offizielle Matisse Projektlogo mit blauer Schrift


Model-based engineering of Digital Twins for early verification and validation of Industrial Systems

MATISSE aims to:

  • Provide a holistic approach for the DT-based continuous systems engineering;
  • Provide a core model-based framework for the efficient and continuous engineering of DTs;
  • Define a continuous verification and validation strategy of DTs for the validation of functional and non-functional requirements (performance, security, reliability, safety, etc) at a different level of fidelity;
  • Provide DT-based services supporting prediction, testing, and monitoring.
Beteiligte Institute und Firmen



Digitaler Zwilling, Model-based engineering, Continuous system engineering, Verification & Validation, Industrial systems

Projektbeteiligte vom Institut für Informatik

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sashko Ristov

Philipp Gritsch, MSc

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