC, will be held in Salt Lake City on October 11-14, 2022. Submissions for papers, posters, and tutorials are welcome!


PRACE: A New Paradigm in Antibody Structure Prediction

Klaus Liedl, head of the Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, collaborating with the FZ HPC, was granted a PRACE allocation of 68 million core hours for antibody binding property research on Piz Daint of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS).


PRACE CUDA Programming School

The Research Area Scientific Computing, among which the FZ HPC, organized a second edition of our 4-day PRACE GPU Programming School together with the Vienna Scientific Cluster. More than 50 participants participated in sessions on implementing correct and efficient CUDA programs, along with dedicated sessions on adjacent topics such as Singularity or Julia.


Successful IEEE eScience 2021 Conference

The FZ HPC, together with the DPS group at the Department of Computer Science, organized a very successful IEEE eScience 2021 conference from September 20-23, 2021. Though held virtually due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it was a highly productive event with more than 150 attendees.


Infor­­matik be­­schleu­­nigt die Medi­­ka­­ment­en­­entwick­­lung

Ein neues, von der EU und der FFG gefördertes Projekt LIGATE mit Beteiligung der Innsbrucker Informatik wird dazu beitragen, dass Impfstoffe und Medikamente in Zukunft deutlich schneller entwickelt werden können.


OpenMP Training Course for UniBZ

Philipp Gschwandtner was invited by Flavio Vella of the University of Bolzano to his Summer School 2021 in HPC and AI to give a full-day training course on modern parallel hardware and OpenMP programming. The school was a great success with a total of over 60 participants from various institutions and disciplines.


Keynote: Nested Recursive Task Parallelism

Thomas Fahringer will give a keynote "On using modern C++ and nested recursive task parallelism for HPC applications with AllScale" at the AMTE 2021 workshop.


Cluster Coffer published in JPDC

Our work "The Cluster Coffer: Teaching HPC on the Road" was accepted for publication in Elsevier's Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), in a special issue on education in PDC and HPC.


LS: Exascale Computing in Europe

Lecture Series talk "Towards Exascale computing in Europe" by Prof. Erwin Laure, Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, MPG Garching.


UIBK Academic Member in Khronos Group

The University of Innsbruck joins Khronos Group as Academic Member in order to participate in their working groups and intensify the university's focus on SYCL and it's distributed memory extension, Celerity.


Guest Lecture on OpenMP at UniBZ

Philipp Gschwandtner was invited by Flavio Vella, University of Bolzano, to give a guest lecture on OpenMP for the Introduction to Parallel Programming course.


Emission from Gamma-Ray Binaries

Ralf Kissmann of the Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics together with the FZ HPC was granted a PRACE access project together of 27 million core hours for astrophysical simulations of the non-thermal emissions originating from gamma-ray binary system LS 5039. The simulations will run on Joliot-Curie Rome, France’s most powerful supercomputer for academic research.


IEEE eScience 2021 conference in Innsbruck

The DPS group at the Institute of Computer Science and the FZ HPC are proud to announce the 17th IEEE international conference on e-Science (eScience 2021) to be held in Innsbruck from September 20 to 23, 2021.


Training in PRACE Summer of HPC

Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at HPC centres across Europe to late stage undergraduates and/or master students. Philipp Gschwandtner participates together with Lukas Einkemmer of the Focal Point Scientific Computing as a trainer for parallel programming.


PRACE: Climate Research using GPUs

Nikolina Ban of the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN), collaborating with the FZ HPC, was granted a PRACE allocation of 80 million core hours for climate simulations of regions with complex topography such as the Himalayas and European Alps.


A very successful inday students 2019

Keeping students posted about newest developments in HPC and sparking their interest at a very busy inday students 2019, the FZ HPC together with the DPS group presented the Cluster Coffer to Bachelor and Master students who were eager to hear about new trends in HPC, their benefits to the domain sciences and discuss possible thesis topics down the road.


HPC from Infrastructure to Energy

High Performance Computing aids and improves research in a multitude of fields of science. At the discussion forum "Thinking the future" at SOWI, the FZ HPC presents its miniature supercomputer and illustrates future-relevant use cases ranging from efficient insulation and building design to dealing with power and energy requirements of HPC itself.


Euregio Mobility Fund project participation

The recently-funded Euregio Mobility Fund project HPCDSI, a joint undertaking of the universities of Bolzano, Innsbruck, and Trento, will establish a research and teaching collaboration in the field of high performance computing and computational data science.


Courses taught by FZ HPC among top 20%

Courses taught by Philipp Gschwandtner of the FZ HPC have been evaluated to be among the top 20% university-wide according to the university's course analysis.


Übersetzer für eine parallele Computerwelt

Interview in "Dolomiten"-Ausgabe vom 28.06.2019: Das Team von Thomas Fahringer optimiert Laufzeit und Ressourceneffizienz der neuen Superrechner


FZ HPC attends ISC 2019 in Frankfurt

FZ HPC attends ISC 2019 for networking and market watch responsibilities as part of PRACE-6IP


FZ HPC at Fest der Wissenschaft

FZ HPC presents modeling and simulation in high performance computing to the public during the three-day Fest der Wissenschaft (Science Festival) as part of the 350th anniversary of the University of Innsbruck.


UIBK participates in PRACE-6IP

UIBK participates in PRACE-6IP as a linked third party, fruitful Kick-Off Meeting in Bratislava.


CORDIS article about H2020 project AllScale

New HPC tool chain provides optimal trade-offs between performance and resource efficiency

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