Geowissenschaften bei LehrePlus30.01.2025
Cave exploration in Greenland09.01.2025
Renewal of Donation by PE Limited16.12.2024
17.Aktionstag 202418.10.2024
Ologies podcast on Speleology23.09.2024
New article in climate of the past23.09.2024
Gratulation assoz. Prof. Dr. Moernaut01.09.2024
Gratulation Dr. Molenaar16.07.2024
Neue Publikation / New Publication
Eine neue Studie unter der Leitung von Gabriella Koltai füllt eine Lücke bei der Verwendung von Calcit als Geothermometer.
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Neue Assistenz-Professorin
Wir freuen uns Anna Dominika Rogowitz als neue Assistenz-Professorin begrüßen zu dürfen!
27.06.2024 -
Leistungs- und Förderungsstipendien
Die Universität Innsbruck vergibt Leistungs- und Förderungsstipendien. Informationen zu den Voraussetzungen und Fristen gibt es unter:
13.06.2024 -
Dokumentationsfilm zur Entstehung der Alpen und deren Stabilität
Ab sofort in der ZDF Mediathek und am 2. Juni 2024, 20.15 Uhr auf ZDFinfo.
Die Geologin Hannah Pomella von der Universität Innsbruck berichtet über die Entstehung der Alpen und den Bau des Brennerbasistunnels und der Informatiker Jan Beutel über seine Forschung zur Stabilität des Gebirges am Beispiel des Matterhorns.12.06.2024 -
Writing Retreat
PhDs, PostDocs and staff from the Institute of Geology as well as the Institute of Mineralogy retreated for a week into the magnificent halls of the St. Lambrecht monastery in upper Styria from the 20-24th of November to focus on their individual writing projects. The science writing retreat was organized by the research center "Geodynamics and Geomaterials".
27.11.2023 -
Welcome guest professor
We are pleased to welcome guest professor Jeffrey Munroe to the Institute.
01.10.2023 -
New publication
A recently published article shows how the thermoelastic properties of ice in caves explain the widespread occurrence of damaged stalagmites in caves during cold periods of the Pleistocene
06.05.2023 -
New publication
A new study provides quantitative constraints on long-term climate-induced groundwater changes in the desert of Nevada
12.04.2023 -
New publication
A new study validates seismic hazard estimates for Carinthia using a new calibrated 14.000-year lacustrine paleoseismology record in lake Wörthersee
18.01.2023 -
Research award of the Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse for Gina Moseley
Gina Moseley received the research award of the Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse for her habilitation thesis "Improving understanding of rapid climate change events and past warm periods in the Quaternary."
16.01.2023 -
New institute secretary
We welcome Alexandra Kapferer who joins our institute as a second secretary.
24.10.2022 -
New publication
A new article examines Heinrich Stadial 2 with implications for the precise chronology of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores
05.10.2022 -
Thank you ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Karl Krainer
After 45 years at the University of Innsbruck (first as student, then research assistant and professor since 1997), Karl Krainer retired end of September 2022. We thank him for his great contribution to research and teaching and wish him all the best.
30.09.2022 -
New publicaton
A new study provides a 1000 year-long calendar of megadroughts in northeast India
20.09.2022 -
Article in National Geographic
In its recent issue National Geographic features ice caves in the Alps and documents the work by members of the Quaternary Research Group in this rapidly changing subsurface world.
13.09.2022 -
New publication
Christoph Spötl participated in a recent study of the Little Ice Age climate in Europe
20.08.2022 -
New publicaton
Yin Lu's study unravels a 220 kyr-spanning event-stratigraphic record of the Dead Sea revealing contrasting roles of sediment density flows over glacial cycles
15.08.2022 -
New publicaton
Tanguy Racine's new study provides unprecedented insights into the long-term evolution of ice in caves of the Alps
29.07.2022 -
Successful KR9 conference
We hosted the international conference "Climate Change The Karst Record IX (KR9)"
21.07.2022 -
New Senior Scientist for paleo data analyses
We welcome Dr. Arne Ramisch who joins our institute as senior scientist for the Austrian Core Facility of scientific core logging and scanning
01.07.2022 -
New institute secretary
We welcome Gabriella Hirsch who joins our institute as a second secretary.
11.01.2022 -